
'I have something to confess: I am worried about everything around me. I mean, if anyone could look into my mind, I am sure they would be able to know but that does not change that I still feel fear. 

I try not to show it out at all but it is really, really hard to sincerely keep it in. I don't even know who I am talking to but … I think I just might be a little bit lonely if I think too hard about it. 

Why would I feel lonely anyway? I don't understand my mind at all. There are all these things running in my mind an-'

"Alright." A woman holding a piece of paper turned from the paper to me, pushing her glasses out of her face as she look back and forth between me and the paper. "When I got this paper, I did not think you would look like this." 

"I apologise, I don't know how you thought I would have looked like and I cannot help you here." I said, knowing that the paper she is holding is my 'thought process'.