Gideon sitting while enjoying his tea in the middle of the garden in his palace, his Butler approaching him and handed him a letter, Gideon read the letter and smiled.

"Vincent did a great job."

"I greet the Maratha Bright Star"

"...." Gideon staring at Aiden who approaching him.

"What are you guys doing? You won't provide any tea for the crown prince?" The maid panicked and immediately prepare the tea for Prince Aiden.

"You see, there's always a reason for me to punish them," Prince Aiden frowned.

"You came here again without your loyal dog, it seems you like to hear him barking at me."

"I want to apologize on his behalf if he said anything inappropriate to you."

"That's what you have to do as his master."

Butler and the other servants frightening just by hearing that word.

"Now, tell me, what's business do you have by coming here in the first of my morning? Sit if you want" Aiden sit and then bit his lips.

"Stop doing that and say what do you want"

"Since you were recovering, you have never attended any meeting at the palace court, the other noble keeps asking about your presence."

"we already win the war, there is no any important thing that they need to be there for"

"Beside, isn't that your job to deal with them? I just like to talk with my sword"


"If this case is hard for you, then don't try anything. Don't even bother to asked me" Aiden bit his lips again.

"I wonder why it wasn't Gideon who was crowned as a Crown Prince" Arnold keeps grumbling in his heart while Prince Aiden is only able to keep bite his lower lip without saying anything and its seem his lips gonna bleed real soon.

"Hmmm, palace court. It makes me wonder what kind of situation Maratha Kingdom has right now after they finally own the fourth region of Maraheya " After muttering with his thoughts, he moved from his seat.

"haaaaaa---" While exhaling slowly, he walked, but realizing Prince Aiden was still sit, he is frowning.

"Why are you still there? you want me to be there or not?!"

"??!!!" Prince Aiden was quite surprised, this is the first time Gideon wants to do something he asked for.

"Of- Of course!" The young prince's face looks beam with happiness without knowing what will happen after.

-Main Palace-

Both of the princes walking together towards the palace court, when they saw Leviathan approaching them, they stop for a moment.

"Your Royal Highness, I was looking for you everywhere" Lavi ran slowly towards Aiden, as soon as he saw Gideon, he looked displeased.

"Greeting your highness, Prince Gideon" Gideon had not yet replied but Lavi immediately turned his eyes to Aiden.

"Tsk, what a prick" Arnold mumbling on his heart

"Are you alright, you're not hurt, your highness?"

"I'm fine" Aiden trying to stop Lavi from his act because Gideon seem displeased.

"Do not overreacted, Laviathan. Your stupid question is enough to offend me."

"Did you think I will hurt him for an unreasonable matter?"

"You did hurt his highness the last time, your highness"

"Ah, right.." Arnold just nodding inside

"Well, it's a self reflex. I'm unstable at that moment"

"And looks like its better now since you also have it too" while tap on his own temple Gideon smirk at them.

"lets keep going, people waiting for us" Aiden stop both of them before something bad happen.

"You don't have to pick him up," Lavi whispered to Aiden.

"Lavi, not now. Do not make this even more complicated" Aiden frowning at Lavi who kept pressuring him.

"let's talked later" Aiden walking beside Gideon. Lavi's turn dark just by looking at them,

"The Crown Prince Aiden Sylvester Maratha and the second prince, Prince Gideon Krivan Maratha Yvette arrive and will enter the court hall" The doorman announces both of the young prince's presence at the court hall. Aiden entered first followed by Gideon behind him. The king was sitting on his throne staring at both of his son.

"this old man still looks the same" Arnold muttering on hisself.

"We greet the Stars and the light of the Marathas"

"Greeting the stars and the light of the Marathas"

King Nolvan Maratha The Third seems not interest in Gideon's presence. The current King of the Marathas dislikes Gideon so much, he considers his concubine who is Gideon's mother have an affair with his bodyguard and gave birth to Gideon into this world, and sentenced his loyal guard with a death punishment. although the concubine insists that she didnt have any affair with other man, he did not believe on her just because Gideon didn't have any similarity with him. He alienated the concubine and did not allow her to meet Gideon, the concubine fell ill and died because she had been tormented by the rule that did not allow her to meet her only child. The last time Gideon managed to meet his mother is only when she was breath for the last time. He was not even able to called her "mother" at all.

"Fucking old bastard. If it wasn't for this body rejecting the violence against this kingdom, I would have removed you from your throne, "Arnold then stared annoyedly at the king and sat in his chair.

"This shitty body will suddenly go numb and I won't even be able to move it"

Arnold imagines what happened the day after regaining consciousness in Gideon's body. He attacked Aiden, who was trying to persuade him, injuring and nearly killing him. But then his body went numb, as he collapsed on the floor. Gideon sighed. Arnold was the one that was in agony at that time.

"You should return to your duty as soon as you were cured."

"Don't be lazy," said the king, uneasily, but Gideon simply stared at him and ignored him.

"Let's begin the trial," the king command to his assistant tp begin the court.

Gideon seemed tired of sitting in his seat as the nobility officials made requests, reporting on the situation in some areas, and even throwing a fit to one other. He kept listening to the useless talk, these people just talked a lot without being able to do anything. After everyone had finished and acquired their answer, Gideon decided to stand up from his seat.

"As usual, it's boring"

"Tsk, this isn't much better than Ravenant, and it's completely pointless." he talked to himself while leaving his chair and standing in the mid of stage.

"is it over yet or all of you will keep talking nonsense without finish?" All people in that hall suddenly fall into silent include the king and Aiden.

