Maratha Kingdom,

Morning - Prince Gideon's Palace

"Prang!!!" The sound of broken glasses scattering on the floor. Two servants were seen prostrating themselves before Prince Gideon, at that time, the prince was standing firmly wearing only trousers. His hair was still dripping with water, it was clear that he had just finished bathing. The look on his eyes now very scary, two servants who are now kneeling with deep bowing looks trembling. Some of guards entered the room and they suddenly pull up the two servants forcing them to stand and ready to take them away.

"I really don't understand how the servants in my palace can be so disgusted."

"A maid tried to seduce me? Just imagined that I wanted to vomit."

"Take them and whip them 100 times, but don't let them die."

"After that, throw them out of my palace, from now on there will be no place that will hire both of you."

"Your Highness, please forgive us, Your Highness!!" The two servants were dragged out of Gideon's room by guards. At the same time, the Crown Prince enter prince Gideon's room together with the head maid and the other servants, Prince Aiden stopped the guards.

"Wait, what happened?"

"Your Royal Highness!!, oh, please help us!" Prince Aiden then looked at Prince Gideon, while the head maid immediately told the other servants to clean the shards on the floor.

"Again, Gideon?!"

"What was their fault this time?!"

"This is the third time already!" Prince Gideon sat down at the sofa then stared fiercely at Prince Aiden.

"The business in my palace is none of yours crown prince" Aiden's face seemed unhappy with Prince Gideon's tone while he talked

"What else are you guys waiting for, drag them out of here!"

"Yes, your highness" The two guards stared towards Prince Aiden helplessly and continued to carry the two servants out, although they cried out for forgiveness Prince Aiden seems powerless at that moment.

"If you continue to do this, there will be no servant left to give to you Gideon!"

"Hmmm..." With a cynical smile, he chuckled softly.

"There are still many servants in your palace, aren't you?"

"You can send them to me" Prince Gideon stood up and walked towards Prince Aiden and patted him gently on his shoulder, Prince Aiden squeezing his fist tightly

"If you're not here for more important matters, please leave" Prince Gideon turned around and coded the servant to put on his clothes.

"I do have, I got a report that you sent Vincent to Ravenant."

"We don't have any bad condition with Ravenant, Gideon."

"So, Why did you send him and even not telling me first?!"

Prince Gideon asked the servant to leave, after the servant leave, he immediately gripped Aiden's face and pushed him to the wall, Aiden groaned softly because his back hit the wall quitely hard.

"What have I ever told you, my dear brother?"

"Don't interfere in my business, firstly in my decision"

"Have you forgotten what happened to you the last time?"

"You want that to be happen again?" The look on Aiden's face changing into a terrifying terror.

"bu-but, all this time, you've always told me whatever decision and plan that you made" In a quivering voice Prince Aiden just stared at the floor without daring to look into Prince Gideon's eyes. But since the second prince gripping his face, he have no choice but to look into the frigthening eyes of his brother.

"You don't know anything." In his heart, Arnold spoke, only as he looked into Prince Gideon's memory.

"Naïve" Prince Aiden looked at Prince Gideon.

"I used to be very naïve."

"Gi. I- I'm your brother. back then and now, I love you. Whatever you want to do and whatever your decision, I'll agree."


"Don't try to persuade me with sweet words just because we coming from the same father"

"I will never trust the family games again!" Prince Gideon turned away from Prince Aiden after release his face from his grip. Looking at his brother's cold back, snuffing his hand to grab it with an injured expression, As Prince Aiden was about to say something, Prince Gideon turned around and looked at him sarcastically and coldly.

"You're still standing in your position until today is only because I still want it, If you still love our stupid Father, keep quiet. Or I'll throw both of you into the street in worse shape than an animal" An expression of fear again filled the look on the first prince's face, he then running out of Prince Gideon's room, continuing to run until finally his legs lost the strength to pass, lucky he was greeted by his loyal bodyguard right in front of the palace entrance.

"Your Royal Highness!!"

"Your Royal Highness, are you alright??!"

"What happened?!"

"Lavi. Lavi..."Aiden tightly hugged his bodyguard with a trembling body.

"I told you not to visited him, your royal highness."

"You even leaving without me"

"I-- I thought, maybe he's back to being himself again, but the more the day he gets more worse."

"Irina, bring the crown prince back to his palace"

"What do you want to do Lavi?"

"If you go there just for me, please stop. I hardly know who he is!"

"No need to worry, your royal highness. I know what I'm doing. After all, even if the Prince isn't like his old self, he won't act stupid."

(Lavi stepped away towards Prince Gideon's room after seeing Irina carrying Prince Aiden out of Prince Gideon's Palace)

--to be continued