The Siblings Fight and the Bond

"Woaaaaahhhhh!!" shouted Brian. This ride is so fast, I can hear the scream of those people behind me. Brian screaming too, the voices of the people who ride here make my ear bleed. Then after the rides, we instantly went out.

"Oh my god that was fun!" she said, while her knees are shaking and her hair is so messy.

I just looked at her like this

( –_– )

"Yeah, it's pretty fun.."

"Glad you enjoy it. Oh, let's try that one," she said and head inside the haunted house, of course, we bought some tickets to enter this house. As the guy said we can go inside, Brian grabbed my hand and went in.

It's too dark here the small lights from the ceiling are the ones who gave lights inside. The theme is of course a house but haunted, there are lots of cobwebs inside, spiders, and weak wooden furniture.

First, we traveled to the kitchen

"Don't be afraid, Ire. I'm here fo-WAH!" She screamed when we saw a white lady standing near the dirty sink, she immediately looked at us and walk fast towards us, just like in the movie.

"Gaaahhhh!!! Let's get out of here!!" she said while squeezing my hand so tight.

"Okay.." (- _ - ). Then we both head out from the kitchen, the white lady stopped following us when we are now in the living room.

"Phew! Now let's... WAAAUUUGHHH!!!" She screamed when she saw zombies looking straight at her, a meter away from her. She screamed as usual, and my usual is always (- _ - ). We ran to the dining table then we saw Sadako and bloody Mary, so she screamed again. Wait.. where's the don't be afraid Ire?

"Waaaahhh two of them!!" she screamed and we both run upstairs and hid inside the children's room. She sighed with relief and I just looked at her saying are you okay?

"Don't look at me like that, of course, I'm okay.." she said with a smile giving me thumbs up with a frightened look.

"Good, because Chucky and Anabelle are right beside you, " I said while pointing those dolls beside her. Because she's sitting on the floor with those actresses of Anabelle and actor of Chucky is beside her. She slowly looked to her left, then those dolls smiled suddenly at her.

"Waaaaaaahhhhh!! Daddy!!" she screamed and Immediately rushed out of this room leaving me behind. I heard a small laughed from these dolls, but when they noticed me they're immediately stopped and scared me. I just looked at them as my normal face then walk out just like normal when...

"Out of the way!" yelled Brian, I rushed downstairs and saw her surrounded by those actors and actresses in monster costumes. The white lady still keeping her role to scare her and someone poke me from behind and I looked back then I saw a male zombie trying to scare me holding a bloody brain. I give him my normal look. Why would I get scared with this? It is not really scary... Then I saw some girls screaming who just went inside the haunted house, then bumped to him and he accidentally threw the bloody brain to my face then fell to the ground. Then the girl who bumped into the zombie guy screamed when she saw me and ran away saying WHITE LADY!!

"I said out of the way or I'll punch you!" threaten Brian, now it's going to be out of hand. I pulled her away from them. Then the white lady looked at me and screamed too, maybe because of the fake blood around my face. I looked back and I didn't saw the zombie guy maybe he run too, when we get out we decided to eat something. Of course, I wiped my face first with my handkerchief, luckily the blood is unnoticeable in my shirt and it's not hard to wipe out the blood in my face because it's just a liquid. We went near the fast food and eat some burgers, to calm Brian.

"Phew! This park is so amazing!" she said lively despite those scenes of Brian in the haunted house, glad she still enjoyed it.

"Yeah, I really enjoyed it, "I said. And take a sip of my soda.

"Yeah, after that let's get going now and try that one!" she said and point to another ride. I agreed and I feel my lips move.

{Meanwhil at Zire's POV}

I walk downstairs and saw Siren and X talking to my sister. Sitting on our L-shape black couch.

"Oh, there he is. The Sleeping Prince!" teased Zyna.

"Shut the f-"I stopped when she glared at me and clenched her fist. God, do you still love me?

"Anyways, why are you here?" I asked Siren and X. Zyna stood up and head towards the kitchen and doing her baking skills stuff so whatever.

We sat down on the couch, and I ordered the maids to bring me some beer.

