Are You Saying that I'm Arrogant? No, Frode, You're the One Who's Arrogant!

"Freire! ! !"

Elke shouted.

Without saying anything else, he directly rushed towards Freire.

Before Freire reached the end, he hugged him with one hand.

However, Freire's entire body was pierced by the icicles. His eyes were dim and his breath was weak. He had basically lost all his vitality.

Even when Elke hugged him, he only felt a bone-piercing chill.

At this moment, looking at Freire who was only left with a breath, everyone knew clearly that there was nothing they could do to rescue Freire...

On the side, Jim, who was holding his gun, was also anxious when he saw this scene.


He cursed angrily and wanted to run over.

However, the battle was far from over.

Just as Jim was running towards Elke and Freire...

Not far away, Frode slowly raised his hand again.

At this moment, Jim only wanted to run to his comrade's side and check the situation. He didn't notice the action behind him.

But Elke, who was hugging Freire, saw everything clearly.

When Frode raised its hand, his pupils dilated and he roared.

"Jim, get down!"

He shouted with all his might.

But it was too late.

When he heard this voice, Jim made a sound and subconsciously looked behind him.

It was in this moment.

The icy blue light ball had already flew to the front of his eyes.


An unusually calm voice sounded again.

Boom! ! !

The sound of explosion exploded.

Crack, crack!

Elke held Freire in his arms, and his gaze instantly froze.

In front of him, he saw that Jim's body had also been pierced by countless icicles. The icy blue aura dispersed in all directions, and his body stiffened on the spot.


Only a hoarse voice sounded from his throat. Jim looked at Elke in a daze, and then with a plop, he directly fell to the ground.

Almost at the same time.

Elke found that Freire, who was in his arms, gradually stopped breathing.

All of this was witnessed by Albert and the other two.

In just a few seconds, he lost two of his comrades.

Elke was on the verge of collapse.

"No! ! !"

An extreme shout.

Elke's scarlet mask looked particularly ferocious. He turned around and faced Frode.

His chest heaved up and down continuously, indicating that he had reached the peak of grief and anger.

Elke looked at Frode indifferently and said word by word, "Beast, no matter who you are, I must kill you today!"

"Oh? But looking at you now, you don't seem to have the ability."

Frode smiled.


In the next moment.

Elke almost instantly raised his rifle and fired at Frode.

"Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!"

This time, Elke's shooting didn't stop.

But he had already tried it before.

A weapon like a rifle wasn't enough to harm Frode.

Bullets fell.


Frode snorted as if he was provoked.


In the next moment.

It arrived in front of Elke and slashed down.


A clear sound of metal tearing rang out.

Ping! Ping!

The AK-47 rifle that had been split into two fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene.

Albert and the other two were shocked.

"What? ? ?"

"Oh no, even Lord Demon Hunter's rifle has been cut into two. How can we still fight?"


A series of exclamations sounded.

Albert, Phyllis and Robert's eyes were filled with shock.

No matter what...

Losing their weapons.

Against a B-class zombie like Frode, Elke had no hope of winning.

On the other side.

Looking at Elke, Frode said calmly.

"Demon Hunter, facts have proven that the death of your teammates didn't inspire you to become stronger."

"Your arrogance is useless."

"Next, have you decided how you want to die?"

This sentence was like the whisper of the Grim Reaper, ringing in his ears.

After saying this, a look of disdain appeared on Frode's face.


Precisely in this moment...


A faint voice sounded, and Elke, who was in a desperate situation, suddenly laughed.

Looking at Elke's smile, Frode tilted his head in confusion.

But before it could speak, Elke's voice had already sounded.

"The sacrifice of my teammates, my arrogance, is it useless..."

Saying this, Elke suddenly raised his head and stared at Frode with a pair of smiling eyes.

Frode was startled by those eyes.

In the next moment.

Elke smiled and said slowly, "No, they are useful. The arrogant one... Is you!"

"It's your arrogance that made you take the initiative to come closer to me."

"You entered an area that I couldn't have attacked at all!"

He said.

Frode was stunned, but before it could react.

In an instant.

Elke's hands suddenly reached behind his back, and a white figure wrapped in bandages abruptly attacked it.

"Hah! ! ! !"

A furious roar.

Elke took off the heavy weapon on his back and slashed at it.

Boom! !

Frode was startled by his slash. He took a few steps back and was almost hit by the blade.

At this moment.

As the blade was swung, the bandages wrapped around the blade began to slowly loosen. Only then did everyone see the true face of this weapon.

A heavy sword!

Looking at the pitch-black heavy sword in Elke's hand, in an instant, not only Frode.

Everyone, including Albert, was stunned.