He saved me

I came home to my mansion and saw my maids who greet me as I stepped inside.

"Good Afternoon Miss Moon" I just nodded to them. One maid offered herself to put my bag in her hands. I did as what she wants.

"Where's Mother?"I asked and sat down on our fuchsia L-shaped couch then the other maid gives me a glass of wine and I drank it instantly.

"Your mother is not here right now, Miss Moon." the maid replied as she poured the wine in my glass.

"Then where is she?!" With rage in my voice, I inquire. She never remained here for more than a year, and when I saw her in the morning, I urged her to come here and wait for me, but she still decided to leave? She gulps before responding. Hmph, you wuss.

"S-shes in New York, Miss Moon to take care of your business there, 15 minutes ago.." she replied. Ugh, they're always like that. Leaving me here in this big freaking mansion all by myself except those maids, bodyguards, and drivers. My Butler, George Roman is the one who's always there for me. He became my father when my dad is not around and act more like a father than my dad.

"Miss Moon, telephone for you," said the other maid, I open my palm and she put the telephone in my hand.

"Who's this?"

"{Irashelyn, it's your dad}"I sat down properly and wait for the good news.

"Dad? So what happened? Did you talk to him? What he said?"I continuously ask.

"{He, didn't agree..}"

"WHAT!? WHY!?" The maids are shocked as I rose up and confronted him aggressively.

"{He said, he's not the one who will decide for his son}"

"Then do everything!"

"{There's no other way, honey. I'm sorry}" he said and he was going to say something when I already hang up the call. What an old hag! Useless... Because of my rage, I toss the phone away from me, causing it to smash on the floor. The maids move away from me, and I continue to wander, left and right, pulling my hair.

" Miss Moon, is everything alright?"I looked at my back angrily and saw my butler standing there.

"Father!"I said then hugged him.

"I need your help" I added and cry at his chest.

"Don't worry dear. I'm always here"

{Zire;s POV}

Finally, our order came, two waiters came to us. One of the waiters put a neat towel in our lap, and the other one pours the Dolcetto wine into our glasses.

" Divertitevi (Translation: Please enjoy)" said the waiter, I just nodded at him then they left us.

"Wow this is so delicious!" said Brian while taking a bite of her food then I saw Sapphire widened her eyes.

"It's pretty good"

"Yeah, sure it is" I replied. We continue eating without talking, Brian eating her food like a pig doesn't care about other people who are looking at her. Well, I'm like that sometimes but I'm doing it in the right place where there are no many people looking at me.

"Hey, slow down Monkey," I said to her. She just nods and continues eating. Like she didn't even understand what I'm saying.

"By the way, is it your first time here eating with someone?" asked Sapphire while continue eating, there's a pause before I answer her.

"My family usually ate here when I was a child"

"Oh, then. When is the last time you ate together with your family?" Brian asks while eating her food.

"When I was 7 years old" I replied. They both stopped and stared at one other, and then Sapphire stares at me as if she's scrutinizing and reading my mind as if she already knew. I simply ignore her, both of them, and continue to eat. Actually, I'm not sure why I treated them here, despite the fact that there are several eateries nearby. Maybe I just want to try eating here with someone else again. But why did I pick this monkey and this..... cold-blooded female I called White Lady?

I still don't know why she gets bullied before. She told me that she was bullied back before because of her condition, but still, I can't find a good reason for that why did they do that to her, and who are they? Well, anyway, there's nothing good about getting bullied. She's not the only one who gets bullied before...

"Zire.." I came back to reality to face Sapphire who's calling me.

"What is it, White Lady? Did you like the food?" I asked and looked back at her.

"Are you sure your alright?"

"Yes, "I replied, I'm used to it lady.

"Ho—os—not" I look at Brian who's talking with her mouth is full.

"Hey, Monkey! Don't talk if your mouth is full" she swallows her food and glared at me.

"You always call me, Monkey! You stupid bastard!" shout Brian because of this the waiter who is standing beside us widened his eyes like he can't believe that someone can call a bastard to a Raeve.

"Yeah, and you keep calling me a white lady" whispered Sapphire while continue eating.

"Tss, it's not my fault. When I first saw you, you really look like a white lady, so you should get used to it" I answered her while looking at her then she looked at me with no emotion and she's creepy, she's not blinking at all!!

"Yeah, you fucking bastard asshole!!" cursed Brian. I glared at her and hoping that she understands what I mean.

"Shhh! Can you just zipper your mouth if you can't say anything good..!?" I irritatedly muttered to her, Sapphire agreed, and Brian shut her lips and continued eating.


{Sapphire's POV}

"Excuse me for a moment," I said and stand up.

