Three Little Brats, That's Enough


"What's going on?"

Albert and Phyllis also noticed this, and two exclamations sounded.

However, just as the two of them were about to stand up.

A deep shout suddenly erupted.

"Don't move! or I'll take this brats' life with one shot!"

With a shout.

Albert and Phyllis' movements froze.

It was also at this moment that a figure slowly walked out from the shadows behind the pillar.

The person who appeared in front of them was a strong man. When he walked out, he was still pointing a shotgun at Robert.

Robert was panicking now. His legs couldn't help but tremble, as if he was afraid that the strong man beside him would accidentally go off by accident.

Everything had happened too quickly.

Seeing that Robert was in danger, Albert became anxious. He stretched out his hand and said to the burly man, "Uncle, wait a moment. We are only here to rest temporarily. We are not bad people!"

"If I have offended you in any way, I apologize on behalf of my friend!"

He looked at the burly man threatening Robert.

Albert's eyes were calm, and his mind was in deep thought.

At this moment, he did not know what was going on.

But no matter what, he had to stabilize the burly man in front of him first.

At this moment, hearing the explanation, the burly man was first stunned, then he carefully looked at Albert, and then laughed, "Hehe, don't lie to me. How long has it been since someone came to my place?"

"Three humans suddenly appeared and said that they were just here to rest. They even carried baseball bats with them. Do you think that I would believe that you are not bandits?"

After saying that, the burly man's eyes turned cold. The gun in his hand was already pulled open.

Hearing this sound.

"Hey, hey, hey, uncle, don't be anxious!" Robert was panicking and hurriedly said.

Phyllis also screamed in an instant and her eyes panicked.

With a gulp, Albert swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Looking at the situation, he was also panicking.

However, his eyes were still calm as he tried to calm down the strong man's emotions. "No, uncle, you definitely know the current situation better than anyone else!"

"Think about it. If we were really bandits, would we have this reaction when we saw you holding a gun?"

"We would never bring a girl who doesn't even have a weapon in her hand!"

"And... most importantly, the young man you pointed the gun at did indeed have an injury on his leg. You can take a look!"

He said these words calmly.

The brawny man was obviously stunned. Then, he looked at Robert's leg and indeed saw the injury.

Only then did he believe Albert's words. He pushed Robert towards the two of them, but he still pointed his gun at Albert.

"I'm sorry. Even if your companion is injured, I'm still worried about the brat who suddenly barged into my house."

As his voice rang out, Albert extended his hand to block his companion behind him. After thinking for a while, he finally said.

"Alright, then I understand. We'll just leave."

As he spoke.

Albert turned to look at Phyllis and Robert. "Let's go."


Robert nodded. Clearly, the experience just now had given him quite a scare.

He limped as he followed Albert.

Seeing this, Albert conveniently placed Robert on his shoulder.

At the same time, the burly man behind him saw this scene.

Seeing Albert supporting Robert, his expression changed slightly.

Inside the building, after supporting Robert, Albert and Phyllis slowly walked out of the building.

Suddenly, they heard a faint voice behind them.

"Alright, you three kids, come back!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

Albert and the other two were stunned. They looked at the burly man in surprise.

The burly man quietly lit a cigarette and looked at the three of them. He said slowly, "Follow me upstairs. Hurry up, I'll only say it once."

As soon as he said this, Albert and the other two's expressions immediately lit up.

They followed the burly man up the stairs.

"Albert, we're really lucky!" Robert leaned on Albert's shoulder and smiled helplessly.

Hearing this, Albert's eyes lit up slightly. Without saying anything, he brought Robert upstairs.

They went up to the second floor.

Only then did the three of them realize that all the furniture on the second floor was very clean and complete, just like a real family.

They sat on the sofa.

The brawny man looked at the three of them and gestured, "The three of you can also sit down. My name is Reggie, you can just call me by my name."

Hearing this, Albert and the other two nodded and sat opposite each other.

"Hey, brat, I won't keep you in suspense here." Reggie crossed his legs and pointed at the table as he asked.

"It's so late and you're still passing by. What are you guys trying to do?"

"The night during doomsday is so dangerous. You guys can't be taking a stroll for such a ridiculous reason, right?"

A sentence sounded.

Albert and the other two also knew that Reggie was asking about their background.

After all, they were in the apocalypse. No one could be sure that the person they saved would be the enemy in the next second.

Hearing Reggie's question...

Albert thought for a while and decided that there was no need to hide it. He looked at regent and said, "It's like this."

"We're passing by this place because we want to go to a Sam's supermarket one kilometer away. I heard that there are still some supplies left."

"Oh?" Reggie was surprised. He looked at the three of them and continued, "No, it's night now. For some reason, a wave of zombies is coming."

"The zombies are all in a berserk state. You should wait until tomorrow!"

"What?" Robert was surprised.

"But, uncle, those supplies are really important to us," Albert said.

At that moment, they didn't even know if Elke was dead or alive. They didn't want to waste any time.

However, the next second, a firm voice rang out again.


"When I say no, it means no. Just the three of you won't be able to withstand the wave of zombies at night."

"You... will really die."

When he said this, Reggie's eyes darkened.

When Reggie said this, Albert had no reason to retort.

He took advantage of this momentum.

Reggie took a puff of his cigarette, sat on the chair, and continued, "Alright, there are still a few empty rooms in my house. You can stay here for the time being."

"If you're really hungry, I'll cook some food for you later."

With that, Reggie stood up and walked into the back room.

In the living room, Albert, Robert, and Phyllis looked at each other.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they really didn't have the ability to deal with the wave of zombies at night, as Reggie had said.

But what was more unbelievable was that in the cruel world of doomsday, was it really safe for them to stay here just because of a stranger's invitation?