The Job Hunting

"Hi, Sir! We are looking for a part-time job a—"

"Sorry, we have enough employee's here"stopped the security guard to Brian she pouted and we both walk away. Next, we try the grocery store, we go near the security guard again. And as usual, we declined again.

"But there's a si—"

"I told you there's no hiring here, so go!" stopped the lady guard to Brian. I can sense that Brian is now totally mad, I can even see her head turning all red, and some smoke from her ears.

"Ughh! What's wrong bout you!? All the security guards are so mean to us!! Like #$& *¥€£ ¥€¢!"

"What did you say?" said the lady guard while lifting her right eyebrow, I grab Brian's arm and try to calm her then looked at the lady guard.

"Don't mind her, we are going to leave now" I said and pulled Brian away from the lady guard.

"No, Ire that—!"

"Stop it, Brian...!" I whispered.

When Brian calmed down we decided to stop over inside the Seong'sue Cafe, to refresh our bodies. It's really hot outside there, but not so hot it's just because we're sweating trying to find a part-time job. We already ask 3 restaurants and 1 grocery store but none of them accept us. We sat next to the glass wall, a table only for two.

Brian ordered some frappe and also me. She looked at me very exhausted.

"Why does none of them accept us, even try to interview us? What's wrong with us, we smell great, we even take a shower and our breath smells good, so why? We are both beautiful, gorgeous, and smart— I mean you are the only one who's smart here, but still why? Why doesn't even one of them accept us!?" yelled Brian and slammed the wooden table. Now all the customers here are looking at us.

"Look, maybe there's a reason for every happening right now. We just need to move on and find another and never gave up." I replied to her. She smiled at me and finally she boost her confidence.

"Yah! Don't give up! You're so smart, Ire!" she said and there's a thumbs up again and I just nodded. But then she went back to her sad face again while dropping her face above the table.

"Just try to appreciate the theme of this place, Brian. Look, it's beautiful here in Seong'sue Cafe, why don't you try it too? Just look around.." I have no other thing to say, she lifted up her head and placed her cheek above her left hand while her left elbow is above the table. She looks around bored.

"Yeah, it is.." she said and I nodded. This place has a great style the theme of the room is like a Korean place theme. The design of the wall on the left only is a pink tree of cherry blossoms and some flowers it is spreading over the whole wall, there are also three love quotations square pictures. The first one placed next to the cherry blossoms tree is...

There is no love, and there is no broken heart. But it's so magnificent that it makes love worthwhile to suffer for.

Then the next one who's just next beside the first is...

It's not the loss of someone you care about that hurts the most; it's the hope that they'll return that does.

And I guess it struck Brian's heart.

And the third one is...

A breakup may not automatically imply the end of a relationship. Some just utilized it since it was the best choice available to them.

"Love quotes? Psh, sorry I'm bitter. The only thing I knew is 'love hurts'" she said and our order came and we drink our frappe.

"But you always approach some cool guys, and I remember that you really wish to have a boyfriend.."I said.

"Yep, but.. I just realized if you find the love you'll find the wrong man, but if you wait then the right man will come to you. I just need to wait, and.. stop asking someone's number from now on heheeh" she laughed. At least now she's not sad.

The tables here are so nice too, it's a wooden table and chair with a dark brown color, the ceiling is a dark brown color too, and the lights are the color yellow in every corner of the room, and there's a big round light same color as the other bulbs, not so bright not so dim just in the middle.

At the right side at the corner is a dark brown desk color too and the color of the walls of it is just the same color of the wooden tables and the roof and the desk too, where they called a counter desk, and some machines in there too, and the menu above. Besides it is the kitchen I guess, there's a small window in the kitchen where the orders came in and out, there's a bell on it to call the waitress to get the orders.

In the front is the comfort room of course with a white-colored wall, this room is huge, much larger than our room. The flooring is nice, lightly faded yellow floor. It's like a classy cafeteria, but the prizes are affordable. I looked at Brian who came back to her sad face.

"But where should we be supposed to find a part-time job?" she asked, I'm just starting to think of another idea but then someone came near us, we both looked at her from her stomach up above. A blonde tall girl who's so pretty with brown hazel eyes, I guess this woman is now a college student, and I bet she's between 20 or 24 years old. Brian wants to ask this girl but the girl spoke.

"Do you want a part-time job?" she asked. Her voice is so calm and likes an angelic voice. No words come out from our mouths, we just nodded.