Princess Jonah’s Oath, Conquering The First Divine Pillar!

After seeing the supreme projection, all of the gods—including the 6 extremely powerful divine lords—bowed to the terrifying figure in front of them.

After all, they were all Gods who were born in this divine region, so this was the God King who had created them!

He was also the most powerful being in the world!

Even an ordinary projection from the God King had boundless power that could destroy everything in the world!

All the gods welcomed the arrival of their God King!

While everyone was extremely respectful, the God King's projection exploded with immense power, opening up a spatial passageway!

An endless world was opened up.

The spatial passageway was incomparably deep and dark, leading directly to the domain opened up by the God King for this particular competition. 

After the God King's projection opened up an enormous divine domain, the participating gods began to enter it.