"Listen, i'm very undesrtand that you worried about our kingdom situation, but as you know we win the war. We own almost as much as The great Ravenant, well, Ravenant still have much more. But still, there is nothing that you need to be worried about"

"Pardon me, your highness, but since when you being so rude like this?" The Maratas Prime Minister, Ferderick Luman stood up and try to stop Gideon from his behavior.

"Have you forgotten the basic etiquette of the trial, Your highness? After the king ends the trial, you will be permitted to speak" He continued. People talk to each other and seems enjoying to see how much Gideon will be humiliated by this.

"If I were the real Gideon, I would obey him. However, I'm not him," Arnold groaned in his heart

"Sir, what is your name and your position?"

Once again, everyone was surprised when they heard Gideon's question.

"My name is Ferderick Luman, your highness, this kingdom's prime minister. How could you forgot about me?"

"Ah, so you are Count Ferderick, the counselor. Does that mean your position is higher than mine? I don't think that i should remember people like you, don't i?"

"Of course not, Your highness. However, the king is more supreme than you. You shouldn't be arrogant, let alone say something disrespectful like this during a trial."

"Count Ferderick, you may have a point. I'm sure working on this trial for your age is hard. That's right, isn't it?" Gideon opens up his arms wider, waiting for a response from the people in the court hall.

"So, I'll make a good decision for you, Count Ferderick, just for you"

"you're discharged. Asked your son to require your position from tomorrow onward" the court became uproarious, Count Ferderick seems suddenly lost his balance, The king arises from his seat.

"What do you think you are doing in my palace court, Prince Gideon Maratha Yvet!!"

"How dare you to show an ugly behavior in front of nobility in my kingdom!"

"Ugly behavior? What kind of ugly behavior that I did, oh my dear father?" The king seems startled by Prince's Gideon eyes that terrified him.

"Your highness, where is your manner? This is really out of your high status as a royal" Duke Velmont raises his voice.

"Ah, I'm sorry, am I not enough clear when I announced my decision?"

"From now on, all of the tasks and duties will need my permission and under my term. Include, which kingdom that I will dominate and what kind of duty that will be given to you"

"Prince Gideon, do you not realize if what you do right now is one of treason?!"

"How could you standing and announcing your term in the presence of our king!"

"Beg for forgiveness, right now!!" Duke Velmont stared at Gideon disrespectful

"Duke Velmont, what do you want to do?" Duke Velmont seems stager by Gideon's word.

"put me into prison?"

"beheading me"

"Gideon what did you-" Gideon rised his hand and stop Aiden from saying any other word.

"Please do, if you think you could and able to save this country from my madness" Duke Velmont seems trigering by Gideons word but he still trying to hold his anger inside.

"Do you think so little about me, don't you?" Duke Velmont replied with a flame on his eyes.

"You are so rude to me, Duke. As if i don't have any value in your eyes" the other noble rise their voice as well.

"You should consider on your position, prince. You have no any right in this court" Suddenly something flying so fast at that person and he lost his head right in the moment. People surprised by that sudden attack that coming from Gideon that looks in a very treathning aura and killing intent. The king is trembling and fall back to his chair. Aiden petrified on his chair. His eyes fell into darkness.

"What position again? all of you keep talking about my position over and over again that i'm tired on hearing about it" Laviatan who saw this terrifying situation lock his gaze at the dark presence in front of him As if the fear stuck on his whole body and stop him from moving.

"I'm enough of that" Gideon stroke his hair on the backside As he walked through the people.

"Duke Velmont, let see what can you do to protect this kingdom" Aiden back to his sense and abruptly standing from his chair but lost the power on both of his legs.

"Gi, What do you mean?!" with trembling voice he questioning Gideons word.

"Gi, please don't mind about what these people said. Ju-just remain calm"

"Remain calm? that what I did along this time"

"But all of you keep stomped me and hurt my pride as a person who even will sacrifice my own life to give you a better life"

"All of you chalked me up"

"I will be leaving for Revenant tomorrow" The king still in silent. this is the first time Gideon raise his voice and demand. He can't stop him because all of the things that Gideon said were true. He can't Lost Gideon because he knows, if he lost him, Maratha will fall.

"i'll be happy to leave this kingdom and all of the thing that i have"

"1 month, try to protect this kingdom in 1 month"

"If you able to do that then you will never see me ever again in this kingdom. Like all of you wished. this tainted blood will gone forever from Maratha"

Aiden seem start to cry. He is whimpering just by hearing Gideon's word. Laviathan holding his hand and help him to stand.

"Gi, don't do that.. You know th-that we need you"

"Prince Aiden, its not you to beg. it's him!"

"shut your mouth or i will sentenced you to death for your rude behavior toward this kingdom's royal blood, Duke Velmont!!"

"you talked more than enough!"

"Prince Gideon, you can not leave this kingdom, not until i take your royal title from you, you swear your life to protect this kingdom, to protect me and our father. you can't leave until you fulfill your word" Gideon staring at Aiden who acted like a real prince. He is gigling and then laugh out loud.

"oh, my dear brother. You are so cool. you freak me out, but i'm sorry. You can not stop me"

"Ravenant will refused you once you try to enter their gate" the laugh on gideon's face suddenly turn dark.

"i told you not to put your damn shit on my business, Aiden"

"I will allow you to have vacation in there and send them a private letter, but you will need to return in 3 weeks after"

"you will remain as this kingdom's prince until i die"

"if you refused, then, you need to kill me"

"AIDENNNN!!!" Gideon pointed his sword to Aiden and suddenly all people in that room pull out their weapon and pointing it at Gideon. Aiden staring at Gideon fiercly while Gideon staring at him with anger in his eyes.

"This damn prince is dare to playing with me.." Arnold turn mad.

-- to be continued --