Working Together

However, Zhang Tiesheng just revealed an embarrassed look and remained silent. It seemed that he was terrified of his wife.

"Miss Xu, I'm a good security guard. However, you should know that I'm willing to include you and Mr. Zhang because of Mr. Zhang's kindness. If you disagree, I will leave with Wang Yong. Our team will be dispersed right now!" Guo Baolin was a big man. When a woman pointed at his nose and said he was a watchdog, he became even angrier.

"Fine! Zhang Tiesheng, I told you. When you treated this security guard well, I told you that he would not return your kindness. Now, it seems that it's true. You've arranged a job for him and found a place for him. He has already forgotten about that! Now, he's leaving us alone! Look, look at this ungrateful thing!"

Xu Xiaoli pointed at Guo Baolin and told Zhang Tiesheng, who had lost his arm, with an exasperated look.

"Alright, Xiaoli, stop it. Do you want us to die? Now that my arm is broken, we will be dead by tomorrow if elder brother Guo doesn't take us with him. Can you be more clear-headed?!" Zhang Tiesheng finally exploded.

After saying this, Xu Xiaoli threw a glance at Zhang Tiesheng's broken arm and spat indignantly. She remained silent after that. However, she still looked a bit hostile towards Chen Feng and the other guys.

Of course, Chen Feng noticed that. However, for such a shrew, he would not bother to sink to her level. If she dared to make any move, he would not let her go.

Chen Feng just threw a fierce glare at her, and Xu Xiaoli lowered her head and had not dared to look at Chen Feng anymore.

At this moment, Chen Feng and Guo Baolin officially formed a team.


After taking a short rest, and Zhang Tiesheng recovered his mobility, they prepared to move deeper into the island.

Now that all the people had started to explore the island, the probability of encountering aquatic monsters in the periphery became lower and lower.

When they had just rested, Chen Feng told Guo Baolin and the others about the level of different aquatic monsters. They did not have the aquatic monster illustration card; therefore, they would not know much about aquatic monsters.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, they felt fearful. They walked into the island without much knowledge. If they encountered an intermediate aquatic monster, they would probably be dead.

The little security guard, Wang Yong, had been silent all this time. It was until Chen Feng mentioned an intermediate aquatic monster that he asked, "Brother Chen Feng, the mermaid beside you should be an intermediate aquatic monster, right?"

As soon as he said this, Guo Baolin slapped him on the head, meaning he had said too much.

It was very rude to rashly inquire about other people's information right in front of them.

Chen Feng generously admitted that Gina was able to kill a low-level aquatic monster instantly. Naturally, he could not hide the fact that she was an intermediate aquatic monster. However, Chen Feng would not go into any more detail.

Chen Feng appreciated Guo Baolin's tactfulness very much.

Although they were partners, the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Gina walked in the front of the team alone. In the middle of the team were Chen Feng, Zhou Lingrui, Guo Baolin and Wang Yong. Zhang Tiesheng and Xu Xiaoli just followed behind.

As the team went deeper, a low-level aquatic monster appeared before them.

The aquatic monster was stunned. Seeing so many humans, he hesitated for a moment. He was probably thinking about whether he should fight.

However, after thinking for a few seconds, he rushed up.

Chen Feng took out the aquatic monster illustration card.

[Low-level fat-headed man]

Ability: Brain capacity is very large, able to calculate battle methods accurately

Weakness: A little impulsive. Just do it!

Seeing the aquatic monster charging over, Guo Baolin hurriedly picked up his long sword and prepared to charge forward. Out of the four of them, only he was stronger.

"Gina, take care of it!" Seeing that it was a low-level aquatic monster, Chen Feng instantly relaxed his state of mind. He gave instructions to Gina in a very casual manner.

"Yes! Master!"

With a 'Kacha' sound, the lightning flashed in an instant, somewhat dazzling.

When Guo Baolin and the others slowly opened their eyes, this low-level fat-headed aquatic monster was already lying on the ground, breathing out smoke rings non-stop. A pitch-black box was lying quietly under him.

I do not care what fat-headed aquatic monster you are, I do not care what precise combat method you can calculate. You are still a low-level aquatic monster.

Sorry, it's a second!

Gina looked like she had stepped on an ant. There was no expression on her face, which made Chen Feng call her awesome in his heart. What an expression!

"It's solved just like that?" Guo Baolin, Wang Yong, and the couple behind them looked at each other.

Xu Xiaoli, who was a little unconvinced of Chen Feng just now, was now so submissive that she had not even dared to breathe loudly.

Previously, Gina didn't kill the aquatic monster in front of them. They knew that Gina could kill the aquatic monster quickly, but they had not realized that it would be so easy.

Whoosh! Yes! It was really just a whoosh. One aquatic monster was killed!

"Old Guo, I won't be shy! I killed this aquatic monster. I'll take the treasure chest!"Chen Feng looked at the stunned Guo Baolin and the others and said with a faint smile. He was delighted with their expressions.

"Ah! Good...good!"Guo Baolin hurriedly nodded and agreed. He watched Zhou Lingrui put away the black iron treasure chest.

Everyone continued further. After tasting the sweetness of killing the aquatic monsters, they became even more excited.

Chen Feng and the others walked deeper and deeper, and the number of aquatic monsters they met increased.

However, they were all low-level aquatic monsters.

[Low-level bread crab man]


The aquatic monsters fell dead.

[Low-level starfish man]


The aquatic monsters were dead.

[Low-level seahorse man ] *2


"Old Guo, let's Go!"

Two aquatic monsters were dead.


If they encountered an aquatic monster, Gina could deal with it alone. If they encountered two aquatic monsters, Gina would deal with one, and Chen Feng and Guo Baolin would pin down another.

When Gina freed her hands, the other one was also dead. The efficiency was terrifyingly high.

This also made Guo Baolin and the others beaming with joy. Not only was there no danger, but they could occasionally kill one or two aquatic monsters. They all agreed that it was a correct choice to team up with Chen Feng.

Even Xu Xiaoli would occasionally exchange a few words with Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng kept his refined iron bow and the solar energy paralyzing electric rod. He only used the same long saber as Guo Baolin to fight.

Firstly, Chen Feng could not explain the effectiveness when he used these weapons. Secondly, Chen Feng deliberately wanted to hide some of his trump cards.

At present, Gina's ability was enough to prove Chen Feng's strength. Chen Feng had no need to reveal all of his trump cards.

It was not until the evening, when the sky gradually darkened, that Chen Feng and the others stopped going deep into the island.

They chose a remote and huge reef to rest for the night.

This place was lower than sea level, and with the dense fog, it was very hidden. It was likely that no human or aquatic monster would be able to find them if they stayed here for the night.

They lit the firewood and checked their harvest.

They killed fifteen low-level aquatic monsters within the day.

According to the previous distribution pattern, Chen Feng had obtained twelve treasure chests, and Guo Baolin and the others had obtained three.

Guo Baolin and Wang Yong looked at the three treasure chests in front of them and were in a good mood. They had obtained three black iron treasure chests in one day without any casualties. They were delighted with this result.

However, Xu Xiaoli and her husband looked at the twelve treasure chests in front of Chen Feng with jealousy in their eyes.