Red Dragon

"I didn't even notice the time. It's really late, are you sure Aunt Saoirse (pronunciation; Sor-se) and Uncle Alessandro won't be mad at you?" asked Brian.

"I don't know, I hope not.,"I replied. I looked at my phone and looked at the time, it's 6:13 pm. We are currently running now, we take a shortcut through this alley hoping we can go to our home before 7 or early at that, but then we suddenly stopped when we saw a bunch of guys fighting each other. Some dead guys, and some wounded people.

"Omg, Ire. What shall we do?" asked Brian. When we're trying to hide or move backward, there's one guy who noticed us. He's holding a knife...

Brian gets scared. I don't know what to do, I was paralyzed, he's coming towards us...

Sapphire. Think. It's useless to me, but what about Brian?

An old man running towards us holding his knife. I don't know what to do neither Brian. She's holding my arm, trembling and scared. As the man gets near us, he instantly swings his knife at us, without hesitation I covered Brian so that she won't get hurt.

"My god Ire! Your arm!" shouted Brian. I looked at my left arm and saw a long deep wound and blood dripping out of it. It's not even hurt, even just a pinch, It wasn't hurt. I looked at the man, and I was trying to get near at him who's trying to get back from me maybe he's shocked because he didn't hear me scream or see in my face that I get hurt then out of nowhere a man wearing all black, and looks like it is the man who stopped Irashelyn to slap me went in front of me, all I can see is his back with Red dragon on it.

Is that him?

This mysterious guy grabbed the man's arms, bend it and took his knife, and then threw it away from him. Then he used his foot to kick the stomach of the bad man so quickly. That made the man has thrown up and unable to stand.

The man in black grabbed my hand and now I can see the R from the left side of his jacket. Now I'm sure this man is the one who stopped Irashelyn. I also grabbed Brian's arm and we ran out of here. We stopped at the Seong'sue's Cafe, catching our breath.

"This is now safer.. thank you man in black!" said Brian while getting her breath back into her lungs.

"Can... I ask your name?" out of my mind I asked that, I'm just curious and I want to know the man who saves us even though it's not necessary for me but for Brian. I just want to thank him, I can't even thank him properly, before. He just looked at me. And again I can't see his face because it's dark all I can see is his lips. He looked in my wounded arm. He moved his hand inside his jacket to get something. And when it's out I saw a bandage, he placed it on my wound to Stopped it from bleeding.

"Does it hurt?" he asked in his husky voice.

"No. I don't feel anything" I said while looking at it. He tied the bandage then cut the extras.

"It's good for you to not feel that terrible wound," he said and left. I want to stop him because he didn't even answer my question. Still his a big puzzle cube for me. His jacket is the same in school but in the garden.. it's not...

"Hey girl, let's go home.." said Brian while trembling and we instantly head to our home.

"Morning darling! Is your wound, okay?" asked mom. I opened my eyes as the sunlight woke me. I sat down and looked at my mom.

"It's okay mom. Besides, it's doesn't hurt anymore.."I lied because I didn't feel anything. She hugged me and hugged her back.

"Darling please, be careful next time. I know it doesn't hurt you because I can feel it, even so, you don't feel anything you can still die", she whispered.

"Yes, mom, promise. And I'm sorry too.." I replied, then we both head into the kitchen, did Mom knew that I was just pretending? I saw dad then he immediately hugged me.

"You worried me sick, darling!" said Dad. I just laughed and say sorry to him.

"Go, dad, you might be late today if you won't hurry!"I joked. He sighed and say goodbye. Mom and I ate our breakfast, then we stayed inside the living room and talk about something and schools and also what happened yesterday...


"Mom, I'm home!"I said and hid my wounded arm at my back inside my shirt.

"Jesus! Where have you been? It's really late for you an—what's that?" mom asked and point my arm inside my shirt.

"Are you hiding something from us?" asked mom. Dad went to us, curiously looked at me and mom.

"Darling! Show me what's your hiding!" said my angry mom. I showed them my wounded arm, the bandage that covers my blood is now fully red. My Mom and Dad shocked when they saw my arm.

"OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED!!" yelled mom. Dad escorted me to the living room and grabbed some medicines. Mom removed the bandage and clean my wound.

"What happened!?"

"Mom, relax. It's not that hur— I mean it's... fine. We just saw some riot out of nowhere then someone's trying to hurt us, but then this man..." I stopped when I remembered the Mysterious Guy.

"This man who wears all black helps us to get away from that riot."

"Who is this guy?" asked Dad.

"I don't know. Also, he's the one who covered my arms with a bandage" I said.

"Honey, It's too deep. Call Dr. Franciss!" said mom to my dad.

"No, mom. It's okay just clean my wound and it's gonna be healed up soon" I said. They hesitated at first then agreed, and told me to be careful next time.

End of Flashback

"I'm curious about that man who helped you, yesterday"

"Me too, mom. I was trying to ask his name but he didn't answer me."I said. We keep talking about the man. Mom asked me about his looks. I said he's tall.

"What about his lips?" asked mom, and looked at me with a teasing look.

"Well, it's a pink... lip, I guess?"I said. Mom made a giggle.

"You know when I was your age, lots of men are courting me. But I don't like them, the only man I loved is your dad but it's not that easy, for a woman who never notices him" mom said. When my mom was going to continue her story, we spotted a white car stopped in front of the sold house.

Mom and I went outside, we saw a woman and a man putting their packed things inside the house.

"Mom, is there the new neighbors?"I asked.

"Yes darling.." mom replied, then my phone rings.

Mom laughed after hearing my ringtone. Well, I'm a fan of a sponge living in the pineapple under the sea. I just smiled at her and answered the call

"Yes, Brian? How are you?", I asked. Then I told to mom I'm going inside then she came too. Mom went inside the kitchen and cooked something. I sat down on our mocha couch and returned to Brian.

"{Ire are you alright? What about your wound? Is it okay now?}"Asked Brian.

"Yes. I'm fine. Don't worry"

"{Okay, if you say so. By the way, the man who helped us yesterday, do you even know his name?}"

"No, "I replied.

"{I'm just curious. That man, looks familiar to me, or just because he's handsome?}" she joke.

"You really are Brian" I joked too. She laughed.

"{Okay, well, I just called you cause I'm worried about you, but your look fine. So See you tomorrow, Ire!}"

"Okay see yah," I said and she hangs up the phone. I put down my phone and that man comes into my mind again, I can't stop thinking about that man last night...

Who are you, a man with a red dragon in the back?