The leader of the guards orders the post guards to hold off the incoming merchants and travelers near the entrance.
Lhem: "Everyone block the gates! Make sure no one enters!"
The post guards did as they were told and closed all the portal gates from the entrance to the exit.
Berdo remains standing in front of the person. His appearance has changed. His golden brown hair and beard grew long.
Berdo: "This is you last warning. Take of your mask." Having an old scar on his left eye adds more to his intimidating aura.
Everyone who are witnessing the scene are having cold sweats. They are anticipating the dreadful battle that will come.
The person who caused the commotion is quite indifferent in the situation *he has made. *He just ignored the warning and even took a step forward.
Berdo: "RESTRAIN!"
The black robe person felt a strong force holding *him back. *He felt the overwhelming pressure.
Berdo approached the person.
Berdo: "Let me do you a favor. I'll take the mask off for you."
The moment he touched the mask, a powerful energy force was released. Vibrations were felt.
Berdo: (*He broke my skill…) *smirk* (…now this is interesting…) The person caught his hand.
The ground trembles and cracks are formed.
Lhem: "Men don't leave your posts. No one is to go near." He warned his fellow guards.
The leader of the guards knows what Berdo is about to do.
Berdo: "HOWLING!" A powerful sound waves were unleashed.
Everyone covered their ears. The deafening sounds made several of the post guards loss their consciousness.
Lhem: (Nghn…such powerful skill…)
The black robe person jumped off from above. His black robe was removed. The person is wearing a dark leather outfit. His physical structure is like of a teenager.
Berdo: (So he is indeed a man…but his this young…)
Berdo felt a strange energy forming on the fist of the young lad.
Berdo: *smirk* (Come! Let's see what you got!)
A thick smoke covers the entire area and a crater was made from the impact. When the smoke subsided, a small child appears between them.
Berdo: "Miss A.I?!"
A.I dusts off her clothes and runs into the young lad.
Berdo looked at them with a question on his face.
Berdo: (Do they know each other?)
A.I and the black haired young lad starts conversing. After they finished, A.I. moved towards Berdo and whispered something.
Berdo: "I see. So his your visitor." (Then why didn't he tell us earlier?) *sigh*
A.I. just nodded.
The young lad picked up his black robe and wear it over again.
Berdo signaled Lhem that everything has been settled. A.I with the young lad went along their way.
Lhem went straight to Berdo.
Lhem: "What happened? Who is that young lad, Sir Berdo?" He started to inquire.
Berdo: "I have no idea. Miss A.I. said it's her visitor."
Lhem: "It's rare for Miss A.I. to have a visitor, don't you think?"
Berdo take some time to respond. He was in a deep thought.
Lhem: "Sir Berdo?"
Berdo: "Ye---yes it is. But one thing I can say is that young lad is powerful. Maybe even powerful than I."
Lhem was shocked.
Lhem: (That young lad?!! But Sir Berdo is now an SS rank Tanker!)
The main entrance re-opened and everything came back to normal. The travelers and visitors were permitted again to come in and out of the city. The guards went with their way to safeguard the gates. The peaceful atmosphere has returned.
=2nd District=
A.I and the young lad are walking in the street.
A.I: "I thought you will be here by the morrow."
Lad: "That is today."
A.I: "Oh…I might have gone confused with the days."
Lad: "I see your city undergone wonderful changes."
A.I: "Indeed. This new generation is really surprising. I owe it to them."
Lad: "…even, Mr. Berdo changed a lot."
A.I: "Probably his new fashion taste."
The two people continue to walk among the crowds.
A.I: "I forgot there's something I need to pick up at the guild. You want to tag along?"
Lad: "Un."
= Guild of The Shield Faction=
A.I stopped at the main door. She looks at her companion who seems hesitant to come along.
A.I: "Are you coming in or what?"
Lad: "I---I will."
Both of them entered the building.
The young lad is amazed on how the guild was improved. Right when he enters the doorway, large polished hall will be seen. The ceiling is now quite high and a huge crystal chandelier hangs at the center. A miniature statue of the Goddess Aegis stood along the center of the hall.
