"I greet the light and grace of the Marathas" Prince Gideon was sitting at his desk reading documents when Laviathan entered his room.

"I already know that you will come, Laviathan, my whiny brother must be whining at you again" While laughing softly he continued to read the documents piled on his hand.

"I'm busy, I don't have any time to talk with you, Lavi" Laviathan frowned.

"All this time I have always respected and admired you, your highness."

"..." Prince Gideon's hands stopped sorting out the papers in his hands and Snaded Laviathan with displeased roars.

"I am being silent because I think you were not in your right mind at the moment and you will be back to yourself soon. But its seem no as if you change even bit"

"However, Prince Aiden is the crown prince of this kingdom that you are supposed to serve, but your recent attitude put him in a bad situation in our people eyes, your highness."

"A lot of people out there think that Prince Aiden is not even fit to be the next heir of this kingdom, they start to regret their decision when they choosed his royal highness as a crown prince" Prince Gideon put his pen on and leaned back in his chair.

"Do you think people have ever supported him even once?"

"If I volunteer myself to be the next king, do you think they will approve of it right away or not?"

"Your highness! Your speech can be considered a defection!"

"Lower your voice, you are dealing with one of the most important person in these whole kingdom Laviathan Klein" Laviathan paused and bowed.

"Please forgive me, your highness. But don't say something scary like that."


"I'm curious about what you've been thinking about me along this time, Lavi."

"As the son of a mere maid you think that I dont't have the right to sit on the throne in place of my father, right?" Lavi just suddenly turn freeze.

"Do you think who has been giving victory to this country and making this kingdom on the cusp of almost in the same position as the great ravenant?"

"It's ME" Prince Gideon patted his chest.

"Your success in winning the war doesn't mean you can change the fact that you're not the crown prince of th-" Not even wait for Lavi finished his word, the box on Gideon's desk floated towards him, if Prince Gideon really wanted to hurt him then, right now his temple isn't just scratched.

"You think who you are?" Laviathan harden his grip while his temple bleeding. he seems not able to move his body after the sudden attack that he received from Gideon for the first time.

"How dare you remind me of my position in this kingdom Laviathan Klein!!"

Cruzer suddenly entering the room after hearing the sound of a broken box and Giedon's high pitch voice.

"Your Highness, is everything alright?!"

"Ah, I just accidentally dropped my pen box, call the maid to clean it up."

"Yes, your highness" When he was about to leave, Sir Cruzer gaze at Lavi's injuring temple and saw the shocked expression on the man's face.

"I'll assume all your words you've never said it" The Prince sat back and held his documents.

"Please do whatever you want to do, I won't stop you."

"But I'll do whatever I want as well"

"With or without the support from this kingdom" Laviathan frowned and saluted then walked out of Prince Gideon's room with an unhappy face.

--To Be Continued