The Siblings

"So you too are searching for a part-time job?" asked Mom to Brian who is sitting next to my mom, and dad isn't here because he's at his job. So it's only Me, Brian, and my Mom.

"Yes, Aunt Saoirse, and also I need this for my tuition fees in school" she answered and eat her pancakes that Mom made, got a little burned.

"Oh, did your Mother get—?"Mom stopped when she realized what she's saying is not a good topic.

"Oh, pardon me.."Mom apologizes

"No it's okay, Auntie" smiled Brian and continue eating the pancakes.

"By the way, It's okay to us about Blue getting a part-time job since she told us about this yesterday and her Dad also agreed about this.." said mom changing the subject, and took some bite on her pancake.

"And please, be careful. I don't want both of you to get hurt again" she added.

"We will, Mom. Promise"I said and when we finished eating our breakfast, I kissed my mom on her cheeks and say goodbye.

When we are now outside our house away from our house I looked at her. I know that she is being sensitive when it comes to her Mom.

"Hey, Brian, I'm sorry about l—"

"No don't be.." she smiled. But still, I can sense that she's sad.

"I love my mom, even though she's like that sometimes, getting fired as always.. and stuff," she said while looking in front of her...

"But you know she's a good mother because she agreed to stay here in Massachusetts, because of me. Because she knows how we are so close to each other, we are best friends since elementary till now, and I'm glad" I said and turned my attention in my front...

"Haha, you know you changed a lot since you met him," she said while laughing and put her hand above my right shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"Look you even learned how to smile without pretending!" she replied, I didn't even realize I'm smiling.

"You're improving now Ire!" she added. Is this true? Did I learn how to smile? No, I think I'm just pretending, maybe... I don't know...

"And by the way, thanks for always being here for me" she added and wrapped her arms around me.


{Meanwhile at Zire's POV}

I woke up because of sun comes towards my closed eyes, I think Zyna open my curtain again.. ugh!. I pick whatever it is and cover it in my face, but later on, I smell something bad, I open my eyes and saw my brief is on my face.

"The fuck!"I shouted, I immediately threw it away from me. I saw my younger devil sister standing in front of me crossing her arms, lifted her left eyebrow, and looked at me, I knew she's the one who opened the curtain.

"Now, you know what kind of smell you have," she said wearing her blue dress that dad gave her last year. I sighed and ignored her, I stood up and stretch my arms. I went inside my bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and so on. As I'm gonna take off my shorts the door in my bathroom plunge opened, and of course, I immediately grab the door.

"Brother Zire! You should learn how to clean your own room!"

"What the hell, Zyna! Get out of here!"I yelled.

"Geez! Why are you look so embarrassed?" she teased, looking at me in a teasing way.

"I already saw that little thing of yours!" she added and made a small giggle.

"It's not a little th—AHH, just do what I say!"I said and pushed her out then closed the door. Shit!

"Hey, you forget your towel!" she yelled and I opened my door a little bit and took my towel in her hands. She gives me that creepy smile again, I know she's planning something.

And I was right, she instantly pushed the door and forcing herself to went in and as a man, I tried to push it too so that she won't get inside.

"Hahah, let me in Brother! Let me see that thing!" she teased and still pushing the door with all of her strength. God, this kid is driving me crazy!

"No! NO! Fuck! Zyna, stop it!"I yelled then she gave up and I immediately closed the door and locked it. I heard her evil laugh outside my bathroom.

"Fine! Just head downstairs after you take a bath"

"Yeah!"I yelled. I'm so HAPPY to have a sister like her.

I took off all my clothes until I'm totally naked. I turned on the shower, as the water comes from my head to my abs down to my feet, I lifted up my face

I loved my sister, even though she's a devil sometimes or always, and also tried to kill me by throwing some glasses like what you witnessed before, but I loved her. She's the only one left for me who is always there for me and cared for me. Sometimes when I was sick she's always taking care of me. I was sick back there because of something when I was 10 yrs old, I came home wet then tomorrow morning I got a fever, and dad wasn't there. But Mom isn't there too, she's in her business and she did everything just to go back home.. but Dad doesn't care about it.

When mom is still not coming home, Zyna took care of me, she even cut her classes just to be there for me. That's why she looks like an adult than me, I am the older brother but Zyna became more mature than me. I loved her but I can't stop being mean and cold to her sometimes, but I'm glad she understood me after that incident, but sometimes I helped her in school, in homework, or baking some hell cupcakes.

She looks like my mom, her face even the eyes of the mom are the same, so whenever I miss mom I just looked at her and everything's gonna be fine.

As I finished, I went out and saw my room is now cleaned. I know who did this, it's Zyna. She always cleaning my room when she had time. I just smiled and wear my simple white shirt and black pants then went downstairs. When I'm half taking a stepped downstairs I saw a woman standing in front of our front door. She's wearing a black slim dress above the knee and sleeveless it looks like she wants to show her body for everyone and red lipstick but not so dark, and black high-pointed heels. I'll bet this woman just came to a funeral...

"Who are you?"I hear my younger sister talking to her when I'm totally getting near to them I see...

"What are you doing here, Irashelyn!?"