New Neighbor

I woke up from a nap because of mom talking to someone. I did not notice that I fell asleep while thinking to the man last night. I looked at mom and at the person, she's talking to. An old woman with blonde hair and hazel green eyes also looked at me and wave her hand. Mom looked at me too, and she told me to come near them to say hi.

I walk near to my mom and say hi to the old woman. She said they are both new in this place with her husband. And also she said she had a son and we are just the same age. I smiled at her, then she looked on the ground.

"Is there's something wrong, Mrs. Mondenierre?" asked Mom.

Wait, Mrs. Mondenierre?

"Are you the wife of Mr. Lussac Mondenierre?" I asked.

"Oh, no. He is the brother of my husband. Do you know him?" asked Mrs. Mondenierre.

"He is our PE teacher in my school"

"Oh, right. My mind is getting old already! He is a teacher in the RU" she joked. Mom laughed and I just smiled.

"So, I must get going. Thank you Saoirse and Sapphire" said Mrs. Mondenierre and then she left and head inside her house. Mom closed the door and placed the box in our kitchen. I followed her and ask what it is.

"It's a Tiramisu Cake, made by Mrs. Mondenierre"

"Really? What for?" I asked.

"To build some friendship, I guess?" said mom.

"Is that a question?" I asked, then she put down the tiramisu on the table.

"You know, darling. It's really important to give some gifts to a person especially if you are new in some places, to give some respect, to gain trust and to have friends" explained mom then take two plates and knife and two forks.

"Oh, I see. By the way, why did she know my name?"

"She asks me, obviously" replied mom, and took and slice the cake to get two of it and place it on the small plates.

"Why?"I asked.

"Because she saw you sleeping on our couch, that's why she didn't go inside.." replied mom. She gave me a part of Tiramisu and I grabbed my fork. She grabbed her fork too and we start eating it.

"It's really delicious," I said with a surprise. Mom giggled and continue eating.

"Mom, I saw Mrs. Mondenierre became sad when she's talking about her son. What happened?" I asked without looking at her while continue eating my cake.

"Sigh, you see. They moved here to forget those bad memories and that includes their son. Who took suicide.." mom replied. It made me stopped for a moment, then I looked at her.

"She didn't tell me why. The saddest about it is their son died in Europe and they weren't there. When they went to Europe from Canada, to see their son is now on the grave... it's really hurt for a mother and to a father to see their child die before them... add the fact that they did not even see their son before they buried it" mom said. I know mom knows that feeling because she felt it too before but the difference between me and their son is, I survived. I drank my water and went into the living room to watch some horror movies. I don't know what to say after Mom told me that, I don't know how to comfort people.

I really don't want horror movies, but every time my mom and dad are around I need to watch it so that I wouldn't need to pretend happy watching comedies, loved watching romance. They knew that I am slowly curing of my situation and I want them to... believed that. The only thing I know is to watch horror movies to stay my normal face, to look like, that I'm really focusing on the movie.

I placed the cd of Scream 4 on our DVD to watch it. When my mom finished washing dishes she instantly went near me and sat down on the couch. We both watched the movie. This is her favorite horror movie, cause it's really so popular in her generation.

"Oh my god! Why does everyone care so curious! Didn't they know about the saying curiosity kills the cat?!" mom yelled.

"Mom, relax. It's just a movie"

"No. They're just dumb!" said mom.

"But looked, if they are not that too curious to look, that cases won't be solved, right?"

"Well, you have a point, "mom said and we continue watching. After an hour the movie finished. All I did is to sit on the couch and watch movies with Mom but, I still feel tired.

"Mom, I'm going to my room. I just need to take a nap"

"Okay, darling." said mom and I went inside my room. I laid down my body and slammed my face to my pillow then after a second I moved my head up high because I can't breathe. I moved my body and my head to see the ceiling. My room is so quiet. The only noise is the engine of the cars outside, the sound of the birds, and some people talking outside my window.

Tomorrow, I have classes and I don't know what will happen. I hope it's just a normal day.

I looked at my wounded arm. Still, the bandage that the man gave me is still here I wash it and placed it in my drawer, my mom was trying to throw it in the trashcan but I insisted her not. I actually don't know why I do that, but I guess I just want to keep it, for now...

My wound is not that bad right now, the dripping of the blood like hell, yesterday, stopped lately. So it will heal up soon. I just want to know his name. I saw him in school, so, I guess he also studying there. It's not impossible for me to see him again.

I was trying to sleep when my phone began to ring.

I picked it up and see who's calling. It's from an unknown number. I answered the call.

"Hello? Who is this?"I asked, and sat down properly.

"{Is this Ms. Sapphire Willowfield?}"Asked the man, like between in 30 or 40's age.


"{Your scholarship has been approved}"

"Really? Thank you, Sir."I said. Then he said hour welcome and hang up the call. Finally, I can help my mom and dad with financial status even though we have enough money, but still, it's good to have some backup. I decided to tell them later and decided to go to sleep.