
New Life

=The Underground City of Ambeist=

Ray: "Since I stepped from this place, I just notice that the city has a lot of crystals. They are found all over the place."

Berdo and A.I. are along his side walking pass the city.

Berdo: "Oh those crystals. These illuminates the city. It always night here you know, so we used artificial light."

Ray: "But--but how come I heard that Ambeist is also known for the city that never sleeps?" Ray looked confused.

Berdo: "Haha! That's because with these enormous crystals lighting and surrounding the underground city, there's no way you can sleep."

Ray: "I get it." (…so even though the city is basically under the ground and there's no sunlight, no one can get some sleep because of these crystals…To think sleeping is going to be my concern now…)

Berdo: "Well, you will get used to it sooner."

Ray: "I sure hope so." He glanced once more at his surrounding. "Mr. Berdo…those crystals…" Ray pointed at the four obelisk crystals that stood within the corners of the city. "…they're not like those other crystals I've seen."

Berdo: "Those crystals harness the biggest amount of energy. These energy collected are being converted into electricity that powers the entire city. With these crystals, the city folks develop new incredible things."

Ray: "Ambeist is much more advance than I thought."

Berdo: "Yes. As we go along the city, feel free to observe our vast city. We're not only famous from our crystals but also from our ecological site as well."

Ray started to focus on his surrounding as they travel along the way. Mr. Berdo was right. With the city's fertile land, vegetation is abundant. Various specifies of plants were present. Forest are well-preserved. Free-spirited animals, big or small, roam around the meadows. The lakes and rivers are crystal clear, even the fishes and corals beneath are seen. Technology and nature remain balance. The beautiful scenery makes one heart at peace.

Ray: (This doesn't seem bad after all. I can definitely stay here fo--)

Berdo: "Looks like this is my stop." Ray's thought got interrupted. "Catch you two at the guild."

Ray: "Thank you, Mr. Berdo."

Berdo waved his hand and left.

Ray: "A.I where exactly is Mr. Berdo heading? He just went straight to the forest."

A.I: "The angora rabbit needs to go back from its habitat."

Ray: "Why don't you just take it with you?"

A.I: "All things have purpose. Its purpose is finished. It needs to go back to it's place."

Ray: "So you're saying?"

A.I: "Humans have their home, a place to stay. So is the rabbit."

Ray: "Right. I get it. So please drop the philosophy." A.I just smiled.

They stood at the largest structure in the area. It was half the size of the statue of the Goddess Aegis, where the Guild of Shield of Faction is located. The long massive towered-like structure is completely made of crystals. At the top lies a crystal cube that harness various forms of energy. Surrounding the cube are crystal dusts that floats and illuminates the area.

A.I: "We're here."

Ray: "Thi--This looks like a very extravagant place for me to enter." Ray can't helped but gaped.

A.I: "Follow me."

At the entrance was a cube floating device that glows and rotates. From the moment A.I touched the device, she disappeared.

Ray: "Wait! Ugh!…."You told me to follow you and the next thing is you vanished without giving me notice." Ray immediately scanned the place. "Great. No doors."

Ray gathered his thoughts and stared at the cube.

Ray: "I can't believe this thing just eat her." He started to think. "Maybe I just need to touch this thing too."

Ray took a deep breathe. When he was about to touch the cube, A.I appeared in front of him.

Ray: "What the?" He stumbled from the ground and lost his balance." Don't scare me like that!"

A.I: "You can't touch this." A.I offered her hand. Ray accepted and stood up.

Ray: "Why can't I touch it?"

A.I: "This thing serves as an entrance key. It might cost you your life."

Ray: "I don't get you."

A.I: "Only the city folks residing in the city have an access."

Ray: "Continue."

A.I: "It means you need to be registered to enter. Registration takes place in the Main Hall of the city. All residents here are registered. Once registered, an individual gets to enjoy tons of privileges. In the case of a traveler like you, a soul pass is technically needed. Which I simply forgot to tell you."

Ray: *sigh* "And. Where. Is. The. Dying. Part. There?"

A.I: "Hmm…just the moment you touch the cube and the system doesn't recognized you. Laser beams will come out from the cube and it will automatically turn you into dust. Yeah, just that." She showed her sadistic smile.

Ray was dumbfounded.

Ray: "You should have told me sooner! Wait--even those people at the guild never told me that." Disappointment was written all over his face.

A.I: "Oh it was me who forgot. I'm in charged of the orientation. Heh." She got that smirk again.

Ray: "Stop doing that. It's not even funny."

A.I: "Right. Okay." She raised her hand as a sign of defeat.

Ray tried his best to calm down and started asking.

