Bunker busting

*KABOOM!* the Thunderous explosion burst out the Door Thrown back "WHAT THE URGH!" The soldier are slammed into by the heavy door..

Thrown back everything under it Crushed down under it The Elite Troopers flood in the smoke blowing the Soldier in the Bunker sight.

Laser Bullet pierces through mist with substance under the detectable frame of the human eye they fill the target full of holes.

Not having the heat to sear the wounds shut as the many soldiers collapse to the ground. Pools of blood filling the halls of metal.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK BY THE AVALONIANS!" He screams as Vladislav's eyes widen. The Avalonians troopers moving through the fortress of a bunker with caution.

They Move through the Corridors Entering Rooms laser fly across hammer into soldier throwing them back into the wall from the shock.

They fall down, their eyes dulling as the blood flows through the room "clear." the others shoot dead in their own rooms.

"No resistance here clear." Another clear resounds More and more. Each of the barracks cleared. "large room ahead, Detecting Heavy forces."

He says, "Explain why the damn door is so big. To enter here." he press button calling in an impulse stalker. The unit is warped in the Medium.

Size Walker comparable to a tank, its arms simplistic large cylinder barrelled Cannons, a spherical Dome between it and the connector Joint to the upper arm.

The cannons start to charge a circle building around the barrel as it glows inside with a blueish plasma. The Stalkers' mechanical legs.

Step towards the door. "Alright." It deploys itself, its leg slam forwards as a wall of reinforce shield Position themself.

The door opens as armour piercing Rounds Fling Out hammer into the thick shield the barrel are, crushed exploding on impact [Firing.]

1 cannon shifts towards the tank on the right. The other Left Firing out one shot. It beams across the field it tears into the armour.

Each seconding it explode "AAAAH!" the tank explodes, the stalker cannon recharging rapidly before firing again into the bunker behind the tank itself.

turned to Molten slag as it tear through everything, only stopping after running through a vast amount of stone turned to Slag.

"GO!" Laser shots burst out of the corridor, slamming into the soldier and tearing them apart they collapse just as the rest the impulse stalker recalled.

Progress further through the bunker "I can see why the lord didn't obliterate it." The primitive Knowledge still somewhat valuable for formulate perfect countermeasure to certain units without going into the extreme.

Reaching the Final Chamber, they burst in, armed to the teeth. The Dictators surrounded by the council, Vladislav. tear out a pistol.

*BANG* he fires the high calibre Pistol hitting one of the soldiers. He lurches back with a grunt. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"

He draws his Assault laser Another grab him "We're immune to most small arm you Fucking idiot!" he's thrown to the ground.

"Now then, Hand in the fucking area before I decide to blow off you freaking arms." Vladislav raises his arm, dropping the gun.

The Council following Suit Thrown to the ground, they're all arrested by good old unbreakable cuffs, "Since humans are so damn keen on punishment through jail."

"I have to spare you if it was me, though I'd have exterminated your entire bloodline." He coughs. Terrified of the monstrous unit.

The Union dismantled at its core as it begin to be split and fought over only North Korea Left from this staying Low because of the terrifying display just shown by the forces. That called themself Avalonian.

Already having attempted taking territory but being blocked by this very force, their Nuclear weapons also disabled.

Losing the biggest geopolitical cover for its entire country In Russia China not relatively effected but terrified of it

The two regimes already petrified at a small country having the capacity to Disabled Nuclear weapons, unaware of the stasis cannons capable of freezing the bombs and Decaying the Uranium completely to make it worthless in the Detonation.

Used as a static to retain some hope for humanity to fear something beyond Understanding Even Japan questioning exactly how the crystal fuel is actually formed.

Able to create it but not able to understand how it has such properties as freezing time. Christopher Finishes Supper "That took a bit."

The kids walking out "your home already?" He smiles. "Deploying things on special operation doesn't take long." he Smile at them. "Sausages?"

Cheese oozing from it "what the hell is that?" Christopher Snickers "It's sausages I made with cheese using the meat grinder."

He points at it, having bought it when he was coming back "So I decided to make something With it and Chesse filled sausage came up was temped to make Pigs in a Blanket."

He smiles. "beside we got whipped potatoes and Greens on top of this stuff." He sets up the plates Ruby and Aqua hesitate Aika Still not here.

"Where your mother?" Aqua looks at him. "Well, If I'm not mistaken, she sleeping." He nods, thinking about such a weird shift. "She is usually hyper as hell."

He shrugs getting her plate Ready before heading to his room opening the Door Aika Is indeed Sleeping. He scans over her.

"Oh, that brutal." Her body infected with a pathogen "hmm." he Shrug "seem Like a cold." already scanning over the entire Viral Composition.

"A Horrid Cold." Seeing the Crown pattern "ah, that what it is." he set it down telepathically waking her. She groans, "What is it, Christopher?"

"Supper here." He Hands it to her. "keep resting darling. That not exactly an easy thing to deal with after all." She Smiles "I'm sure I'll be-"

Christopher cut her off. "No, I will put you in an isolated chamber if I have to honey your staying home weather you like it or not."

She Pouts "No." sighing She takes the food the drone setting up a table. For her to eat, Christopher erasing all foreign substance from the room, turning it into a hospital room with just sterilization.

He walks out afterwards cleaning up what the kids left. "It appears they absolutely loved the sausages only a few left "and they thought it was hell maybe I'll add some mildly spicey seasons to it next time."