Water can Conduct Electricity!


Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised when he saw the puddle of water.

The bow and arrow had no effect against the lobster man. Therefore how could he use a long sword to fight him?

Hey! This was an intermediate aquatic monster! He must have drunk too much fake wine!

Chen Feng recalled another very buggy weapon in the warehouse, the solar paralyzing electric baton.

As long as the electric baton could reach the lobster man, it would definitely trigger the paralyzing effect. It could not move for five seconds. When that time came, Chen Feng would be able to attack it.

When the lobster man attacked, Chen Feng had also thought of using the solar paralyzing stun baton. However, his shining and unusually sharp pincers made Chen Feng gave up that idea as he did not dare to let it get close at all.

At this moment, a puddle of water suddenly appeared. This gave Chen Feng a good idea of using the puddle to increase the attack range of the stun baton.

He did the same thing when he subdued Little Fatty, the great white shark, last time.

Chen Feng turned around and ran directly to the puddle. The lobster man behind him jumped up high again, and the pincers chopped at him again.

Chen Feng also used all his strength running barefoot, leading to his toes getting stuck in the muddy ground.

Finally, before the lobster man's attack arrived, Chen Feng arrived in front of the puddle.

The puddle was shallow, but it formed a small puddle about ten meters in circumference because the terrain had sunk in.

"Bang!" This time, the lobster man's attack came very quickly. Chen Feng ran forward, but he could not completely dodge it. The sharp pincers still scratched his back.

A bone-deep deep wound appeared on Chen Feng's back, from his left shoulder to his right underarm.

Fresh blood instantly dyed Chen Feng's pajamas red.

The pain from his back made Chen Feng grunt. It was like a cut from a blade. At first, he did not feel anything, but the pain crept up on him after a second or two.

However, now was not the time to tend the wound. Enduring the intense pain from his back, Chen Feng walked step by step onto the dry ground beside the puddle.

Chen Feng's speed was slowed, and every step he took would lead to even more intense pain because of the severe wound on his back.

This time, the lobster man finally managed to hurt Chen Feng. Immediately, it let out a strange laugh and was extremely pleased with itself. Seeing that Chen Feng was injured, he knew that his speed would definitely be slowed. If he attacked again, it would be even easier, and because of this, the lobster man was not particularly anxious. Instead, he enjoyed the feeling of hunting.

Chen Feng staggered out of the puddle and walked to the dry ground. He turned around and looked at the lobster man who was sneering behind him. He extended his left hand and clenched his fist. Then, he only revealed his middle finger and raised it high up.

The lobster man looked at Chen Feng's strange hand gesture. Although he did not understand what it meant, he could vaguely guess that it was a mocking gesture. The sneer on his face became even more intense. He looked at Chen Feng as if telling him he was a dead man.

One step, two steps. The lobster man stepped into the puddle as if victory was in his grasp. The two pincers clamped together, and many slender legs on its bellies strolled forward.

"Let's go! A few more steps! We're almost there! Just a few more steps!" Chen Feng stared at the lobster man and raised his eyebrows. He could not help but get excited.

The radius of attack of the solar paralyzing electric baton used underwater was three meters. If it were more than three meters, the paralyzing effect would not be triggered.

However, there would be electric shocks within three meters to everything, friend or foe. This was also the reason why Chen Feng wanted to walk to the edge of the puddle.

The lobster man soon arrived in front of Chen Feng. Looking at Chen Feng, who seemed to have completely given up on resisting, a hint of malevolence appeared on his face. He opened the lobster claws and swung them directly at Chen Feng's neck. If it managed to attack him, he would surely lose his head.

"The distance is just right!"

Chen Feng finally waited until the lobster man was within three meters of him, and he was still standing in the puddle.

He hurriedly took out the solar paralyzing electric rod from the warehouse and inserted it into the water. He pressed the button hard, and silver-white electric arcs instantly spread out.

[Probability item detected. Emperor's luck triggered. Probability modified to 100%]

[Paralyzing state for five seconds.]

Two notifications rang out.

The lobster man did not understand why a black stick suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's hand and why it was inserted into the water.

The only thought in his mind was that the man must have been scared silly. However, as the black stick emitted a silver-white light, he lost consciousness. His entire body began to tremble non-stop, and it also stopped waving its pincers.

After Chen Feng heard the notification, he quickly stood up, threw the solar electric rod and refined iron bow aside, and directly took out a 1.2-meter-long sword.

Only five seconds!

The lobster man's arms were the pincers, and his lower body was the prawn tail. All of them were wrapped in a hard shell. Only the head and body were normal human bodies.

Chen Feng held the sword tightly and swung the sword to the right side of his body to gather strength. He slashed horizontally, aiming at the lobster man's neck!

This was the only weak spot it had!

Three seconds!

Two seconds!

Although the long blade was not particularly sharp, its speed was extremely fast under Chen Feng's full strength. It was like a long rainbow as Chen Feng swung it.


The long blade flashed past.

The lobster man's human-like head broke apart. Dark-red blood sprayed out for more than three meters from the broken neck like a sharp arrow. 

Then, the head fell to the ground with a look of disbelief on its face. The headless body of the lobster man also waved its claws powerlessly twice. Its entire body crashed into the puddle with a plop, splashing up a wave of water.

"Water is a good conductor! This was taught to me by my middle school teacher!"

Chen Feng maintained his posture of slashing and sheathing his sword. This was a good act!


Before he could finish acting, the pain on his back pulled Chen Feng back to reality. He threw down his long sword and quickly took out the last bottle of [Level 1 red potion].

Blood continued to flow from his back, and his pajamas were dyed red.

Chen Feng tore off his torn pajamas, pulled out the cork, and poured the red potion behind him.

Fortunately, the position of the wound was on his shoulders, so he could reach it with the medicine.


Another heart-wrenching pain came. The effect of this red medicine was not bad, but it was too damn painful!

Chen Feng finished the entire bottle of red medicine, and the wound began to heal, turning into a scab slowly. It seemed that the bigger the wound, the more [Level 1 red potion] was needed. Fortunately, the amount of this bottle was just enough to heal Chen Feng's wound.

He shrugged. The wound had scabbed entirely, and the pain was not severe anymore.

At this moment, although Chen Feng's clothes were shabby, his strengthened body was full of muscles. There were also several scars on his body. This made him look and feel very manly.

However, Chen Feng had not cared too much about his appearance. There were more exciting things waiting for him.

Three aquatic monsters meant that there were three black iron treasure chests.

Chen Feng walked to the side of the headless body of the lobster man first. He flipped over the body of the lobster man and underneath him.

A bronze treasure chest was lying there in the mud!