Ray: "So…based from what you said, I need to go to the Main Hall and register. Where exactly is that and how far is the place from here? Just how many hours do I need to trav---"

A.I: "Ray, would you mind backing away first? As you can see, you're in front of the entrance." He got cut off.

Ray: "Okay? Will backing away get me a pass?

A.I: "Just back away, kid!" She said with a serious tone.

Ray: "Why do---Arghh!" An old lady suddenly appeared from behind and twisted his ear. He yelled so loud, the creatures of the forest were disturbed.

Old Lady: "You people caused so much commotion! Your voices are heard even inside of these crystal walls!" The old lady let go of Ray's ear. "Shameless!"

Ray slowly rubbed his ear that is now beet red. The old lady turned her attention to A.I.

Old Lady: "And here I thought you dislike going out."

A.I: "I went out for some errand."

Ray: "Who is this old lady? Why is she grumpy?" The moment he asked, the old lady immediately pinched both of his cheeks so hard, tears started to appear.

Old lady: "Who is old and grumpy, you say?! I still look young compare to other people!" She said furiously.

Ray: "I'm sorry ma'am. You--you're not old. An--and not grumpy."

The old lady let go of Ray and examined him from head to toe.

Old Lady: "Who is this kid? Your new toy?"

A.I. shook her head.

Old Lady: "Then what?"

A.I: "New resident."

Old Lady: "Oh." The grumpy old lady immediately mellowed her voice and flashed a candid smile. "You should have told earlier."

Ray: (She's quite scary.)

The old lady cleared her throat. "I'm Madam D. The owner of this famous apartelle in the underground city of Ambeist." She introduced herself.

Ray: "I'm Ray, a traveler." (..and I can feel my cheeks are throbbing because of you!)

Madam D: "Do you have your main hall pass?"

Ray: "Unfortunately, I don't have it ma'am." He pointed at A.I "She forgot to tell me about it." (She's the one to blame.)

Madam D: *sigh* "Here we go again." A.I. stared at her intently. "Ugh. Are you telling me to process his pass?"

A.I nodded.

Madam D. "Okay." *sigh* "This will be the last time that I will do this." She waved her hand and a transparent window screen appeared. Unfamiliar letters emerged. "Ray. New resident of the city. A traveler." She started typing. "Give me the time, kid."

Ray: "Time?"

Madam D: "Yes, you need to check in?"

Ray: "I don't know what time is it." He said confused.

Madam D: "What's the use of carrying a crystal lamp if you cannot tell me what time is it?"

Ray look more confused. "The crystal lamp can tell me?"

Madam D: "Of course, you bumpkin!" (You've got to be kidding me! This kid is a total airhead!)

Ray: "But how?" He asked bewildered.

Madam D: "This is a hopeless case! Bumpkin you better go ba--" A.I tapped the old lady's shoulder.

A.I: "Show her the crystal lamp." Ray immediately obeyed.

Madam D: *sigh* "I got it. Five decent* 58 milent*." After typing, the transparent window screen in her hands disappeared. She snapped her finger and a small rectangular crystal shaped object appeared. "Here."

*Decent = hour, Milent = minute

Ray opened his hand to catch it.

Madam D: "It's your pass. Don't lose it or you will lose your head." Ray gulped.

Ray: "Yes---yes ma'am."

Madam D: "I have only 55 *ceceli left to go back to the hall of records. I still need to file your data. You are now free to go inside. Your room number is engraved in your soul pass. I will be going then." She immediately was gone from sight.

*Ceceli = second

Ray: "So…do I simply need to touch this floating cube so I can enter?" He asked.

A.I quickly nodded.

= Madam D's Apartelle=

Looking around, the interior of the place far exceeded its exterior. The huge walls have intricate designs. The ceilings are ways too high to reach. Long spiral crystal stairs run all along place. A large chandelier hangs at the center of the receiving area. Carpets are all well-laid. The chairs and tables are fully-furnished. Mages, Shadows, Fighters, Scouts, Shield even nomads are gathered in the area. Each have their own agenda to make.

Ray: "I'm getting excited staying here."

A.I: "It is quite obvious from your reaction. Well we have a long day, you better rest kid. If there's anything you need, my room is just four doors away."

Ray: "Sure. Noted on that." He started walking away. "Oh, almost forgot." He turned to face A.I. "Once I rested, can I explore the city?"

A.I: "Yeah , yeah. Just report first to the guild before doing your exploration."

Ray: "Okay I'll keep that in mind."

=Ray's Room=

Ray: "The experience was chaotic and there's a bunch of strange humans in this city, but all in all my first day went off well." He glanced at the window where the statue of the Goddess Aegis is seen. The scenery was captivating. "I better rest early." Ray jumped off to his bed and fell asleep immediately.