
"That took a lot lesser time than I thought it would," I said, turning to Bil as we began to walk out of the building.

"How long did you think it would actually take us?" He asked, looking at me with amusement. "We just need to make some confessions, do a little bit of body checking and make empty promises we have no intention of keeping." 

"You can make promises like that?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him. "They gave you the freedom to lie?" 

"Well, we've always had the freedom to lie …" He turned to me, brows immediately furrowing. "Ah … you all do not have that kind of freedom, do you?" 

I merely shook my head at him as we carefully made our way back as quickly as we possibly could. We cannot miss too many classes, especially we are not in the Elite's class and do not have that kind of freedom to just … disappear whenever we want.