Information on the Aquatic Monsters

Indeed, it was playing dead. Looking at its flat and smooth fish head, it looked rather comical.

Chen Feng ignored the aquatic monster's question and asked back, "I need to know all the information about your aquatic monster tribe on this island. I hope you can tell me honestly!"

"Humph! You shameless human, you want information about the aquatic monster tribe? Dream on!" The aquatic monster's smooth fish lips quickly opened and closed.

"Wow, your mouth is pretty tough. It looks like you want to suffer a little!" Chen Feng was not surprised. Naturally, he knew that it was not easy to get the aquatic monster to give out information.

"Haha, I, Kacha, am not scared. If you have the ability, come at me. Even if I am killed by you today, I will not betray the aquatic monster!" The pomfret man laughed loudly with an unconcerned expression.

"So your name is Kacha. What a good name!" Chen Feng smacked his lips and turned to Gina, "Gina, this aquatic monster is too tough. Give him a shock to stimulate his interest. Just don't kill him."

After saying that, Chen Feng moved aside.

"Yes, master!" Gina walked forward with an expressionless face. The electric arcs in her hands spread out, but the electric arcs were tiny and dense. Clearly, Gina listened to Chen Feng's words and was afraid of killing Kacha.

"You are an intermediate aquatic monster! would you listen to the orders of a human?!" Kacha exclaimed when she saw Gina, who had a human body and a fishtail.

Unfortunately, what answered him was a small blue electric arc that Gina waved out.

The electric arc flew to Kacha's body in the blink of an eye and spread on his body. As the small electric arc dispersed, Kacha immediately felt intense pain and numbness.

"Kacha! Uh...uh..."

Kacha's face was immediately filled with pain. His body, which was no different from a human's, was charred black by the electric arcs. Waves of black smoke were constantly being spat out from his mouth.

Chen Feng was amazed. He did not expect Gina's ability to be very useful for torturing people.

At this moment, Zhou Lingrui, who was on the side, did not dare to make a sound. She had seen Gina's ability before. Now that she saw such a scene, her psychological trauma would be even stronger than before.

Kacha was electrocuted. Black smoke was spewing out of his mouth, and his eyes were wide open. Looking at his appearance, Chen Feng suddenly thought of a movie.

Have you seen the Mermaid, directed by Master Xing? The expression of the octopus played by Xiao Luo when it was placed on an iron plate to be made into fried squid was very similar to Kacha's expression now.

"Yo, you are a tough guy. Looking at your expression, you are full of confidence in your endurance! Gina, use more strength!"

"Yes! Master!"

"Kupi! Uh...Ah...stop...!" Kacha couldn't finish its sentence because of the electric shock.

Since it was so arrogant, it would definitely need more electricity.

Chen Feng ignored what Kacha said. He just thought that the aquatic monster was stubborn, so he told Gina to use more electricity. Then, he turned around and cleaned up the seawater separator on the ground.

When Chen Feng and Zhou Lingrui put away the seawater separator and sorted out the freshwater and salt that were produced, ten minutes had already passed.

Gina also kept the electricity running for ten minutes.

"Gina, stop for a while!"

Seeing that Kacha was rolling its eyes so hard that only the whites of its eyes could be seen, Chen Feng finally told Gina to stop.

"How is it? Are you willing to talk to me about the aquatic monster tribe? Or do you want to try something else? I really want to try some things on you like needle piercing, fingers in your eyes, and bug plugging your ears!"

"Enough, enough! I'm willing to talk! I'm willing to talk, but please give me a quick death later!" It suddenly felt that the human in front of him was extremely evil.

"Well, wouldn't it be over earlier if you had just agreed?" Chen Feng nodded and sorted out his thoughts. Then, he asked, "How many aquatic monsters are there on this island?"

"How many low-level aquatic monsters, middle-level aquatic monsters, and high-level aquatic monsters are there? Where are they gathered? Why did you take the initiative to attack the humans?"


Chen Feng asked a lot of questions. The pomfret man was probably afraid of being electrocuted, so he answered truthfully.

After Kacha finished answering, Chen Feng also kept his promise and gave him a quick death. Then, he put away the dropped black iron treasure chest.

Chen Feng did not feel any pity. After all, this was just a small monster in the survival game.

Kacha's IQ was very low. It was unlikely that he would make up some lies to deceive him. However, he could not believe everything he said.

He was only a low-level aquatic monster and had not known much.

Chen Feng only got a bit of information from Kacha's words. If he wanted more specific information, he would have to find an intermediate aquatic monster.

First of all, Treasure Island was indeed affected by the system. It floated from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea.

Aquatic monsters were the only race that lived on the island. Aquatic monsters had always rejected other races, so they would naturally want to attack the humans when humans appeared.

Secondly, the distribution of aquatic monsters was just as Chen Feng had guessed. The closer they were to the center of the island, the more aquatic monster there was. There were very few at the edges, and most of them were low-level aquatic monsters. Intermediate aquatic monsters rarely appeared at the periphery.

The overall number of aquatic monsters was around 10,000. Among them, there were about 9,000 low-level aquatic monsters and about 100 intermediate aquatic monsters.

High-level aquatic monsters indeed existed. According to Kacha, there was only one high-level aquatic monster in the entire Treasure Island. He was the commander of the entire aquatic monster, and he was very powerful. Before Kacha died, he even said that the chief commander of the aquatic monster would kill the human races.

It seemed that this commander of the aquatic monster tribe had a very high prestige.

Since he was a high-level aquatic monster, Chen Feng guessed that his loot would be a higher-level treasure chest. He did not know what kind of item he would get.

However, Chen Feng had no thoughts about the high-level aquatic monster at the moment. His current strength was only equal to a low-level aquatic monster. With Gina, he could only deal with an intermediate-level aquatic monster at most.

Chen Feng would not be a match for them if he were to encounter a large number of aquatic monsters at once.

The weapons he currently had on him were refined iron bow and arrows, long sword, solar paralyzing electric rods, and some daggers and short knives that could not be used to fight.

It was better to fight the small monsters first.

Chen Feng sighed. After packing up everything, he beckoned Gina and Zhou Lingrui to move out.

Treasure Island was an important low-level dungeon in the early stages of the game. Chen Feng dared not slack off. Now, he had to kill monsters and drop equipment and materials continuously. Only then could he become stronger in the game.

The three of them set off. Gina took the lead and moved forward, leaving Chen Feng with a seductive and charming back view.

Chen Feng followed behind, standing side by side with Zhou Lingrui.

This formation was very particular. Gina was on guard in front, and if a low-level aquatic monster attacked them, Gina would kill it. If they encountered an intermediate aquatic monster, Gina could also deal with them. Behind them, Chen Feng held a refined iron bow and arrow that had a 100% chance of triggering the bleeding effect. It was not something that an average intermediate aquatic monster could withstand.

Only Zhou Lingrui followed Chen Feng and carefully looked around, afraid that an aquatic monster would jump out and eat her.