Interstellar Exploration, Stench of Death!

In the divine domain, he used the divine faith power to maintain it. Due to Princess Jonah's unstable condition, Sullo also ordered his followers to recover the divine faith power as soon as possible. 

After that, he placed Princess Jonah back into the Holy Human Spirit's Imperial Palace.

Seeing the injured Princess Jonah, the Holy Human Spirits were very anxious and quickly asked if she would be alright.

Sullo's answer to them was positive, giving them hope.

After receiving Sullo's affirmation, all the Holy Human Spirits were also very happy.

"Many thanks to the Lord God for blessing us! We will definitely succeed in overcoming this difficulty!"

While the Holy Human Spirits were happy, Sullo glanced at Princess Jonah.

Then, he carefully covered her with a blanket and used his divine power to leave the dilapidated divine domain.

Under his currently weakened situation, he did not have much power left.