
Although the shark man had been shot in the head and the bleeding effect had activated, he was much stronger compared to the sea serpent man.

The shark man would definitely still had some fight left in it before it bleeds out.

Seeing the shark man and the lobster man charging at him aggressively, Chen Feng had no time to shoot a second arrow. He quickly turned and ran.

He definitely could not let them get close to him. Not only because were the shark man's sharp teeth, but the lobster man's sharp claws were also sharp.

Once they got close, they would bite and pinch him. Chen Feng would not be able to survive it.

Now he hoped that the bleeding effect triggered by the refined iron arrow could exhaust the shark man to death.

By then, Chen Feng would only have to face one enemy, the lobster man. There would be less pressure.

Chen Feng's speed was very fast, and his body had been strengthened as well. He felt light when he ran. Even though there were uneven reefs everywhere, Chen Feng could still run as though he was on flat ground.

In the past, he would be so tired that he could not even straighten his back after running for 100 meters. Now, Chen Feng felt that he could even do a five-kilometer cross-country run.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng had already run more than thirty meters. He turned around to look at the monsters chasing him.

"Not bad!" Chen Feng heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that the distance was between them did not decrease.

The two aquatic monsters' speed was not their strong point. They could only maintain the same speed as they chased after Chen Feng. The two aquatic monsters were so angry and let out strange cries.

The aquatic monster spurted out blood, but its speed was not slow. They looked pretty scary, which made Chen Feng sigh.

Sure enough, stupid people were reckless when it came to fighting.

Chen Feng had not dared to stop and continued to run. He wanted to see how long this shark man could last.

After chasing for more than fifty seconds, the shark man slowed down and slowly fell behind.

Perhaps because he had lost too much blood, wrinkles began to appear on the smooth shark's head, like a dried salted fish.


The shark man only felt his legs go weak. He staggered and fell headfirst onto the reef, unconscious.

It seemed that it did not survive.


The lobster man hurriedly stopped and hugged the fallen monster. It let out a mournful cry and looked at Chen Feng with bloodshot eyes. It wished that it could cut Chen Feng into eighteen pieces.

When Chen Feng saw this scene, he also stopped. Although he understood the hatred in the lobster man's eyes, he did not dwell on it.

Chen Feng was reminded of the octopus man who attacked Chen Feng as soon as it saw him and the messages on the chat talking about their encounters with the aquatic monsters.

All of these had allowed Chen Feng to understand that the aquatic monsters and humans were enemies. Once they met, they were destined to fight to the death.

Without hesitation, when Chen Feng saw that he had time, he did the same. He pulled out another arrow and shot it at the lobster man.

The arrow was very fast, and his accuracy was not bad either. It shot straight at the lobster man's chest.

Just when Chen Feng thought he would be able to hit the lobster man successfully, the scene that followed shocked Chen Feng greatly.


When the lobster man saw Chen Feng shoot the arrow again, it raised the huge claws in front of it and protected half of its body like a huge shield.

The huge claws was red and black; its surface was as smooth as a mirror and looked extremely hard.

When the refined iron arrow hit the huge claws, it only made a sound of metal colliding before it fell to the ground weakly.


Chen Feng widened his eyes. This was the first time that the refined iron arrow could not penetrate the shell. It made it clear how hard the claws was.

When did it become so hard?

He seemed a little envious at the same time of shock.

The lobster man's head was still as a human's. It looked like a middle-aged man. He looked gentle and fierce. After blocking Chen Feng's arrow, he revealed a cold smile.

After witnessing Chen Feng's attack, the lobster man knew that as long as the arrow did not hit his body or head, the arrows would not be able to hurt him at all.

The lobster man put down the shark man in his arms and placed the two lobster claws in front of him. They formed a huge shield that was enough to cover his head and body.

While holding the huge 'shield' in front of itself, the lobster man's tail suddenly bent inward and circled its body. Many of his legs in his lower abdomen also hooked onto the ground with all their strength.

Then, the lobster man's entire tail quickly exerted force and fiercely slapped the reef under him.

The black reef was instantly smashed into powder and exploded with a 'Pa' sound, causing gravel to fly everywhere.

Meanwhile, the lobster man's entire body jumped up. It actually jumped more than ten meters high and wanted to jump onto Chen Feng's head!

"F*ck! You can actually jump!"

Chen Feng was instantly dumbstruck as he looked at the lobster man in the sky. Then, he hurriedly shot another arrow.


He missed!

Nonsense! Even if it stood still, Chen Feng might not be able to shoot it accurately, not to mention that it was a moving target. Even if he hit it, the door-like claws were enough to block it.

"Cheating! I want to report it!"

Chen Feng shouted and escaped again.

The lobster man was about to fall. The vertical prawn opened up like two huge and hard claws to cut at Chen Feng.


Fortunately, Chen Feng ran fast and narrowly avoided the claws. However, a three-meter-deep pit appeared on the reef under his feet.

Chen Feng failed in his attack and ran for another ten meters. The lobster man snorted and jumped again, preparing for its next attack.

The intermediate aquatic monsters were indeed powerful. Compared to those low-level aquatic monsters, they were much stronger.

This lobster man's actual speed could only be considered average. Who would have thought that he would actually jump to attack? How could he run faster than flying? The lobster man's jump was much faster than Chen Feng's run.


Chen Feng could only quickly turn around and rely on his quick change of direction to narrowly avoid another attack. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead. He tried to be careful. In the end, he had been careless. He had not expected this intermediate lobster man to be so scary.

Bang, Bang, Bang...

Chen Feng ran as the lobster man continued to chase and attack; an average man would be exhausted from running by now. The surrounding reefs and corals were in a mess from the attacks.

The current scene made Chen Feng think of a more interesting game.

Have you ever played whack-a-mole?

The game was very fun, but when the gopher was you, you had dodged an attack. You had to shout, "Exciting!"

"No! No! If I keep running like this, he will cut me sooner or later!"

Chen Feng felt that the lobster man had already figured out that he would change directions with every dodge.

The lobster man was getting closer and closer. The last time he dodged, Chen Feng could even feel the lobster man was 'savagely' stroking his hair. He might even cut his neck if this continues.

Just as Chen Feng was at his wit's end and running for his life, he suddenly saw a small puddle of water in front of him after the fog dispersed!