"Where are you going?"Zire asks, Brian just look at us while continue eating.

"At the comfort room, "I replied.

"Oh, okay," said Zire and look away. And head to the comfort room and step in. I stop in front of the mirror, I open the grip and wash my face.

I'm getting worst. I can't pretend too long. I think.. I'm slowly giving up on my goal, to be cured.

But lately, Brian told me I'm smiling. Is this the side effect of forcing myself to do those fake emotions? I'm smiling, maybe yes, but I can't feel the happiness. All I know is I need to be happy with Brian and my friends but I can't feel it.

My phone vibrates from my sling bag, I open it and pick up my phone. I dried my face with my clean handkerchief. And open my phone.

Oh, totally forgot my medicine.

I took my medicine inside my bag and drank it without water. Even though, mom knew that I'm changing little by little she still kept me taking this medicine because she thought it's the reason that I'm cured. But not. I'm still not cured. But I want them to be happy so I pretend to be normal. Sometimes I feel jealous every time I see someone's crying because I want to cry for myself for them, but I can't.

I take a deep breath and clean myself then I stepped outside and head towards them.

"Hey, Ire! Try this wine!" offered Brian, I smiled at her and take my glass of wine and took a sip.

"This is... Amazing" I mumbled she smiled then Zire put his glass in the air to make a toss. We put it all together then drank it.

"Wow! What a treat!" yelled Brian.

"Glad you guys enjoyed," said Zire and call the waiter. He asks for the payment then the waiter goes back to take the bill.

"Yeah thanks about this," I thank him. He looks at me and smiled, then the waiter came with a bill placed above the serving plate he's holding. Then Zire gives his credit card to the waiter and he walks back to the counter.

"But you know drinking this wine too much makes you drunk–"

"Your really a rich kid!" said Brian and I look at her, like what I said lately, it will make you drunk.. cause now she's totally drunk. Actually, she drank too much wine so fast, and I just drank only one glass of wine.

"Hey, Monkey! Are you drunk?" ask Zire worriedly. Brian shook her head and smile.

"I'm never getting drunk, hehe"

"But, Brian you look—"

"Hey, Airhead!"I stopped when Brian talk to Zire. He just looked at her. Then the waiter came and give back the credit card to Zire. When Zire was going to take his credit card to the waiter Brian speak..

"Do you like Sapphire?" asked Brian, Zire shocked then the waiter froze and I just look at her saying..


WE ARE now outside the restaurant. Putting Brian's arm around my neck on the left side then Zire is on the other hand. He called someone to pick us here and drive Brian to her home.

The thing that Brian said lately still playing inside my mind.

Do you like Sapphire?

Why is it always running inside my mind? I look at Zire who's looking on the other side. We haven't talked since Brian ask that question, why did she ask that?

Then a Red Limo stopped in front of us, the window of the driver goes down and looked at me.

"Who are you?" the driver asks me. I don't know what to say but then Zire talks to the driver.

"Hey! Can you give us a ride?"

"Sure come on in, Señorito" offered the driver.

"Cut it out the Señorito, okay?" said Zire to the driver, then the driver nods.

We put Brian inside the car and then we both came in. Brian is in between. I look outside the window. I'm on the left while Zire is on the right. Silence came in this car, I guess the driver notice this.

"Sir, is this your friends? Or one of them is you—?"

"Just keep driving" ordered Zire, then the driver laugh. I saw Zire's ears turn red, is that kind of blushing like what I read in some books? I just look at the window and ignore what I saw.

Then I saw kids playing at the playground in the swing, in the slides, and other activities inside that playground, They all look happy but what caught my attention is the girl sitting on the grass while three girls surround her.

There's one girl with a blonde curly waist-length hair, wearing a pink floral dress and pink shoes, playing with her ball alone. She reminded me of when I was young, playing alone but I think she's enjoying it. But this group of girls that surrounds her, snatch the ball from her, I think they are arguing right now, then this girl with black shoulder-length hair throws the ball on the road and they both laugh leaving the girl alone.

"Wait stop the car, please, " I said while still looking at the girl. But I feel the car immediately stop.

"What are you thinking White Lady?" ask Zire shocked. And the driver looks at me too.

No hesitation, I decided to get off of the car to head where's the ball is. I opened the door and went outside.

"Hey, White Lady where are you going?" asks Zire. I didn't answer him, even look back at him, my eyes are focused on the ball. I decided to take the ball first and give it to her. So then I went in the middle of the road to get the ball, but then when I get near it and I was going to pick it up, a sound of a horn made me look to the upcoming truck.

The loud noise of the horn made me deaf. But still, I can barely hear the voice of someone calling my name.
