The evil witch

The witch, Magpie, ruled with an iron hand over the people of Oz, along with the prime minister, Zefi, who betrayed the late King. They took over the kingdom of Oz together, and resolved to getting married, in order to strengthen their rulership on the kingdom of Oz. The married was slated to take place after they had cleanse the room of the late King and chased away the spirit of the late King. A priest have been invited to do the spiritual cleansing of the later king room, the priest was the priest of Harnez, who was called upon after the priest of Oz had left the kingdom, refusing to serve the new rulers.

The cleansing was being done by, Nique, the priest of Harnez, and it was believed that the cleansing had already chased away the spirit of the late king, making the room free from any spirit.

The prime minister and The wicked witch, had moved their belongings, thereby occupying the room. They lived a life of royalty and used the late King expensive jewellery made of pure gold, they used and wore his finest clothes , and prepared for their marriage to come.

The maids of the palace were made to sew a wedding gown made of the finest silk for the witch, they had no choice than to oblige the queen..

The witch with the prime minister changed many rules, that the kingdom of Oz, used to be under, for instance, in Oz no man is allowed to marry two wife, but the queen and prime minister, made men to have more than two wife. Also no lady under eighteen can get married, but the evil witch made it that maidens under Thirteen can get married if the parent wished. The maidens of Oz used to go to school, but witch made it that they should not go to school, as only the men should. The maidens will only come to the palace to learn dark magic from the queen, so they can all have power to fight against the people of Harnez. the wicked witch, got news that her people had already got her banished from coming into the Kingdom, as they want nothing to do with her after hearing of the evil deed she has done. so in return the witch wants to revenge and destroy the people of Harnez.

in order to achieve this evil act, she needed people on her side as so she can destroy the people of Harnez, and rule both kingdoms, The kingdom of Oz and Harnez.

many feared the Queen who is the wicked witch, everyone was afraid to counter with her opinion as anyone who tries such end up getting killed. The slaves that were taken from the kingdom of Harnez, during the ruler ship of the late King thought and felt the witch would have them freed, as she comes from the same kingdom as they came from too. unfortunately none of the slaves were freed rather they were sold out to people who needed to buy slaves and vital organs.

The Marriage of the witch and the prime minister was to take place the next day, the wedding gown of the witch had been neatly sewed and to be worn the next day. The priest from Harnez had come over to bless the union. the night before the wedding, it had rained heavily, this was a bad sign in the kingdom of Oz, as the marriage is meant to be cancelled if such happens. the witch who had no regard for the people of Oz Kingdom and their tradition decided to go ahead with the marriage and Damned every consequences, along with the Prime minister, they both decided to forge ahead with the marriage.

The next day arrived and the rain which had started the previous night,seem not to stop, despite the incantation chanted by the priest from Harnez.

"well, the marriage ceremony will go on and everyone must be present there, guards will go out and make sure no one stays indoor as I want the whole people of Oz to come and experience the marriage, anyone who tries to be absent should be killed, and vital organs sold" said the wicked witch with authority, the prime minister on the other hand agrees to these and the guards all went out in their numbers to make sure that everyone, old, young, big, small, and even crippled all came. the people of all Oz were are all gathered in the palace the palace is big enough and well spacious, as they were all gathere heavy rain poured on them and got them all drenched,with the priest the prime minister and the witch all enjoying the ceremony of their marriage who happened to be inside the palace as the people were all outside. The joining of the ceremony of the marriage took place inside the palace when it was all over only bread was given to the people to celebrate their marriage.

"People of Oz, you were gathered here today, to celebrate the marriage of the new king and queen, who only want to serve this kingdom better, with your support we can achieve this. now everyone bow to your new rulers, anyone who fails to will be taken in as a prisoner and a traitor" the priest who just finish joining the witch and prime minister said.

The people of Oz all bowed to worship their new ruler as no one want to be taken in as a prisoner or sold as a slave. They all retired to their home after the ceremony with the bread given to them and their clothes wet

The new king and queen felt fufilled being the new ruler of Oz, and felt they have accomplish so much and have a lot to conquer together, as they also plan on conquering the people of Harnez, who already said they want nothing to do with the wicked witch.

"let us go into our royal chamber and sleep now my love" said the prime minister.