Be Good! I’ll Give You a Slap!

Chen Feng pressed the button on the solar paralyzing electric rod with all his might.

Streaks of silvery-white electric light spread out like a spider web, radiating the three meters area.


The great white shark charging toward him suddenly twitched and let out a strange unknown cry. Its two small eyes also rolled back, and it fell into a state of paralysis.

Due to inertia, the great white shark still crashed into the side of the raft. However, it had not pounced on it this time.

[Paralyzing state for five seconds]


The great white shark was right in front of him and within his reach.

Chen Feng took out a Beast taming scroll from the warehouse and pressed it on its smooth back.

[Beast taming scroll in use... success rate 10%]

[Probability item detected. Emperor's luck triggered. Probability modified to 100%]

Two different notifications sounded in Chen Feng's mind at the same time.

[Countdown: 3.2...]

"Hurry Up! Hurry Up!" Chen Feng shouted anxiously. 

The paralysis state would only last for five seconds, and he had just pressed the beast taming scroll for about two seconds. He did not know if he could successfully tame it.

Just when Chen Feng felt that the great white shark in front of him had gradually stopped trembling and was about to wake up, another notification finally sounded.

[Taming successful. Give your pet a name.]

After hearing the successful notification, Chen Feng heaved a sigh of relief, but he still could not believe it. He retreated to the center of the raft first.

The great white shark in front of him had already recovered from its paralyzed state. At this moment, the violence in its eyes had long disappeared, and there was only gentleness.

It was circling the raft in the seawater, wagging its tail.

It had wanted to eat Chen Feng just now, but now it was as docile as a Shiba. Its bloody mouth did not look so ferocious anymore. Instead, it looked silly.

"You've changed so much!" Chen Feng looked at the great white shark, which looked different from the shark that tried to kill him, and muttered, "It should be tamed."

After using the beast taming scroll, it disappeared. This item was a one-time consumable.

At this moment, Chen Feng carefully sized up the great white shark. The introduction of the shark was out.

[Pet: Great White Shark (unnamed)]

Description: The Great White Shark, which has just matured, can understand its master's words. It is starving at this moment.

Loyalty: 50% (Once the loyalty is less than 1%, it would no longer see you as a master. It might even eat you)

Evaluation: My master seems to be very bad

"Is there such a thing as loyalty?"

Chen Feng was a little speechless as he stroked his chin.

He took out four or five pomfret bream from the warehouse and waved them in his hand. "Want to eat?"

The great white shark immediately stopped circling and exposed its huge fish head to the surface of the water. It nodded twice in a human manner, and a trace of anxiety appeared in its eyes.

"Here, take it!"

He threw the pomfret fish in his hand over. The great white shark opened its mouth wide and caught every single one of them. It appeared to be very agile.

After eating, the great white shark still looked at Chen Feng with longing eyes asking for more.

[Your pet felt that there were too little fish. They are not enough to fill the gaps between its teeth.]

"F*ck, four fishes was enough to feed me for a day!" Chen Feng endured the pain in his heart and continued to feed the shark with fish from his warehouse.

The number of fishes he was feeding to the shark kept increasing. In the end, he fed it about ten fish. The shark still showed that it was starving, but its loyalty had increased to 55%.

"I don't have much left. Later, you can go into the sea to hunt for yourself!" Chen Feng stopped feeding it. God knows how much the adult great white shark can eat in one meal.

If he continued to feed like this, the warehouse would be empty by the time it was full. It was better to let it hunt by itself.

"Since you can eat so much, I'll call you... Little Fatty!" Chen Feng nodded. He felt that he was a genius at naming things.

[Name success: Great white shark named (Little Fatty)]

After getting its name, Little Fatty was very excited. It made a lot of waves.

"Little Fatty, follow my orders and follow my hand gestures!"

Chen Feng pointed in a direction, wanting to see how smart Little Fatty was.

"Left, right, forward, backward..."

Little Fatty followed Chen Feng's instructions and swam back and forth in the sea very fast.

Not bad, not bad. In the future, he could make a hemp rope so that Little Fatty could pull the raft, and the raft would not have to be at the mercy of the wind.

Chen Feng nodded to himself as he finally thought of Little Fatty's greatest use.

"Come! Little Fatty, come a little closer!"Chen Feng smiled.

Little Fatty approached foolishly and was very gentle to Chen Feng.

"Come~ Good~"

When Little Fatty swam to his feet, Chen Feng, who had a kind expression on his face, suddenly raised his hand high.

He was like a grandmother wolf who had exposed her fangs.

"I'll give you a big slap!"


A slap landed on Little Fatty's head with a muffled sound.

"F*ck, you almost scared me to death when you bit me earlier. I was almost scared out of my mind!"

After confirming that Little Fatty had been successfully tamed, Chen Feng became bolder and vented his anger from the morning on it.


Was that how a shark sounds like?

Little Fatty looked at Chen Feng dazed, not understanding what was going on.

Chen Feng was the first person who dared to slap a shark.

[Little Fatty's loyalty has decreased by 1%. Current loyalty: 54%]

His loyalty had been reduced just like that?

Chen Feng pursed his lips. He was scared now. He threw a few more small fish at him to increase his loyalty back.

"Go hunt in the sea by yourself. You can come back tomorrow morning."

He waved his hand. How could he have enough food to feed it? It was better to let it hunt by itself.

After receiving Chen Feng's order, Little Fatty dived into the water, already dizzy from hunger. He did not know where it went hunting for food.

Next came the happiest time of the day.

Chen Feng rubbed his hands and put away the solar paralyzing electric baton.

After using it once, the battery was completely dead. It was indeed quite useless. It needed to be recharged for five hours before it could be used again. Now that the moon was out, there was no way to charge it. He would take it out and charge it tomorrow.

He took out the simple stove from the warehouse.

Here, today's theme: Self-service seafood hotpot!

He poured the remaining freshwater into the iron basin. Since there was a seawater separator, there was no need to worry about freshwater.

Since he had no worries about freshwater, he could use it however he liked. 

The iron basin was not big, and the depth of the basin was about five centimeters.

He lit the firewood. The temperature was very high, and the water boiled very quickly.

Gulp Gulp Gulp.

Chen Feng looked at the bubbling water in the iron basin. First, he grabbed a crab and placed it in the boiling water. Then, he took out two 10-centimeter-long prawns and let it join the crab in the water.

Then, he took out a piece of vegetables, cut it into pieces with a knife, and cut two sausages before putting them in as well. 

Finally, he added some coarse salt.

He had to have experience in cooking if he wanted the hot pot to taste good. 

First, he added meat and then vegetables, but if only there were a bit of vinegar.

The crab and prawns tasted fresh, and the vegetable and sausage were just for extra flavor.

Although there was no seasoning, the taste would still be very delicious!

Looking at the crab's shell and the prawns slowly turning red, Chen Feng knew that it was time to eat. He first tried a prawn.

"Hot, hot, hot."

Huff, Huff. 

He blew at the prawn in his hand twice, then touched his earlobe. Chen Feng slowly tore open the shell of the prawn.

White! So White! His saliva dripped down!


Three minutes later, Chen Feng was done. Uh...Dinner was over.

"Aiya, I didn't post it on the chat today!"

Chen Feng said with annoyance while slapping his thigh.