Octopus Head

The octopus-headed creature saw the ferocious sword in Chen Feng's hand coming towards it and dodged.

The two started to fight, swinging their swords at one another.

Chen Feng had never used a real weapon before, so he did not know how to use them properly.

He could only slash at the creature randomly, and he even shouted the names along with his messy moves. He believed that he could increase the effectiveness of the long sword.

The octopus head moved very fast, and its body was also very agile. Chen Feng found it difficult to find an opportunity to attack with the dagger in its hand.

Fortunately, Chen Feng's strength had significantly increased. However, even with his increased strength, he could barely block the creature's blows.

His confidence had not lasted long as the fight went on.

Chen Feng could not block all the attacks from the creature, and cuts began to appear on his body. His blood slowly dyed his clothes red.

On the contrary, the octopus head was still agile, and it looked like it could go on fighting with ease.

The octopus head seemed to have noticed that Chen Feng could not land any hits on him. It was so happy and shouted. It had excitement on its face, and the speed of the dagger in its hand increased.

"I can't waste any more time with him!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and his brows furrowed as he frowned.

Chen Feng was reminded of his injury when he felt the many scratches on his body. If he remained in the fight with the octopus head, he would either faint from the loss of blood or be stabbed in the vital parts by the octopus head.

Chen Feng mustered up his courage as he decided what to do next.

He watched the dagger of the octopus head cut at his arm again, and he knew he had to hurt this creature more.

This time, he did not block it. Instead, he raised his long sword high and allowed its dagger to stab into his arm. He gathered all his strength and swung the long sword back. The sword swung down with great power as he slashed the neck of the octopus head.

He was going to fight to the death with the octopus head. 

"You stab my arm, I'll cut your neck!"


The dagger stabbed into Chen Feng's arm.

The octopus head had a smug sneer before he looked up and saw a sword slashing towards his neck. He was instantly terrified.

It did not expect Chen Feng not to use his long sword to block his attack this time. Instead, he would rather be stabbed by it in exchange for an opportunity to attack.

The octopus head did not have the time to pull its dagger out of Chen Feng's arm. It quickly released its hold on his dagger and bent his body like a prawn as he jumped backward.


Chen Feng's long sword missed. He had not expected the octopus head's body to be so flexible. The bending motion just now would almost be inhuman. Using the flexibility of its body, it jumped away and dodged the sword.

Chen Feng, who was orphaned since he was young, had been bullied quite a lot. However, he also remembered that the more others bullied him, the more ruthless he had to be. Being a coward would only make the bullies more vicious.

Therefore, when the octopus head attacked, Chen Feng was ready to be just as ruthless.

Although there was still a dagger lodged in his arm, Chen Feng seemed not to feel any pain. At this moment, it was a good opportunity to attack because the octopus head had no weapon in his hand. He waved his long sword and prepared to continue chopping at the octopus's head.

The octopus head, who had jumped to the side, finally revealed a trace of fear in its eyes when he looked at Chen Feng. It could not understand how would Chen Feng could keep attacking him, regardless of his injuries.

Octopus head's heart was beating faster as its desire to retreat became stronger. The dagger in its hand was also gone. It was definitely not a match for Chen Feng with its bare hands. Octopus head immediately turned around.

He panicked and wanted to run!

How could Chen Feng allow this? It wanted to run after attacking Chen Feng. What wishful thinking.

Chen Feng continued to wave his long sword as he chased the octopus head.

It was a rather comical scene to watch these two run around.

The octopus head was very fast. In just a few steps, it had covered more than ten meters. Although Chen Feng's body was strengthened, he was injured. The distance between him and the octopus head grew larger.

Suddenly, Chen Feng stopped chasing. He threw the long sword in his hand onto the floor and took out the refined iron bow. He took out an arrow from his waist and nocked it.

He drew the bow entirely till it was the shape of a full moon, and it was ready to be fired. The arrowhead made of refined iron had already begun to tremble slightly. It was like a giant dragon that was ready to be fired.

The octopus head can be seen through the dense fog, it was about twenty meters away. Chen Feng suddenly lets go of the arrow.


It was like a shooting star cutting through the air, turning into a silver light, as it chased after the octopus head.

However, Chen Feng's accuracy was a little off since he had never practiced archery before.

With a puff, the arrow hit a reef on the side.

The arrow that shot into the reef was less than a third of the way in. When the escaping octopus head saw it, it was so frightened that it staggered and almost fell. After adjusting its body, it ran even faster.

Chen Feng could not even see the escaping figure clearly through the fog!

Chen Feng frowned and quickly took out another arrow, aiming at the increasingly blurry figure, and shot another arrow.

Forget it, I'll just try my luck!


The arrow flew out again, and along with the octopus head, disappeared into the fog.

He did not know if he had hit it.

The arrow flew for a while.

"Chirp chirp" The octopus head in the fog let out a strange cry.

Although he did not know what it meant, Chen Feng felt like it cursed at him.

[Probability item detected. Emperor's luck triggered. Probability modified to 100%]

[Refined iron bow bleeding effect has been triggered. Target will be bleeding for 1 minute.]

"I've hit it!"

Hearing the game's notification, Chen Feng knew that he had hit it. He happily waved his hand, picked up the long sword on the ground, and continued to chase after it.

After chasing for a while, Chen Feng saw dark green blood on the ground. It should be the blood of the octopus head.

He continued to chase, following the trail of blood. It should not be able to run far if it was injured.

The bleeding effect lasted for one minute. If it did not treat it in time, the octopus head would definitely bleed to death.

After following the bloodstain for nearly a minute, Chen Feng saw the octopus head lying on the ground on the verge of death.

Seeing that Chen Feng had caught up, the octopus head mumbled something. Its eyes were filled with fear and anger.

Chen Feng saw the arrow stab into his back and pop out from his stomach. He felt a chill run down his spine, and his heart pounded.

The bleeding effect of the arrow was very powerful. Dark green blood gushed out of its wound like a fountain. It was no wonder the octopus head could not take it anymore.

After a while, the octopus head's head tilted to one side as it was drained of blood.

Chen Feng touched the refined iron bow that he slung back on his back. He sighed at the abnormal bleeding effect and the even more abnormal skill of the Emperor's luck.

Chen Feng did not want to waste the arrow still sticking out of the octopus head and the ones shot into the reef.

Upon cutting the octopus head's body, Chen Feng saw a black box shining under his body.

"Something dropped?!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He had not expected that he would get an item after killing a monster on treasure island. He quickly picked it up and checked it.

[Black iron treasures chest]

Description: 90% chance of obtaining an item, 10% chance of obtaining a white grade item.

Evaluation: This is a treasure chest that is slightly more advanced than a wooden treasure chest.