
In the living room.

Albert and the other two made a decision.

"This... this, this, this..."

Before Albert could speak, Robert couldn't sit still.

After all, the most terrifying thing in the Apocalypse was human nature.

You could never imagine what a person would do to another person in order to survive.

When the end of the world came, the neighbors who were usually on good terms with each other were killed by a bottle of mineral water in the supermarket.

Or when they were in despair, it was common to eat the bodies of their dead companions.

At this time, humans could no longer trust each other. It was only when the shelter was built that the situation eased up.

Uncle Reggie lived here alone. Doomsday had already been going on for three years.

How did he survive in this place without food and water?

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became!

"Erm... Albert, why don't we escape first?"

Robert looked at Albert and his eyelids twitched.


At that moment, Albert was also helpless because of Robert. He said, "We can run, but it's late at night. Even if we run, where can we run to?"

Phyllis also said worriedly, "Indeed, it's not easy to deal with a berserk zombie at night."

Albert was silent for a while, then said, "Why don't we wait for a little longer?"

However, just as he finished speaking...

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The sound of meat being chopped rang out.

The three of them were stunned on the spot.

Especially Robert.

Robert's expression had completely changed.

"There will be no livestock after the apocalypse. Where did he get the meat?"

"It can't be that what he chopped was human meat, right?"

A series of whispers rang out.

Albert was also helpless. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Hey, Robert, let's talk nicely. Don't scare people, okay?"

"I don't want to guess blindly, but this doesn't make sense!" Robert was a little numb now.

"Albert, I say, why don't we go?"

At this moment, Phyllis, who was standing at the side, was also afraid.

"Hey, Phyllis, why are you being led astray by Robert?"

Even though he had said that, Albert was still a little flustered.

However, at this moment.

"Ohhh, the meal is ready."

After he said that, Reggie walked out of the inner room with a pot of steaming meat soup. He looked at the three of them and smiled.

"You must be hungry. I made chicken soup for you. Try it."

He placed the steaming meat soup on the table.

The three of them saw a soft-stewed hen in the pot.

Robert was stunned when he saw this. He raised his head and looked at Reggie. "Uncle, your chicken is..."

Reggie had already guessed what he was going to ask. He wiped his hands with a towel and smiled.

"Oh, it's like this. The end of the world is coming. To ensure food resources, I built a small chicken farm at home."

"Every once in a while, you only need to feed some leftovers. It can be used to lay eggs and store food."

As his voice fell, Robert immediately stood up from the sofa and walked step by step into the inner room. Immediately, he saw the few chickens kept in the house.

He was completely dumbfounded.



Two stifled laughter sounded behind him. Robert turned his head to look at Albert and Phyllis. With an awkward expression, he could only limp back to his original position and drink chicken soup together.

At this moment, Reggie sat across from the three of them and lit another cigarette.

"I'm sorry. My family doesn't have many resources, so I can only entertain you guys with this."

"It's okay, it's okay. Uncle, these are enough!" Robert thanked them as he ate the chicken in large mouthfuls.

It had to be said that after experiencing so much on the way out of the shelter, he was really starving.

Meanwhile, Albert and Phyllis each had a small bowl and were eating politely.

"Hehe, you guys just take your time."

Reggie looked at the three of them and smiled gently.

At this moment, he suddenly shouted at a room in the room.

"Janice, come out and eat!"

This voice made the three of them who were eating stunned.

"Is there anyone else in the room?" Robert raised his head.

The three of them followed the voice and looked behind them. They saw a petite figure slowly walking out of the room.

Walking in the living room was a little girl who looked eight to nine years old.

The little girl was wearing a rose-red floral dress and red leather shoes. Although the style was not new, it was definitely very clean.

The girl's face also looked very good.

However, for some reason, the little girl did not look good.

Janice walked out with her head lowered and sat down beside Reggie.

However, her eyes were only looking at the chicken soup in front of her, and she did not pick up a small spoon to drink it.

Seeing this scene, with a cigarette in one hand, Reggie immediately frowned and said lightly, "Eat quickly, or the chicken soup will get cold later."

After saying this, Janice's expression changed. She reluctantly picked up a small spoon and started to eat the chicken soup.

Seeing this scene, Reggie turned around and smiled at Albert and the other two, "As you can see, this is my daughter, Janice."

However, at this moment, she did not listen to the introduction and looked at this scene.

Albert, Robert, and Phyllis were sitting across from each other. The three of them were stunned.

What... was going on?

Looking at the reluctant look on the little girl's face, although they wanted to speak, they had no choice.

After all, this was someone else's home, so they could not say anything.

They could only eat the chicken soup in their bowls silently.