The Trial Begins. A Genius God’s Believer

After maintaining order and allowing Sullo to pass the trial, the sovereign expert left.

As for Sullo, he was able to obtain the divine token that he needed!

As Sullo's registration ended, countless more gods came to register. This included geniuses from other academies and the strongest amongst them had even reached the level of an eight-star High God!

This level of power was enough to crush all of the gods, making him invincible!

At the registration area, the six great divine lords had descended into this world!

Every single divine lord was a terrifying existence at the sovereign expert level.

They possessed a power that could destroy the world.

Such terrifying power instantly intimidated all the gods at the registration point.

Even high-ranked Gods were nothing in front of a sovereign expert!

Therefore, countless gods held their breath as they waited for divine lords to bring about their announcement.