
New Piece

Upon reaching the Stellar Stone Rock.

Goddess Aegis: "Hey kiddo, hand me the badge we've got from defeating the Fire Gin."

Ray made an odd face. He let out the badge from his pocket.

Ray: "But---but I'm keeping this. It's the proof for defeating that monster and--and clearing the 50th labyrinth."

Goddess Aegis: *sigh* "Guess you don't know the basic rule in exploring the labyrinth. Allow me to enlighten you then."

Ray: (Ugh, why do we need to go for the basic? Can we just jump on to the more important matter so I will know what I need to do?)

Goddess Aegis: "-ay… Ray…Are you listening?"

Ray: (…and why does she think I will let go of the badge? This will be a good memento to show to mother. I bet she will be proud…)

Goddess Aegis: "Ray!!! Would you stop daydreaming! Unfortunately, you need to let go of that badge since it's the only thing that will help us go back to the city. Ray it's the key for going back. Do you understand now?"

Ray: What? But..but---

Goddess Aegis: "And I got bad news for you." The goddess interrupted. "You did got the badge for successfully defeating the guardian of 50th labyrinth but that doesn't mean the Tune of the Wind will announce your achievement."

Ray: *shock* "Why?"

Goddess Aegis: "Because of two things."

Ray: "What two things?" Ray got even more shock.

The goddess continued.

Goddess Aegis: "One, the Tune of the Wind will only recognized greater achievements. Two, it knows that you failed your mission. I accidentally defeated the Fire Gin, in case you forgot." The goddess stated with a smirk on her face.

Ray: "That's sucks."

Goddess Aegis: "Well, nothing passes the Tune of the Wind. It sees and records everything. It's capable of doing such."

Ray was furious and embarrassed at the same time.

Goddess Aegis: "Haha! Now, now. Don't be a stubborn kid and give the badge to me so we can go back to the city and rest. Maybe if you're strong enough you can come here again and fight.

Ray: "I still don't believe you." Ray hesitated tightening his grip from the badge.

The goddess pointed at the crystal lamp.

Goddess Aegis: "Let your crystal lamp show it to you then."

Ray pulled out his crystal lamp and looked into it.

Ray: "Show it to me."

A small light popped out from the crystal lamp and words started to appear. Ray started reading.

Ray: "Low Achievement. The very 1st adventurer who cleared the labyrinth with a low rate of success."

Ray was so embarrassed he dropped the badge from his hand.

Ray: (Why? All that hardships didn't pay at all!)

The goddess picked up the badge and started patting Ray's head.

Goddess Aegis: "There-there kiddo. It's okay you can just repeat all the process again. For now replenish your strength and at least improve your knowledge. Didn't mothers teach their children these things?

Ray just shook his head. The goddess sighed.

Goddess Aegis: (My dear sister, how did you brought up this kid? Did you just fill his head with barbaric logic?) She looked at Ray. "What about reading?"

Ray: "My mom didn't teach me that. But she did teach me on how it means to survive. And what's the use of knowledge? I have powers I can use."

Goddess Aegis: "Right. I'll acknowledge your dumb logic this time."

Ray just shrugged. "You'll see. I will come back here again and finish my mission without your assistance." Ray finished his statement with a smug on his face.

Goddess Aegis: (So he intends to come here by himself. Let's see.)

The goddess gave no more response. She raised the badge facing the Stellar Stone. Lights emerged from the stone and swiftly transported them back to the center of the city of Ambeist.

Ray: " So we're here now, huh." He looked at his companion. The goddess had already turned back to the one small girl with an eye mask on her face.

Ray: (Since when did she transform?)

A.I beckoned Ray to follow.

Ray: "Okay."

The two headed back to the guild where Berdo and the Guild Master Esley were eagerly waiting.

=Guild of the Shield Faction=

Berdo: "So how was your first trip, kid?"

Ray didn't respond and went on his way to sit from the corner.

Berdo: "Ki-…" The Guild master Esley stopped him.

GM Esley: "Let the kid rest. Just be glad he came back in one piece."

A.I just nodded.

Berdo: "I'm sorry. I was just trying to cheer him up."

The guild master looked at A.I.

GM Esley: "So what exactly happened in there?"

A.I: "Long story."

A.I relayed the whole story. After telling what happened, both couldn't help themselves but to laugh.

Seeing Berdo and the guild master bursting from laughing, Ray can't help but to speak up.

