The Fracture of the union, an Aspect undetected these unknowable forces, only increasing with each warp in the entire world in upheaval at the Revolution.
of terrestrial life, this creation ways upon even the most advanced of Human technology, The Ion cannon and the crippling of the Union nuclear arsenal preventing any Resistance on the front.
The Action splintering the force when the Ion cannon struck Vladislav Blaise, terrified in his dictatorship, the building utterly worthless against the insanity of these forces.
"TO THE BUNKER GET ME TO THE BUNKERS!" The Soldier knock from their Stoper rushing to get the Mad dictator out.
The thundering step of the weapons platform's Travel sends tremors across the land as they walk towards Union territory.
"You should've expected this. I did say only call me when you're on your last leg." The first Tactical Missile Strike against the Massive Weapons platforms.
The shield pulse out, distributing the hit through the shield before just vanishing. The titanous Craft activates the void Syndicate shielding.
The black line creep over the top to bottom and middle of the shield circuit spread as the hexagonal plate takes form on the shield like hardening Carapace.
Its Ion Cannon changes slightly [Neutron shot active.] The Tesla coils actively shimmering as volt crackle spinning the shot.
the spiralling death ready to fire at any moment as not even the sound escapes as the shot shots through the air directly for the largest collection of ammunition.
"EVACUATE!" He screams only for the Command to be complete static from the supression field produce by the neutron shot.
It slams into the base. As a vortex erupts outwards, The Area completely irradiated as the explosion follows a blue fireball erupting outwards as the shockwave sends tremors through the crust.
The Distorted communications only followed by the silent screams of soldier as the very air is stripped from their surroundings.
Those outside the fireball still destroyed at the atomic level. imploding with their many cells in fission, the ammunitions explode, being struck at such force it Sparked
*BOOM!* The thunderous Tremors Resound through the air as the Mushroom clouds billow up with cinders filling through.
The Damnation of the super Weapon of a neutron cannon, an explosion incomparable to a nuclear bomb. Christopher Stare at the devastation.
Turning away "as I've said Pavlo, I don't care who takes over The Union after it's head been cleaved off. I just know the bunkers' location."
He grins. "I'll send in some teams to destroy it, then you can decide what to do, this is your war after all, I'm just a mercenary for hire."
Christopher turns away from him. "Just don't let North Korea take a hand in the territory. Blocking them is easy for my troop, but that careless fool would make for a terrifying power."
The USA stare at the display of this and another sheet "hmm." Japan renegotiations of the Defence force to be changed to a defensive army.
Such a powerful tool requiring equally powerful forces to counter them, the Union completely destabilized as the minister hides in terror.
hearing of the destruction of the Ammunitions depot and the utter annihilation of the ammo, not even comparing the fact the weapon platforms solely target structures.
Superior tanks driving between and under with troops akin to super-soldier as the basic infantry. "what the hell did I piss off?" he continue to press the Red button.
Nothing working "Sir, the Nukes are in a state of complete dysfunction. We can't operate or even launch them."
"are sensory array are all in a mess to those. Colossal machines are throwing them out of order from just scale alone" "
The horrible idea not being refused because of the many forces withdrawing but still backing the Union dictatorship.
The Overwhelming Advantage Insane Against the pathetic Legions of tanks sent after the shielded Pulse tanks.
Christopher heading home and starting Dinner his forces continuing to be warped in against the Union forces victory guaranteed.
"SIR! OUR NUKES ARE OPERATIONAL AGAIN!" his eyes widen a grin skews his face. "FIRE!" the Launches activated The USA Sensory, detecting the first stage launch of these things.
"Inform the president.". The bomb detonated, sending a bright flash of light across the sky. The Colossus [unity shield online transferring Damage entirely into Shields null shield engaged.]
The whoosh of energy exponentially as the Shield wraps around the bomb's explosion, the Null shield takes its place. Any attack completely absorbed into the dimensional barrier.
Repulsed into the D dimension, where it is dismantled at the subatomic level. The sheer power displayed simply another form of energy and mass to it
Even the Radiation Taken away from the World as the supposed Nuclear explosion is devoured by Dimension D, the massive machine still fumbling.
The concussive shockwave still bypassing the Null shield before it came up. It collapses backwards. Thurlein responds in kind.
medium weapons platforms appearing all around it, equipped with a vast array of AP and Anti armour, the Walker guarding the Colossus.
Union Forces Instant move in to try anything to get Technology to counter the Push into their territory Pavlo finally Moves force in from Patrium To take territory.
The forces moving on the Colossus destroyed as the warp designation begins to pull the Colossus back into Thurlein's repair facility
It changes the Prior structure to compensate the insane size of the Colossus. The walkers beginning to warp off as well.
The Colossus Vanishing With all the Walkers The union leadership again proven Hopeless "LOCK DOWN, LOCK DOWN" Vladislav screams.
Multiple Squads of Elite troopers waiting to Invade the bunker. Vladislav is within the Elite, equipped with what can only be described as Superior armament
Placing bunker buster charges on the seal reinforced semi vault door. The elite trooper backing away from the Door "quite the reinforcements, huh." He Clicks the button.