-The last event in Chapter 4-

"AIDENNNN!!!" Gideon pointed his sword to Aiden and suddenly all people in that room pull out their weapon and pointing it at Gideon. Aiden staring at Gideon fiercely while Gideon staring at him with anger in his eyes.

"This damn prince is dared to play with me!" Arnold turns mad.


"Please calm down, Gi. Put all of your swords back. Who do you think that you pointing your sword at?!!" Aiden rising up his voice and all of the guards and people inside the court hall put down their swords.

"were you trying to show me that you have more power in this kingdom than me?"

"I'm doing all of this for you! can't you see it just for once, Gideon?"

"You, who I cared the most. Will you keep going with this drama in front of people, to humiliated our honor in front of them?!" Gideon looking at all of the people in the hall. He finally put down his sword.

"If I could able to killed you, I will do it without even think about it twice!!" Arnold is only able to talk and cursing inside his mind.

"My decision will not change, no matter what you will do!" Gideon pointing his finger at Aiden.

"You will get what you want, all of the task and duty and every planing will be go through your decision and agreement first. Every single subject on this kingdom will follow your order as long as the order for our kingdom's future, is that enough?"

"Your highness!!! This is insane!!" Aiden rising up his hand to Duke Velmont and the other noble who seems refused.

"You agree with this right, father?" Aiden staring at the king.

"I, I agree" The whole people in the hall look displeased with the final decision from both their king and crown prince. But they can't do anything and accepted the order. Gideon smirking and walk away leaving the court hall.

"It seems I'm looking down on you, Aiden. I will make sure to taking care of you after I'm done with Raynold"

Aiden back to sit on his chair and have a deep sigh. Laviathan only able to remain silent looking at how desperate Aiden was to stop Gideon from leaving.

"I hope you will not regret your decision, Your Royal Highness"

Aiden glaring at Lavi.

"Never, I will never let him go. No matter what happens"

"....." Hearing the answer from Aiden gave Lavi a little pain in his heart.


Gideon back to his room in a rage. He destroys everything inside his room then laying down on the side of his bed. No longer after, someone comes knocking on his bedroom door.

"Your highness, Cruzers here. May I enter?"

"come in, Cruzer" from his bed Gideon moving to his work table.

Cruzer enters the room together with the other knight. They only glancing at the room condition.

"Should I call the maid to clean your room, your highness?"

"Do that once you leave. Did all of you make your decision?"

"Yes, we will follow you, your highness" they kneeling in front of Gideon.

"Good, we will leave on the first of the morning. So, if you want to do anything, do it right now. Since we will be in Revenant for a quite long time"

"Yes, your highness.."

"Marvella, I want you to make sure that all of the missions that you have in Ravenant later will be in secret from anyone you know"

"I understand, your highness"

"And you, Grandia, I hate your father. He is not your real father though, but still, as a loyal child I know you respect him"

"It will not affect my duty and mission, your highness. My father's business will stay as his own business. Mine will be mine, and my loyalty is only to serve you not as his child"

"Good, both of you could leave. Cruzer, I have another mission for you"

When all of the knights leaving the room, Cruzer stays behind".

"I'm listening, your highness.."

"Aiden must be putting someone in Ravenant, I don't want any single person in this kingdom watching me. You will be looking into it. Killed them if you need it"

"You will leave this kingdom right away"

"Yes, your highness"


Palace Hallway

"Isn't that weird, Gand?" Marvella looks so very confused

"About what?"

"Our prince, it is not like him, throwing his anger into a thing. No matter how mad he was, he never showed that kind of expression on his face, he will keep trying to endure it with an awkward smile" Gandria also seems curious about the sudden change of Prince Gideon.

"Perhaps, he can't hold it anymore. You know how much humiliation that he got since he was a kid. I think it is not weird if he changes. But after such a long time he keeps bears with it, I'm more amaze at it"

"You're right, I will go crazy since a long time ago if it's me"

Both of the elite knights keep walking together until they arrive at the palace gate.

"I will need to talk about this to my sister, are you gonna back home to prepare your belonging, Marvella?"

"Ah, No. I need to go to the clock tower. Grandmaster asking me to meet with him. Before I forgot it, I'm better looking for him first"

"Alright. Once again remember well Vella, no matter how close you with that gramps, do not ever talk much about our mission to him"

"You know how much people in that tower hate our master"

"Seeing how bad Prince Gideon is at handling his madness, I'm sure you don't want he asked you to eliminated them, right? He was clearly warned you" Marvella frowning with an unpleasant glance.

"I know that, but it Will be better for you to be worried about yourself Gand, you knew what's happening in the court hall. Your brother will be taking your father's duty starting from tomorrow. I'm sure you will get a lot of trouble at home" Grandia seems annoyed by Marvella's word, but he is only sighing.

"See you in the morning" Both of the elite knights leaving the palace and walking through their own path.