Aquatic Monsters

[Gentle reminder: All treasure chests can not be auctioned or traded online.]

In the past, Chen Feng had always wondered why there had only been one type of treasure chest as he could only fish wooden treasure chests out from the sea.

Now that he saw the treasure chests that had appeared after the octopus-headed monster died, Chen Feng suddenly realized that they were higher quality treasure chests but that they could only be obtained by fighting monsters.

However, after obtaining the treasure chest, he suddenly received a notification that it could not be traded online. Chen Feng guessed that it should be able to trade it offline. If he met other humans in the future, he would be able to obtain their treasure chests.

Chen Feng had not rushed to open the black iron treasure chest. Instead, he frowned and looked at his arm.

Only when he finally relaxed did he suddenly felt a piercing pain all over his body.

There was a dagger in his arm, and he was still bleeding. He had to deal with it quickly.

He took out a bottle of [Level 1 red potion] from the warehouse. Chen Feng wanted to test the effect of this healing potion.

He pulled out the stopper on the red potion, and Chen Feng first poured some on it on the other cuts on his body.


It did not just hurt a little, it hurts a lot!

Chen Feng sucked in a breath of cold air. As the red medicine was poured on the wound, he felt as though boiling lava was spreading over the wound. The burning pain continued to spread, causing bead-sized sweat to fall from Chen Feng's head continuously.

The burning sensation lasted for a short while before it disappeared. By this time, the small wound had miraculously formed a scab. It looked like it had healed for three days, and it did not look like a new wound at all.

The effectiveness of this red potion was pretty good. Chen Feng took a deep breath and continued to apply it on the other wounds.

After applying some of the minor wounds, he directly pulled out the dagger that was lodged into his arm. Immediately, a fountain of blood sprayed out.

After observing the dagger for a while, he found that it was only an ordinary weapon. It was a piece of trash. Chen Feng directly threw it into the warehouse.

To avoid losing too much blood, Chen Feng did not hesitate and poured all the remaining of the red potion on the cut.

"Oh my God!"

The burning pain was even more intense. It was so painful that it caused Chen Feng to roll back his eyes.

Fortunately, it did not last for long. The most severe stab wound had already formed a scab.

Although there was still some slight pain in the wound, it did not affect his movement anymore.

"The effect of this [Level 1 red potion] is pretty good. Some of the external injuries can be dealt with quickly. I can guarantee that it will not affect my combat power. I just don't know what the limit of this medicine is."

Before he transmigrated, Chen Feng had also used a lot of external injuries potions in other games. Other than some low-quality counterfeit products, there were very potions that could take effect quickly on external injuries. On the other hand, this [Level 1 red potion] only took a few seconds to take effect. It could really be considered magic.

After the injuries on his body were healed, Chen Feng started to inspect the black iron treasure chest.

This kind of treasure chest had a higher value than a wooden treasure chest. It had the probability of being able to open a white quality item. However, Chen Feng was not too interested in a white quality item.

The chest that he bought when the mall had just opened was much better. It was a pity that it could only be bought once.

No matter how small a fly was, it was still meat. It would be better to open it first.

After he clicked to open it, a 3-second progress bar appeared.

[Probability item detected. Emperor's luck triggered. Probability modified to 100%]

Immediately, three items appeared in the black iron treasure chest.

[Octopus ball *2]

Evaluation: Octopus Ball, the smell alone will make you crave it.

[Boba milk tea * 1]

Evaluation: This boba is very big

[Aquatic monster illustration card (White)]

Description: It can display the ability of an aquatic monster when it was aimed at an aquatic monster.

Evaluation: There might be mermaids among the aquatic monster. Do you like aquatic monsters with the top half to be fish and the bottom half to be humans, or aquatic monsters with the top half to be human or the bottom half to be human, or left and right, left and right?

Of the three items in the treasure chest, two were food and water, but the last item was a little special.

Chen Feng picked up the aquatic monster illustration. It was a transparent card, the size of a bank card, and the material was very similar to plastic.

He pointed the aquatic monster illustration card at the corpse of the octopus-headed monster on the ground. A few rows of small words appeared on the aquatic monster illustration card.

[Low-level octopus man]

Ability: Agile, soft body, good at close-range attacks

Weakness: Weak attack, weak defense, brittle skin

The characteristics of the octopus-headed monster under his feet were all shown in the aquatic monster illustration card.

"It seems that this octopus-headed monster is a type of aquatic monster. According to the information in the illustrated card, there might be more other types of aquatic monsters on the island, and there might be different levels!"

Chen Feng thought to himself. From the terrain, Treasure Island was most likely a piece of land from the bottom of the sea. Aquatic monsters were initially creatures at the bottom of the sea, so the number of aquatic monsters on this island would definitely not be small.

From the fight with the octopus, Chen Feng could feel that the aquatic monsters were very intelligent. They knew how to attack and escape, making them no different from humans.

Moreover, their attack power and defense power were very strong. If Chen Feng had not drunk the [Level 1 strengthening potion] and obtained the [Refined iron bow], he probably would be too weak to defend himself against them, let alone kill them.

The monsters that the humans that had encountered when on the island had most likely been aquatic monsters.

With the current abilities of humans, if they wanted to kill such an ordinary low-level aquatic monster, they might need a few or a dozen people to work together.

If one person blindly entered Treasure Island, he would not even stand a chance.

Since there were low-level aquatic monsters, there was a high probability of intermediate or high-level aquatic monsters. Their abilities should be stronger as well. Chen Feng patted his forehead and sighed inwardly. This Treasure Island was not as harmless as its name suggested. The aquatic monsters on the island were definitely very dangerous.

However, killing the aquatic monsters would allow one to obtain a treasure chest, which was very good.

If a low-level aquatic monster was a black iron treasure chest, what about an intermediate and a high-level one?

As he thought about it, Chen Feng laughed. The biggest treasure on Treasure Island might just be these aquatic monsters.

Hopefully, there would be other aquatic monsters!

It would be best if the top half was human and the bottom half was fish. Otherwise, Chen Feng would feel disgusted by it if there were aquatic monsters like the octopus head.

Before he transmigrated, he had seen many movies about mermaids. Now that he could really meet aquatic monsters, Chen Feng was filled with anticipation.

Hmm...he looked forward to killing them and obtaining the treasure chest. Maybe he would even meet a beautiful mermaid.

However, the aquatic monsters seemed to be full of aggression at the moment. Chen Feng felt that he should be careful.

Previously, he was careless and thought that the figure was a human. That was why Chen Feng went forward to take a look. That is how the octopus head had gotten close to him.

In any case, he had a refined iron bow and arrow. Although the accuracy was slightly off, the damage was definitely not something that a low-level aquatic monster could withstand as long as he hit it.

The next time he encountered an aquatic monster, he could just shoot it from afar.

Nodding, Chen Feng tidied up the arrows that he shot.

Compared to the center of the island, there might be aquatic monsters with similar strength this deep into the island. The closer he got to the center of the island, the higher the strength of the aquatic monsters might be.

After playing so many games, this rule of monster distribution in the dungeon should be universal.

Chen Feng did not continue deeper. Instead, he chose to go around the center of Treasure Island, moving according to the rules.

He hoped that this way, he would not meet aquatic monsters with stronger strength for the time being. This would allow Chen Feng to develop slowly with the aquatic monster of the same level as the octopus head.