Divine Bone of the Undead, The Dark Abyss!

When Sullo felt a strange power, he immediately released his own divine power and arrived at the strange place.

Once he found it, he was shocked. Besides going in deep, there was only endless loneliness and the lingering stench of death. 

After entering the strange place, Sullo's extremely sharp divine sense instantly sensed that something was wrong!

Could he have traversed down to the Underworld?

In front of him was an extremely dense white fog, shrouding everything in sight.

Even with Sullo's divine eyes, he was unable to see through the white fog and what was behind it.

However, Sullo's incomparably sharp senses told him that there was a terrifying danger within the white fog!

If Sullo had been at his peak divine power, he would not have been afraid of confronting the dangers within.