
[Yesterday's material acquisition evaluation]

[Yesterday's vehicle upgrade evaluation]

[Material acquisition survival points: 153]

[Level obtained survival points: 90]

[Total survival points: 243+38 = 281]

Chen Feng had his fill at dinner yesterday and continued to fish until late at night. The following morning, the system notification sounded at the expected time.

He had a total of 281 points after adding the 38 points left from purchasing the beginner's treasure chest.

However, the current mall level was still 1. After purchasing the beginner's treasure chest, there was nothing left to be bought, so he could only save the points for now.

He still needed to upgrade his raft in order to level up the mall. He hoped that the level 2 mall would have something worth buying.

Chen Feng opened the chat channel and saw that the number of people online in the world chat had decreased from 3.6 billion to 3.4 billion. The number of people online in the regional chat had also reduced from 10,000 to 8,342.

"So many people died again?!"

Chen Feng suddenly felt that something was hurting him emotionally. If it were not for his good luck and the cheat, he would have died of thirst and hunger by now.

However, now was not the time to feel sad. Chen Feng had been vigilance since the attack from Little Fatty yesterday.

The next time he was attacked, he would not have another beast taming scroll. It was time for him to upgrade his attack methods.

On the game interface, [Novice protection period: 23 hours and 13 minutes].

Once the novice protection period ended, there would be no more protection around the raft.

As the saying went, if you did not stock up on food, you would stave sooner or later. This time, it was a shark. God knows what it would be next.

Chen Feng first looked at the chat message.

There were already many people who had solved the problem of water and food.

Although the probability of catching anything with the novice fishing rod was low, they could still be able to catch a few things within the two days. If they were lucky enough to catch a treasure chest, they could get freshwater, food, or the blueprint for upgrading the raft.

Survival experts also explained how to make a simple distillation device to obtain freshwater in the chat. Some fishermen who had experience in fishing mentioned that [manufacture] could be used to make fishing nets and can be used to catch some seafood.

At the very least, some people could survive by drinking urine.

Although it was barely enough to survive, they could at least live.

After the problem of food and water were taken care of, everyone turned their focus towards upgrading the raft. Some opened treasure chests to obtain the raft upgrade blueprint, while others traded for it. Almost everyone began to upgrade the raft.

Upgrading the raft required a large amount of wood and plant fiber. Just fishing with the rod alone was not enough to upgrade it.

The entire market was in short supply, causing the price of wood and plant fiber to rise quickly.

In the past, 100ML of water could be used to exchange for 15 units of wood. Now, you will need 1L of water to obtain it.

Chen Feng had also seen the [Trade], and the price was simply ridiculous.

There was still nearly 2L of freshwater in the warehouse, 8,000G of food left. The fishing rod would disappear in one day.

Without this artifact, Chen Feng might have a problem with food. Therefore, food should not be traded, but water could.

However, Chen Feng had no plans to buy more wood. The wooden raft had already reached level 5. Whether it was in terms of size or hardness, it was definitely better compared to the rest. Right now, he was very interested in the various items in the trade window.

In particular, he wanted to see the items with (white) or higher quality. These items might have terms. If it were items with probability, it would be the perfect item for Chen Feng.

However, the items in the trade were all basic items. There were no colored items at all.

Chen Feng sighed and stopped browsing. He directly listed some items in the auction.

[Commodity: Freshwater 1L]

Seller: Chen Feng

Items required: Anything, as long as it is (white) quality and above.

Remarks: Do not disturb me if there is none.

White quality items mostly had special effects. If the person who obtained them did not lack water or food, they would not trade it for the time being. Therefore, after Chen Feng listed the information on the auction, no one privately messaged him.

It was a dull day, and it was also the last day of the novice protection period.

After Chen Feng ate a cup of instant noodles and a big pear, he added a stick of firewood to the seawater separator in the middle of the raft. He added some seawater and placed the solar paralyzing electric rod on the dry ground to absorb the sunlight to recharge it.

He sat on the edge of the raft and continued to fish.

Soon, bubbles appeared on the sea's surface, and a huge great white shark emerged from the water.

Its silly head rubbed against Chen Feng's calf, which was hanging on the edge of the raft.

Chen Feng patted its head and signaled it to be on guard. It had probably eaten its fill.

Having such a powerful pet could guarantee Chen Feng's safety.

The sun was getting higher and higher, and the sunlight was getting more and more intense. After applying some sunscreen, Chen Feng suddenly became interested in a private message sent by a person.

The person who sent the message was a middle-aged man named Tang Yucheng. He looked to be in his forties, and he looked mature and respected. He was very amiable.

Chen Feng remembered him. Before they transmigrated, he seemed to be an executive of some company. He was very famous in the southern border city where Chen Feng lived. He was a rich and influential figure.

"Hello, brother Chen Feng. I'm Tang Yucheng. I believe you've heard of me. I have something to talk to you about. Please reply if you receive this."

"Hello, may I know what it is you want to talk about?" Chen Feng replied out of curiosity.

Chen Feng knew very little about Tang Yucheng. He only knew that he was a very famous person in the southern border city. 

"It's great to see your reply. I was shocked when I saw your message from the world chat and the regional chat. I accidentally found out that you and I happened to be in the same region. That's why I came to look for you," Tang Yucheng replied not long after.

Chen Feng did not reply. The message from the two chat channels must have made a lot of people remember him. From Tang YuCheng's message, he knew he still had something to say.

"I don't know. Did brother Chen Feng notice anything special about the regional channel?"

"Special? I haven't noticed anything. Mr. Tang, why don't you be straightforward and say what is on your mind?"

"I've been in this world for two days. After two days of research, I can confirm that almost all the people in this regional chat are citizens of the southern border city before this transmigration. In other words, people from a region of the world would still be in the same region when they are transmigrated into this world."

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He had not paid any notice to the other people in the region. As long as anyone sent a message, the others would be able to see the profile picture and their real names. However, Chen Feng was a shut-in and did not have many friends in the past. It was normal for him not to know other people.

"Even if they're from the southern territory, what does that have to do with me?"Chen Feng replied. He did not understand what Tang Yucheng meant.

"Hehe, little brother Chen Feng, what I mean is that we're all from the same race, and we're all from the southern territory city. When faced with the hardships in front of us, we should help each other and support each other to tide overcome this trial. I'm considered a celebrity in the southern territory city. With my reputation, I can also gain everyone's trust. Therefore, I am organizing an alliance. Everyone should help each other so that everyone can survive. I would like for you to join us. What do you think?"