Dark Abyss Exploration, Tomb of the Gods!

After Sullo had settled the white fog, he saw a large rift where countless undead rested.

In an instant, they broke out of the ground and charged toward Sullo with all their might!

In response, Sullo summoned the Holy Angels within his divine domain, preparing to kill all the undead!

Upon receiving Sullo's orders, the Holy Angels unleashed their powerful divine power, bombarding the undead and clearing them all out!

Following which, one of Sullo's most powerful believers, the Queen of the twelve-winged Holy Angels, Alice, had appeared!

The terrifying law of light illuminated the entire rift, instantly purifying all the undead!

Furthermore, Alice was a powerful angel who controlled the laws of light. Her strength far surpassed that of an ordinary lower god!

The undead continued to break out from the ground, their numbers seemingly infinite.

The Holy Angels also unleashed their most powerful attacks, continuously killing the undead.