Encountering a Human Team of Four

Following this formation, the three of them walked for a long time and began to move deeper into the island. 

As time passed, the sun had already risen, and the temperature had started to rise.

The fog on the island was still spreading, making it difficult to see the path clearly. Many puddles were on the ground, and the steam that rosed from them made them feel stuffy and hot.

The clothes of the three of them were also wet from the sweat. It stuck to their bodies, making them feel very uncomfortable.

However, Chen Feng was very happy. In front of him was Gina's sweaty back. A black bra strap could be vaguely seen in the short-sleeved t-shirt, strangling Gina's twisting back.

Zhou Lingrui's white plaid shirt was also stuck to her body because of sweat. It outlined the beauty of her chest.

Well, at this moment, Chen Feng felt that the scenery was magnificent.

Zhou Lingrui, who was at the side, pursed her lips and laughed softly. She revealed a smug expression and deliberately puffed out her chest, and raised her head to make the gap between the buttons of her shirt bigger.

She initially thought that Chen Feng did not like how she looked. Now, it seemed that Chen Feng was probably a young boy. He was too shy to try it.

Chen Feng seemed to have sensed Zhou Lingrui's actions. He was quite embarrassed when his actions were discovered. He could only look far away and observe his surroundings.

"Strange, we've been walking for almost an hour, but we still haven't seen any aquatic monsters. Are there so few aquatic monsters today?"

Chen Feng looked at the map and muttered to himself. The few of them were already relatively deep in the middle of the island, but they had not met any aquatic monsters, making Chen Feng somewhat puzzled.

In fact, Chen Feng had not expected that many people had obtained a large amount of resources after a day by cutting down trees. Not only had they bought the notive treasure chest, but they had also upgraded their rafts to the highest level and unlocked the level 2 mall.

Other than the expensive [Sailboat upgrade blueprint], the [Level 1 red potion], [Level 1 strengthening potion], and [Long sword] should have been purchased by someone. Today, their strength had increased, and they were starting to go deeper and deeper. The aquatic monsters were also scared away.

Chen Feng could not be bothered by this, as he could always go deeper and look.

Just when Chen Feng was bored to death, Gina suddenly reminded him in a loud voice from the front.

"Master, there are sounds of intense fighting ahead. It's about 100 meters away!"

"Okay, let's Go! Let's walk over slowly and take a look!"

Chen Feng nodded. The sounds of intense fighting were very clear, with some angry shouts and curses mixed in. Judging from the sounds, there were men and women. It should be a small human team.

Chen Feng and the other two quickly approached. When they were 20 meters away, they finally saw the scene in front of them.

There were four humans, three men, and a woman, as well as an aquatic monster.

At this moment, three men were holding three weapons of various sizes in their hands. They were surrounding an aquatic monster and attacking it non-stop. The woman was standing at the back with one hand on her waist and the other pointing at the aquatic monster. She kept directing the others on how to attack the aquatic monster.

"Guo Baolin! That knife of yours is so long. Hurry up and chop him to death. His chest is so big and empty! Aiya, you're so stupid!"

"Old Zhang! Follow him too! Don't just stand there in a daze! You're useless!"

"Wang Yong, be careful. Step back, don't get hurt!"

The woman's expression changed very quickly. One moment she was angry; the next moment, she was anxious. The three people who were fighting with the aquatic monster looked very different in age.

One of them was a man in a security uniform holding a long sword with a broad back. He looked to be about fifty years old.

The other one was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and holding a short sword. His movements were timid, and he did not dare to attack. He was about thirty years old.

Finally, a strong young man was holding an iron rod. He was also wearing a security uniform. He looked to be about eighteen or nineteen years old.

Chen Feng and the other two approached, and these people also noticed it. The woman who was commanding them saw it and immediately turned around.

"What are you doing? Don't come over!" The woman warned loudly. She looked to be in her thirties, mature. She was quite pretty, but at this moment, she appeared to be bitter and mean. The mole on the corner of her mouth added a sense of malice.

"Don't misunderstand. We don't mean any harm. We're just passing by," Chen Feng explained.

In this post-apocalyptic world of the ocean, there was still vigilance between humans and humans. Chen Feng stopped and did not get any closer. He just watched from afar while Gina and Zhou Lingrui stood behind him.

"Humph! Our team can't even kill aquatic monsters. It's best if you guys don't pay any attention to us!" The woman snorted coldly when she saw Chen Feng stopped.

The three men fighting with the aquatic monster became more and more anxious when they saw Chen Feng. They quickly surrounded and attacked the aquatic monster in the middle, hoping to finish the fight to deal with Chen Feng.

The aquatic monster in the middle had a fish head and a human body. It looked like a low-level aquatic monster. At this moment, it was murmuring and constantly retreating, not wanting to continue the fight.

The head of this aquatic monster was bizarre. A spiral shell covered it like a conch. One could not see its face. Occasionally, one could only see a flat mouthpart sticking out and saying something.

Chen Feng had no intention of going forward. He had heard the sound of fighting just now, so he had come to see the situation. Since this aquatic monster was engaged with the others, he would not fight for it. He just took out the aquatic monster illustration card and observed it out of curiosity.

[Low-level conch man]

Ability: Spews out deadly poison when in mortal danger to escape

Weakness: Although the head is wrapped in a hard shell, the brain in the shell is very fragile

Conch-shell aquatic monster?

This was the first time Chen Feng had seen a conch-type aquatic monster. He had heard of the conch-shell before. It was a type of mollusk that lived in tropical waters and was indeed poisonous.

Chen Feng looked at the ability of the aquatic monster and frowned. The three people in front of him were besieging the conch-shell aquatic monster. It seemed that they were at an advantage. If this continued, they might be able to kill the aquatic monster in a while.

However, they didn't have the aquatic monster illustration. How would they know that this conch-shell aquatic monster could spray lethal poison when it was in mortal danger? There might be casualties among the three men.

As it thought of it, Chen Feng shouted, "Guys, this aquatic monster is very dangerous. I think you should leave. I'll deal with him!"

Chen Feng did not want anything to happen, so he reminded them. However, he was not a good person. Since he had made a move, he was naturally going for the dropped black iron treasure chest.

"Bah! In your dreams. We will be able to take care of this aquatic monster in a while. Do we need you?"The woman crossed her arms. At this moment, she only thought that Chen Feng was greedy for their results and said disdainfully.

Fine! You guys go ahead. If you can't kill it, then I will take over!

Chen Feng smiled. Since you guys aren't willing, then you guys can just suffer.

They might as well sit on the reef at the side. Now was the time to wait. When the conch-shell aquatic monster went crazy and killed them, then it would not be considered stealing other people's monsters, right?

Seeing that Chen Feng did not make any other moves, the three men let out a sigh of relief. A few outsiders suddenly came, making them have no choice but to be on high alert. When fighting with the aquatic monsters, they were somewhat fearful.

Now, the three men's attacks became even fiercer, forcing the conch-shell man to retreat continuously.

"F*ck you!"

Suddenly, the conch-shell man seemed to be anxious. With a strange cry, a dark green liquid shot out from its mouth.