Could You Wipe It For Me

However, Zhang Tiesheng and Xu Xiaoli dared not to say anything. They had seen what he was capable of.

When facing aquatic monsters, Gina killed most of them alone. Guo Baolin had only killed two or three monsters. Chen Feng killed twelve aquatic monsters out of the fifteen with his own strength. He did not have to request their help at all. On the contrary, among the three aquatic monsters killed by old Guo, Chen Feng also helped them.

Guo Baolin and the other three looked at the three black iron treasure chests and hurriedly opened them all.

When the lid of the treasure chests was opened, the items inside immediately disappointed them.

The Black Iron Treasure Chest had a 90% chance of giving out normal items and a 10% chance of giving out white items. Their luck was horrible. The three treasure chests were all normal items.

They knew that although the normal items were important, it would be nice to have a useful white item.

However, Guo Baolin and the others were not too disappointed that they did get any white items.

At least three treasure chests had quite a lot of resources. They were [Strange flavor bean 400g], [Five-nut mooncake 500g], and [Mung bean soup 800ml]. For the four of them, they could have a good meal tonight.

"Brother Chen Feng, aren't you going to open your treasure chest?" Guo Baolin asked curiously when he saw Chen Feng put all the treasure chests into the warehouse without any intention of opening them.

"Hehe, I have enough resources at the moment, so I won't open it for the time being. When I collect more, the probability of getting a white item might be higher!"

Of course, Chen Feng could not open it now. Otherwise, no one would believe that more than ten white items would drop when triggered by his Emperor's luck. He could only find an excuse to avoid opening it.

Guo Baolin nodded when he heard that. He felt that this might be a good idea, so he continued, "It's been a busy day. Brother Chen Feng, let's eat something together."

Chen Feng nodded as he invited Gina, Zhou Lingrui, and the others to gather together.

After finding some clean space, they sat down and prepared to make some food.

Seeing Chen Feng coming here, Zhang Tiesheng and his wife frowned as they felt very unhappy. Now that Chen Feng has gained so many treasure chests, he must have a lot of food and drinks. Now that he's here, he wants to eat their supplies. They remained silent.

Today, Chen Feng's performance had completely made Xu Xiaoli shut her mouth, as well as Zhang Tiesheng, who was timid and afraid of his wife.

As if he had seen through Xu Xiaoli and her husband's thoughts, Chen Feng became speechless inside. These two people are really calculative.

Of course, Chen Feng did not care to take their food. Therefore, he took out some crabs, 4KG of pork, and a bit of salt from the warehouse and gave them to Zhou Lingrui.

"Zhou Lingrui, roast this food. Let's eat them together!"

"Okay, I'll do it right now!" Zhou Lingrui happily took the meat and proudly waved it in front of everyone, showing it off.

Chen Feng beamed as he knew that his meat had shocked them. Pork, seafood, and salt, were much better than their mooncakes and strange-flavored beans.

Soon, the food was ready. Although Zhou Lingrui's cooking skills were only average, pork was very rare to Guo Baolin and the others. They chewed the pork in their mouths for a long time before reluctantly swallowing it.

Chen Feng had not eaten much this time. The ones who ate the most were Zhou Lingrui and Gina. The two of them cared not about their image.

Gina was an aquatic monster; therefore, she might have a bigger appetite than humans. However, Zhou Lingrui was because she was afraid of hunger.

After a while, he was full.

"Old Guo, there are many reefs here. Although it's more hidden, we should take turns to keep watch to avoid some danger!" After fighting for a day, Gina was tired. Chen Feng would not bear to let her keep watch tonight.

"Fine, let us take turns to watch the night!"Guo Baolin nodded as he felt what Chen Feng said made sense.

After a short discussion, they found that old Guo, Wang Yong, Zhang Tiesheng, and Chen Feng were the first to watch the night.

Although they were working together, they all knew that Chen Feng, Guo Baolin were two teams. After all, they had just met each other for one day. They had to be vigilant.

Therefore, everyone found an empty space, lit firewood, and rested.

Chen Feng, Guo Baolin, and the other two were quite a distance away from them, and there was a protruding reef in the middle that could block their line of sight.

"We'll continue tomorrow. You two should rest early today," Chen Feng said to the two women.

The two women nodded, but Zhou Lingrui suddenly took out a piece of cloth and poured some freshwater on it, wetting it. Then, she unbuttoned the two buttons on his shirt and wiped his body. She was not afraid of Chen Feng, who was at the side.

"It's been a hot day. I'm covered in sweat. I can't sleep without wiping it off." Zhou Lingrui smiled. Her face was slightly red. Coupled with her chest...which was faintly discernible, the scene was definitely unique.

Chen Feng's mouth was wide open. He was shocked by Zhou Lingrui's actions.

"Brother Chen Feng, I can't wipe it on my back. Can you help me wipe it off?" Zhou Lingrui wiped it off for a long time before handing over the towel.

Who the f*ck could stand this?!

F*ck, if it were not for the fact that there was someone behind the reef, I would have done you by now!

Chen Feng couldn't help but be speechless. He ignored Zhou Lingrui and turned around to sleep.


Only Zhou Lingrui's smug laughter could be heard.

At this moment, Zhou Lingrui suddenly felt that Chen Feng was a little cute. Initially, she wanted to follow Chen Feng because Chen Feng had enough resources and strength.

Even if she had to pay the price of her own body, she would still have accepted it.

However, after interacting with him for two days, she realized that Chen Feng was not the kind of person she had imagined. Now, Zhou Lingrui liked Chen Feng from the bottom of her heart.

After putting on her clothes, Zhou Lingrui lay behind Chen Feng and hugged Chen Feng tightly. Her small head also rested on Chen Feng's shoulder.

It seemed like this would give her a great sense of security.

Chen Feng only felt a huge pressure coming from behind him. was huge. There was also a slight breathing sound behind his neck. It was a little itchy.

After struggling for a while, Chen Feng heard the heavy breathing behind him.

Did she fell asleep in less than a minute?

Chen Feng curled his lips and gave up struggling. He felt the warmth behind him and continued to sleep. After all, he still had to get up early in the morning to keep watch.

Gina, who was at the side, had a powerful electric current in her body due to her special talent. After keeping a certain distance from Chen Feng, she also laid down.

However, Gina, who had her eyes closed, still moved her ears from time to time.

It seemed that even though she was resting, Gina was still very vigilant.