Secret Weapon, B+ Zombie, Just So-so

"That is... an epee?"

Looking at the weapon in Elke's hand, Albert was stunned.

He wasn't the only one.

Phyllis and Robert were also surprised.

They had heard that the weapon on Elke's back was a secret weapon.

But they had never thought that the weapon was an epee.

Looking at the epee, the blade was shiny. From the wide blade, one could see how sharp the heavy sword was.

"But with this epee, will Lord Demon Hunter be able to defeat Frode?"

Robert asked subconsciously.

This was also what Albert and Phyllis were concerned about.

Yes, the AK47 that they had used before had not been able to cause any damage to Frode.

Now, just a cold weapon could hurt Frode?

Looking at Frode now, it obviously had the same thought.

"You want to kill me with just this epee? Hehe, don't joke around!"

Floyd looked at Elke and smiled disdainfully.

But in the face of its ridicule.

Elke only held the epee and said slowly, "Don't worry, for the next few moments, I won't let you escape from my attack range even for a bit."

As soon as he finished his words

Elke held the epee in his hand and charged straight at Frode.


A furious roar sounded.

Frode, who was originally contemptuous, wanted to receive Elke's attack just like how it received the bullets.

However, when the attack approached, its expression suddenly changed.

"What a fast speed!"

Frode was surprised.

The speed of Elke holding the epee was too fast.

He arrived in front of it at lightning speed.

Feeling the piercing sword power on the epee, it subconsciously retreated.

But before it could activate its ability.

In the next instant, the epee fiercely hacked at its body.

"Bang! ! !"

"Clang! ! !"

A heavy sound of ice cracking was heard.

Frode was sent flying several meters away by this attack. Then, he hit the wall with a bang and fell to the ground.

"Cough, cough..."

Frode struggled to stand up from the ground.

Then, it looked at its chest that had been hit by the sword.

On its rotten skin and flesh, a sword mark of several centimeters could be clearly seen.

Looking at the sword wound.

Frode's eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

What... What was going on?

How could the power of this man's sword be so strong?

"Hehe, Frode, you only realized the danger now, right?"

"But it's too late! ! !"

Elke sneered and once again lifted his epee and slashed at Floyd.


When the slash approached, Frode retreated in panic.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Elke's attacks were unceasing, and just like that, he slashed again and again.

Even though Frode was highly focused and kept dodging, Elke's sword still slashed heavily on its body in a moment of carelessness.

Bang! ! !

Another heavy sound of ice breaking could be heard.

Once again, Frode flew backward and landed on the ground with a thud.

"This man, what's going on... Why does he seem like a different person?"

Frode struggled to stand up from the ground, and his expression turned ugly.

But just as this thought appeared in its mind, there was no room for rest.

Elke's furious roar sounded from above its head once again.

"Frode, die! !"

Just when it raised its head, the epee was already charging towards it.

Bang! ! !

The sound of ice cracking could be heard.

Frode was once again sent flying several meters away.

"Next, I will chop off your head with my sword. Get ready to die, Frode!"

Elke said coldly.

At this moment, although one could see that he was attacking Frode with ferocity, but while the epee was extremely powerful, it was also extremely heavy.

Even his body, which had been strengthened by Crystals, couldn't adapt to this kind of consumption.

After making these few attacks, his entire arm had begun to hurt. He couldn't hold on any longer.


The next attack was... the last attack.


"Frode, die!"

Under the scarlet mask, Elke's eyes were wide open. With a roar, he instantly rushed towards Frode.

It was also at this moment.

At this moment, let's talk about Frode.

Right now, its entire brain had been hit into a daze.

This won't do.

If this continues, it will die.

It will really die.

Frode stood up from the ground, its eyes trembling.

It was frantically looking for a solution to the current situation.

And it was at this moment.

Suddenly, its eyes moved and it noticed Albert and the other two not far away.

"I got it!"

When Elke lifted his epee and attacked.

An extremely sinister plan had already emerged in Frode's mind.

"Hehe, Elke, no matter how strong you are, you still miscalculated!"

"Ice Explosion, go!"

Frode sneered and moved his hand.

A ball of ice-blue light flew out.

In this attack, the speed of the light ball flew a few times faster than before.

But the direction was not towards Elke.

But... Albert!

This was the plan that Frode made in lightning speed.

With the strength that Elke unleashed.

It knew that even if it used ice explosion now, it would definitely be cut into mince meat by Elke.

In that case.

It could only target Elke's other teammates!


The light blue ball of light flew directly toward Albert.

At this moment, it was as if time had stopped.

He was different from Jim and Freire.

He hadn't used Crystals to strengthen his body.

Facing the incoming icy-blue light ball, he didn't have any time to react.

"Then, make your choice, Demon hunter! ! !"

After releasing the icy-blue light ball, Frode laughed arrogantly.

His teammate was in trouble.

Demon hunter, do you choose to kill me or save your teammates!

At the same time.

The same question arose in Albert, Phyllis and Robert's hearts.

That's right.

The icy-blue light ball was coming. As long as it hit, Albert would definitely die.

At this time, Elke was almost in front of Frode. He only needed one sword strike to cut off Frode's head.

Then, what should he do now?

Robbert and Phyllis didn't dare to think about it anymore.

But now...

After years of experience, Albert already had an answer in his heart.

Under the current situation, he estimated that Elke would probably choose to kill the B-class zombie.

After all, the Crystals on a B-class zombie were definitely several times stronger than those on a D-class zombie.

Moreover, if the glory of killing a B-class zombie was spread in the base, Elke's position in the base would only become more stable.

Therefore, in this situation... There was no need to choose.

In the desperate situation.

Albert chose to close his eyes and face death calmly.

"Albert! ! !" Robert shouted and rushed toward him.

However, at this moment...

Just as everyone thought that Albert was going to die.

In the next instant, a figure suddenly stood in front of him.