A.I: "Shock? Good thing you decided to come inside."
A receptionist rushed to meet them.
Receptionist: "Welcome to the Guild of the Shield Faction." She greeted. "Please follow me."
The young lad was more shocked.
Lad: "What happened to the long lines of people?" He whispered.
A.I just smiled as they followed the receptionist. They moved along the corridors and stopped at a huge door with the name of the guild engraved on top of it. Right when the receptionist opens it, adventurers and travelers are relaxing and sitting inside a cubicle waiting for their name to be called.
Lad: "Why didn't you think of this in the first place?"
A.I: "It's all thanks to the new generation."
The receptionist led them to one of the cubicles. The cubicle has a crystal attached in the middle.
Receptionist: "Please take a seat and wait here."
The young lad took a seat.
Lad: (It's soft and comfy.)
Right at his side is a transparent screen.
Lad: "You can also order food while waiting. This is amazing!"
He helped himself exploring while A.I was busy talking with the receptionist. After their conversation, she approached the lad.
A.I: "Looks like you're getting used to the change around here."
The young lad nods and smiles.
A.I: "Good…Just wait here, I'll just go and get something."
A.I follows the receptionist and moves along. The young lad was left enjoying the comfortable atmosphere.
Lad: "I wonder what other new things they did here?"
The young lad stood up and dashed out from the cubicle.
A pile of documents was scattered through the air. He accidentally bumped into someone.
Woman: "Ouch!"
The young lad quickly grabbed the documents on the floor and helped the woman to stand up. He finally recognized her. She is the head receptionist of the guild.
Lad: "I'm---"
Ms Kara: "I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming."
The young lad was flabbergasted. He just bowed his head to offer an apology.
Ms. Kara: "You have some strange clothings. Is this your first time here?"
He nodded.
The head receptionist smiled.
Ms. Kara: "Welcome to the Guild of Shield Faction. I'm Kara, the head receptionist of the place. If you ever need something just touch the crystal inside the cubicle, one of our workers will come to you."
Lad: "Un." (Was Miss Kara supposed to be this kind?)
Ms. Kara: "Well…Help yourself."
The head receptionist left with a peaceful air around her.
The young lad went back to the cubicle.
Lad: (Maybe it's better to stay here and wait.)
A moment later, A.I came back with a small cubic box.
Lad: "What's that you're holding?"
A.I: "We will see. For now, let's go to my apartelle and find out." Her eyes are sparkling.
Lad: (Guess A.I is still A.I)
The two went out from the guild.
=2nd District=
A.I and the young lad are walking among crowd. On the other side of the streets are Nympha and Celsius going back from their little picnic in the small forest. The two parties passed each other.
Nympha suddenly paused and looked back.
Nympha: "Celsius…"
Celsius: "Yes?"
Nympha: "Did you happen to saw the person wearing a black robe with a hood?" She didn't notice A.I.
Celsius: "No. There are a lot of people here in the street." He glanced back and, in a distance, saw a person with a hood. "Are you referring to that tall person wearing a black hood?"
Nympha: "Yes. I somehow felt a familiar energy from that person…or it's just my imagination. Anyway, did you feel it as well?"
Nympha received a blank reaction.
Celsius: *sigh* "For the nineth time Nympha, I'm a nomad. I'm not sensitive as you are. How many times do I have to say it."
Nympha: "Right. Sorry about that. Well…it's probably my imagination."
Celsius: "It's fine…What familiar energy did you feel anyway?" He started to get curious.
Nympha: "I can't explain it…I mean the moment we crossed path with each other, I felt like I know the person for some reason.
Celsius just shrugged.
Celsius: "I---I don't know what to say about that."
Nympha and Celsius quickly turned their heads one more time to look. Both of them were shocked. Above the person's head, a small white creature appeared and started looking at them.
"EHHH?!!! ISN'T THAT AN INOKI?!!" Both of them exclaimed.