Ray: "Hey old folks, I can hear you! And here I thought you people can cheer me up. *sigh* Such an embarrassment."

Seeing his reaction, all of them just smile.

At a distance, a young girl was watching them.

"Hey! Are you slacking off again, rookie?" A voice from behind spoke. Nympha, the young girl looked flustered and faced the head receptionist of the guild.

Nympha: "N---no, Miss Kara. I just got back from the escort mission.

Ms. Kara: "Oh right a merchant hired you to escort him into the plains of Eme-og."

*Eme-og is a small district near the Underground City of Ambeist. *

Ms. Kara: "So how was it? Did you guys encountered a Vile?" She continued.

*Vile is a furious stray monster who roams around the world and causes chaos to the travelers. *

Nympha: "N—noo ma'am. Fortunately, we didn't."

Ms. Kara: *smile* You really are a monster repellant. You really fit for an escort job." She patted her head.

Nympha felt embarrassed. She doesn't like that compliment.

Nympha: "The kid I saw at the guild hall." She started changing the topic. "It's the first time I saw him. Is he new from the place?"

Ms. Kara: "Yes. The new kid just came back from the labyrinth." She said without much interest.

Nympha: "Ms. Kara, why does Mr. Berdo and the Guild Master Esley with him? And who's the other kid?" Nympha pressed for more questions. The head receptionist pinched her nose and said.

Ms. Kara: "Stop sticking your nose to other unnecessary things. Its none of your business. They are just customers. Go. Head to the front desk and report your mission."

Nympha: "Yes. Miss Kara." With a last glance, the young girl hurriedly went off.

With Berdo and the Guild Master Esley laughing on his back, Ray got up and walked away. He saw Miss Kara waving from a distance.

Ms. Kara: "Well, well, well. Based from your face I guess you succeeded." She said with sarcasm.

Ray: "Yes….and…no, it's a losing end." *sigh*

Without noticed, the guild master, Berdo and A.I followed him on his back.

GM Esley: "Cheer up kiddo. It's your first adventure. I know you will succeed on the next one."

Berdo: "Yeah. When I was a your age, I encountered a lot of failures. It doesn't mean when you failed once, you will fail more."

A.I nodded with approval.

Ms. Kara: "So, what's your plan kid? Wanna go back home now? (This kid needs to end this. It's going to be a pain.)

Ray still determined said, "No. I'm sure I can learn from you guys. I'll be staying here in the city until I'm good to go." His faced lighten up.

GM Esley: "Oh! That's good to hear."

Berdo: "That's the spirit, kid!"

Ms. Kara: *sigh* "Yeah…so much for the celebration. But where are you going to stay?

All of them paused for a moment. For a while, A.I whispered something to the guild master. Ray couldn't caught up with their conversation.

GM Esley: "Ray, you sure are a lucky fella." The guild master finally spoke. "A.I is offering you to stay at her place. What do you say?"

Ray: "Really?" A.I gave a thumbs up. "Whoa! Thanks a lot!"

Suddenly, from a long distance a swift destructive force was aimed at them. A.I felt the danger immediately. She quickly caught and clasped the force in her hand making it disappeared completely without the kid noticing.

Everyone had a panic look on their face, except Ray, who's completely oblivious to what just happened.

The guild master faced the kid.

GM Esley: "Ray, go wait at the front desk. Kara, go with him."

Ray: "Sure."

When Ray and the head receptionist was out of sight, the guild master spoke.

GM Esley: "A.I, I know your capabilities well. But, do be careful not to expose yourself.

Berdo: "Yes Miss A.I. That almost gave me a heart attack! What if the people here find out your identity as an S---" The guild master glared at him. "Oops. Sorry."

GM Esley: "For now, it is safe. Berdo, accompany A.I. and Ray."

Berdo: "Yes, Guild Master Esley, We will be going then."

GM Esley: "Okay."

Berdo glanced at A.I. "Let's go, Miss A.I. *smile* Oh would you like me to help carrying your bunny?"

A.I. nodded.

GM Esley: "What do you think, Kara? The kid plans to stay for good."

Ms. Kara: "It only means a load of work will be coming. Especially for me." *sigh*

Seeing the head receptionist dejected look, the guild master can't help but laughed.

GM Esley: "It is. It is. When that happens, I will be needing more of your assistance."

Not far from a distance, a shadow appeared.

Shadow: "Kukuku..After a thousand years her power never fails to amaze me. I will be looking for a chance to meet again…Kukuku…"