The good witch.

Alita grandmother is a good witch of Harnez, she harness her magical power into finding good spouse for the people of Harnez and some other neighboring kingdoms. she was known as old Zuna, it was believed that due to the Good deeds she does she only plants seeds in the life of people and for this, she can never die as seed only tend to grow and bear more fruits.

Old Zuna, the only good Witch in Harnez, after her failed married, she decided to go into witchcraft, but rather than using her powers for evil, she decides to use it in match matching good spouse for maidens. She had gotten married at a very tender age, and her married had hit the rock, the man with whom she had gotten married to, was fond of always drinking heavily and then he comes home drunk, only to start hitting his wife. Old Zuna, as at then was of very tender age and she would always endure it each time she was beaten, as whenever she complains of being beaten, she was told each time to pray to the gods so her husband will stop hitting her. Old Zuna endured getting maltreatment for fifty years, she bore two sons and a daughter, who also suffered from th wrath of their father, Pinch. Pinch drank heavily fot the rest of his life till Old Zuna could no longer take it, the very night Pinch came home heavily drunk, and he had wanted to hit her, that was the night old Zuna got initiated into the witch coven, she had used her powers to kill her husband, pinch. She had no regret as he was her only problem in life, and getting rid of him will mean getting liberated from the torments he gives to her and her three children.

After the death of old Zuna husband, everyone believed he had died of excessive drinking, as no one had suspected Him to have been killed with powers. Old Zuna, was free from her heavily drinking husband pinch. she inherited all of his property as pinch was an only child of his parents and his parents were long ago dead. Pinch, both parents had died together in one day, and it was reported that the incident made Pinch start drinking so heavily, as the pain always lingers in his heart and old drinking seem to help him forget.

Old Zuna, experience in the hands of her late husband, made her vow to use her witch powers to help young maiden locate good spouse, as with her powers she is able to see into the future of any young man, maidens who goes to her to see into the future of the young man they intend to get married to, when they are being told, that such young man will not bring happiness to them many felt they could make it work but at the end they either lose their life in the hands of the young man or they Loose marriage, as the marriage never works. those who listen to her always end up happy in their marriage.


The next morning, before sunset the prince, had turn into a dragon once again. Alita, who was to help the king turn into a human once again, set out to the kingdom of Harnez, so she could tell her grandmother, who is Old Zuna, the whole story and a solution would be sought for, as her grandmother knows almost all the maidens in the kingdom, so knowing those with royal blood is an easy task.

Kera had walked with Alita to the entrance that leads to be forest, they saw that there wasn't a single guard there. The kingdom of Harnez faces the east,so Alita went through that way, glancing back frequently to ensure she is not being followed or seen by anyone.

Alita, Journey time Harnez ddnt take her too long as she was a fast Walker and was full of strength, she had only stop twice to take a rest and drink from the bottle that was found in the forest, by Kera, who uses it to fetch her water for her journey. A piece of rabbit meat, which the Dragon prince had caught, which was roasted and a part was given to her for her journey.

When Alita got to her kingdom, she headed for her home and there found so many people in her compound, when she was seen, a great shout of Joy was heard as they all thought she was already taken as a slave by the people of Oz. Her sister whom had fell sick with guilt of sending her sister to deliver a love letter to her lover in Oz, was determined to to to Oz to look for her sister, even if it meant being taken as a slave. several times she had been held back from going to Oz, as her parents can't afford to lose both children. seeing her sister, immediately she jumped up and hugged her and was filled with tears. "I'm sorry Alita,I shouldn't have sent you there" she said crying profusely.

"it's fine, just know I need your help now more than ever, to rescue someone". hearing this, her sister sworn to help Alita in any way she could.

Those gathered in the compound with time began to leave as it is clear that Alita is back and safe. Her parents could not wait to hear all that happened. They seem to clamour all over her trying to get the story of how she excaped the people of Oz. Alita whose mind was on how to save the prince only asked of her grandmother. " where is grandmother Zuna, I need her to help me save the Prince". "what prince? our prince is safe in our land". said her father, Urz, looking confused. " the prince of Nazi was turned by the wicked witch of Harnez , who was once a witch here, but has taken over the kingdom of Oz, he needs to see a lady who is of royal blood bathing in the river of Alkhi, and only grandmother can tell us who is of royal blood as we never get to see the King's daughters, until they are to be married".