Part I


When a former king of the Kingdom of Ravenant, Grivendar Arnold Kyrie awoke in the body of the second prince of the Maratha kingdom, Gideon Maratha Yvet after the prince was declared dead in the war he won. Arnold, who was supposed to die after being put to death, was remanded in the body of Prince Gideon. As a former king of the famous kingdom of Ravenant who is famous as a tyrannical king, Arnold has only one goal with a second chance that he gets. Namely, his revenge for the betrayal and rebellion that cost him his life in a miserable way and will continue his dream of becoming ruler of all corners of Faviener.

Main Character

Gideon Maratha Yvet - Ryander Arnold Kyrie I

Rian Lan

Ryander Raynold Kyrie II

Supporting Main Character

Daryan Fin Hassel - Duke of the Kingdom of Ravenant. Elite Knight Leader

Aiden Sylvester Maratha - Crown Prince of the Maratha Kingdom

Leviathan Klein - Crown Prince Aiden's personal knight

Vincent Atlanta - Personal Knight and Assistant to Prince Gideon

Other Characters

Kyra De Laimentan - Daryan's personal assistant

Cruzer Miyella - One of the elite Knights of the Maratha Kingdom serving Prince Gideon

Marvella Brunard - One of the elite Knights of the Maratha Kingdom serving Prince Gideon

Gandria Aliana Xyver Luman - One of the elite Knights of the Maratha Kingdom serving Prince Gideon

King Nolvan Maratha The Third - King of the Maratha

Duke Ville Vermont - Leader of the Maratha Royal Knights

Main Character Profile:

Gideon Maratha Yvet - Ryander Arnold Kyrie I

Age: 18 years (Gideon) - 21 years (Arnold)

Likes: Coffee, hunting, sword, war, sweet food, women,

Dislikes: Cold air, flowers, everything dirty, disobedient people, traitors, sycophants

Hobbies: Swordd, hunting

Personality: Gideon is a friendly, smiley and very affectionate man, but after Arnold takes control of his body, Gideon becomes a temperamental young man. If there was anything he didn't like, he would immediately give them a punishment, even a death sentence if he thought it was appropriate.

Gideon: Prince Gideon always managed to bring home victory in every war. He became known as an invincible hero. He prefers to celebrate his victory with the people of the city. Although all maratha glory was the result of his hard work, he still did not get praise from the king, his father. There are still so many nobles who don't like him.

King Arnold came to power after abdicating his father from his throne and executing his family with his own hands, and letting his twin brother, Prince Raynold live because he was loyal to him. Arnold reigned at Ravenant as the cruellest king in the history of the Ravenant Kingdom. But he never expected, his brother was willing to betray him for the sake of a servant.

Favorite colors: Red, Black

Gideon's physique: White, 182 cm tall, short but wavy hair, light brown, with a red word ball. The body is sturdy, sturdy formed because the exercise is quite hard. There was a sizable sword incision wound on his back. On the chest is engraved with a spell tattoo that appeared after Arnold entered his body.

Rian Lan

Age: 18 years

Likes: sweet treats, tea, flowers, rain

Dislike: pungent fragrance, caterpillar, dirty

Hobbies: making tea, gardening

Personality: kind, generous smile, careless, believe people word easily.

Background: Rian used to be the son of a nobleman, but his family lost their status after his father failed to maintain their family's financial condition. Rian initially attended training as a royal knight but failed due to his family situation. Eventually he became a gardener at the court of King Arnold.

Favorite colors: green, blue, white

Physical: White, 175 cm tall, short straight hair, silver, with blue eyeballs. Masculine body with the brawl of an androgynous.

Ryander Raynold Kyrie II

Age: 20 years

Likes: books, trees, animals

Dislike: noisy, untidy sound

Hobbies: Riding, reading

Personality: quiet and unpredictable, smart and assertive

Background: After his twin brother became king, Raynold always obeyed and helped him. He didn't really care about the previous kingdom even just closed his eyes when his father was deposed and executed by Arnold, but there was one person that he wanted to protect, Rian.

Favorite colors: black, yellow

Physical: Mature skinned, tall: 183 cm short straight hair bent and neat, gold colored which is characteristic of the king's descendants, with violet-colored eyeballs Macho body.