"But, Señorito your sister-"

"Just do what I say!"I yelled at the maid. She bowed her head and quickly went inside the kitchen and took some beers.

"So why ar-?"

"WHAT?!"I stopped again as we heard Zyna yelled inside the kitchen. Oh god, can I take some rest?!

"What now?!"I yelled. I saw my sister came out of the kitchen.

"Zire, you want to drink some beers?! That is for Uncle Ryu!?"

"So what?! I'm already 18 years old!!"


"SINCE UNCLE RYU ISN'T HERE AND NO ONE DRINKING THAT FUCKING BEER, I DECIDED TO DRINK THAT ON MY OWN AND TO SHARE IT WITH MY FRIENDS!!"I yelled at her and point at my friends. Zyna looked at them in fury, you can see a fire burning in her eyes.

"No. Water is fine for me, not beer," said Siren while trembling.

"Just coffee for me, and I'll be glad," said X with his normal face.

What the fuck!? Aren't they gonna support me!?


"TRY IT THEN!" yelled Zyna.

{At Siren's thought}

"YOU WILL NEVER GET THAT BEER, ZIRE!" yelled Zyna and threw anything she holds to Zire. And that brat man Zire is dodging all the attacks from Zyna.


"YOUR THE OLDER, BUT YOU LOOK LIKE A BABY! A KID! WITH A WET DIAPER!" teased Zyna and threw the black pillow to him, and as Zire of course he dodges it. This makes Zire angrier. Look like, I am watching siblings fight with things that are flying in front of me. I noticed that some of the maids and the butler are just facepalming like they are already used to it. I looked at Xean who's reading his book again not giving attention to THIS.

"Man, you still reading that book? Even if we're in a war?" I whispered to him. The yelling and fighting against these siblings are so loud that Xean can't even hear what I say.

We are more like in a Call of Duty.

~ Call of Duty scene ~

"Siren, X, I need some backup!" said Zire while hiding behind those stone walls firing her sister who's good at covering herself.

"You won't get away from me, Brother Zire!" yelled Zyna then made an evil laughed. Zire still firing his little sister but Zyna is good at taking cover.

"Siren, I'm out of ammo!" yelled Zire.

"I am too! Xean spare me some ammo!"I said to Xean, we're here hiding behind these barrels laying our body on the ground, and I saw Xean laying on the ground. I came near him while crawling.

"Xean, are you okay? Are you hit?" I asked. He didn't answer I check him and there's no wound. He's looking at the sky while lying on the ground placing his both hands above his chest then I saw his favorite book under both hands, it got shot and it's not readable now.

"Oh no Xean! Help Zire! Xean needs CPR!"I yelled to Zire.

"I'm coming!"Zire said and stopped firing his sister. Then he ran here so fast, but her sister manages to shoot him in his left shoulder. Zire fell down, blood dripping from his military suit. I came to him. While crawling of course.

"Zire no!"

"Save yourself! Leave us!"

"No, I won't!"

"Take care, my friend..." said Zire then he doesn't breathe anymore.

"Xean, Zire! No!"I yelled and stand up then grabbed my gun and start firing Zyna, she didn't see me and didn't expect that I'll shoot her. Zyna got hit and died.

I won the game...

~ End of Call Duty Scene ~

I laughed after I finished imagining. I saw Zire came near me. I looked at Xean who's still silent but I was shocked when I saw him looking at his favorite book got wet.

"Don't worry, just let it dry first then it's good as new.,"I said but then, I looked closer the pages of his book got to scratch, and it's unreadable

"Don't worry Xean it's not the end of the world!" I said. I felt someone grabbed my arms and I saw Zire.

"Let's go somewhere safe!" he said exhausted but then Zyna threw the remote off their T.V and Zire didn't dodge it so he gets hit right on his head. He moaned and grab his head.

It looks familiar. Oh! Like in my imagination, it became true!

We ran outside, far away from his mansion, I saw Zyna following us but after we went outside the gate of their mansion, she gave up.

Please somewhere safe. I don't want to come back again, And I will never daydream again at their mansion...