Ignored His Advice

At this moment, the three of them had the upper hand. Seeing that the aquatic monster was closed to being beaten, they naturally let their guard down.

Suddenly, they saw the aquatic monster spit out a dark green liquid. Looking at the color of the liquid and the white smoke, they knew that the dark green liquid was dangerous. The three of them were scared out of their wits and quickly dodged.

The two men, an older man and a young man in security uniforms, were skilled and were very agile. They barely dodged it, as the dark green liquid only brushed against their clothes.

After the two of them jumped away, the liquid continuously corroded their clothes. The two of them quickly took off their clothes and threw them aside when they felt a burning sensation. They were fine.

However, the middle-aged man with golden glasses was not so lucky. Although he tried his best to escape, the area that the aquatic monster sprayed was very large. His right hand was sprayed with the liquid.


Immediately, the man with the glasses let out a scream. After the dark green liquid touched his skin, white smoke instantly rose, and his skin cracked. A pungent smell came out from the wound.


"Boss Zhang!"

The woman cried out in surprise. The two security guards cried out and quickly checked on him.

Meanwhile, the conch-shell man with many knife wounds on their bodies seemed to have found an opportunity of escape. It quickly turned around and rushed into the fog, knowing that it was no match for the crowd. 

At this moment, Chen Feng, who had been waiting for this moment from a distance, whispered to Gina behind him.

"Gina, chase and destroy that aquatic monster. Then, bring me the dropped black iron treasure chest."

"Yes, master!"

Gina swam with all her strength. Her charming eyes looked fierce as she dove into the fog.

Although Gina's weakness was her slow speed, she was still an intermediate aquatic monster. Moreover, the conch-shell man was injured, so its speed was greatly reduced. Gina probably would not take long to catch up to it.

"It hurts too much. Honey, please save me!" The man with the eyes clutched his arm in pain. He was sweating profusely as he struggled on the ground. Judging from what he said, this woman was his wife.

"Don't worry about him for now. That aquatic monster is getting away. Hurry up and chase after it!" The woman seemed not to have heard her husband's cries. Instead, she was more concerned about the aquatic monster who had run away.

The older man and the young man looked at each other. The old security guard shook his head at the young security guard. The two of them did not continue to chase after it. Instead, they stayed and checked on the injured's man wounds.

"You trash, a duck can fly away when it is in your mouth!" The woman stomped her foot in dissatisfaction. Seeing that the two security guards had no intention of chasing after it, she could only bend down and checked on her husband's injuries. After checking, she continued to speak, "It's just a small wound. Is it that painful?"

The only thing that answered her was the man's scream.

While the few of them were huddling together, not far away, a thick bolt of lightning flashed in the fog. Not long after that, Chen Feng saw Gina returning with a pitch-black metal box.

"Master, the aquatic monster had been killed!"

Chen Feng stored it in the warehouse after receiving Gina's treasure box from Gina.

The four people also noticed it. They then noticed that there was an extremely beautiful aquatic monster beside Chen Feng. Previously, due to the influence of the mist, they thought that Chen Feng and the other two were normal humans.

Although they did not understand why this aquatic monster would listen to Chen Feng's orders, they did not overthink it. Instead, they were amazed by the strength of this aquatic monster.

Earlier, the three of them had not been able to kill the aquatic monster and had even allowed it to escape. They had not expected that the beautiful aquatic monster beside Chen Feng would succeed in killing the monster in one move.

Other than the man that wore glasses, struggling painfully on the ground, everyone else looked at Chen Feng in shock.

However, apart from the shock, there was also a hint of indignance on the woman's face.

"Hey! That aquatic monster was our target. Now, you guys had gone ahead and killed it. What is going on?! Also, you guys clearly could have killed this aquatic monster. Why didn't you help us just now?!"

Chen Feng laughed when he heard that, but before he could answer, Zhou Lingrui interrupted him.

"You guys are shameless. When we saw you fighting with the aquatic monster, we didn't interfere. Instead, we reminded you of the danger of the aquatic monster. Who told you not to listen to boss Chen Feng?!"

"Moreover, we waited until the aquatic monster successfully escaped before we went and chased it. Whether this aquatic monster died or not, it had nothing to do with you guys."

"As for helping you?"

"I'm afraid that your brains were rotten. Do I have any reason to owe you?"

After Zhou Lingrui finished speaking, she pouted and raised her head at Chen Feng as though saying, "Don't you think I'm right?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly. This little girl, Zhou Lingrui, was not bad, not bad at all.

Just as the woman across from him was about to speak again, the old security guard spoke, "Miss Xu, stop talking. Hurry up and take a look at boss Zhang's injuries. They're getting worse!"

His words finally caused the woman to shift her gaze.

Chen Feng and the others looked over as well.

The corroded wound from before had started to spread upwards. At this moment, it had already reached the joint of his forearm. The injured man rolled his eyes continuously and was about to pass out from the pain.

If he waited any longer, it would spread to his neck, and he would be dead.

"What are you waiting for? He can only cut off his arm and use [Level 1 red potion] to seal the wound and save his life!" Looking at the few people who were at their wit's end, Chen Feng frowned and reminded them.

Poison was different from wounds. The red potion was useless against poison. For the injured man's wound, he could only cut off the corroded part and then use the red potion to heal the cut.

"Yes, yes, yes! I just opened the level 2 mall today and saw a [Level 1 red potion] inside. The introduction said that it could treat injuries!" The old security slapped his forehead and suddenly remembered.

His words also made Chen Feng size him up. Although the old security was almost 50 years old, his body still looked healthy. He must have taken the [Level 1 strengthening potion]. It was no wonder that the three of them could suppress the low-level aquatic monsters.

"No! If we cut off his arm, wouldn't he be a cripple?"The woman quickly stood up and objected.

Hearing the woman's words, the two security guards looked at each other. After all, the injured man was her husband. If the family members protested against it, they would not continue with the plan.

Just when the situation was in a stalemate, the injured man said, "Cut! Quickly cut him!"

The bespectacled man was not stupid. He knew his own body's condition the best. If he did not chop it off now, and the poison spread, he would definitely die.

Hearing the bespectacled man's words, the woman turned around with an indignant expression. "Chop, chop, chop. In any case, he's already a cripple!"

After obtaining the woman's permission, the old security guard stood up and prepared to take action with his long sword.

However, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something. "I... I don't have enough survival points to buy a Level 1 red potion! I've already used up all the level 1 strengthening potion and long sword I bought previously!"

After saying this, the four of them looked at each other and then at Chen Feng in unison.

After that, the old security guard had a troubled expression on his face. He said helplessly, "Little brother, look, I don't have any survival points for the time being. Since you guys could kill the aquatic monsters so easily, I'm sure you must have opened a level 2 mall. Can I borrow a bottle of red potion from you? I can exchange it with my resources!"