The Beast's Strange feeling.

"Hey White Lady where are you going?" I ask her but she didn't reply. I saw her walking toward the middle of the road. I look at the ball laying in the middle of the road, don't tell me she wants that ball? She can just buy some new and prettier than that ball.

What she's up to?

I open the door and I was going to step out when Brian pull my shirt. I look at her and say..

"What the hell?"

"I'm gonna puke!" said Brian. Oh shit! This is not good!

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't puke at me!"I yelled then the driver looks at us.

"Hey, Mr. Zire, look!" he yelled and point out the upcoming truck towards Sapphire.

Oh, fuck!

I rushed outside the car, but still Brian pulling my shirt.

"Get, your hands off of me!"I shouted at her and tried to take her hands away from my shirt, but she didn't let up and is still pulling at my shirt. The vehicle is getting closer and closer. And my heart is pounding so hard.

"WHITE LADY! Get out of there!"I yelled but she didn't hear me. The driver helps me and put the hands of Brian to his. The driver of the truck, horn his car that made Sapphire look at the upcoming truck.

What the hell? She didn't even make a move..!

I ran towards Sapphire. As fast as I could wishing the power of flash possess at me, just this time only and I ran to her.

"Sapphire!"I shouted and placed my hands around her, leading us to the other side. We rolled and rolled till we came to a halt. I think the truck stopped too, and I believe Sapphire was just one meter away when the truck collided with her, thankfully, I grab her before the truck crashed into her. I open my eyes. I honestly don't know why I closed my eyes; perhaps it was because I couldn't bear the thought of dying?

When I opened my eyes, I froze. I am on top of her. I notice her eyes widened a little. Her brown eyes make me confused how did they think to named her Sapphire?. Her beautiful pink lips. Her cute pointed nose, and pale white skin.


Yes, I might be a bad boy, but still, I respect the virginity of a woman, I never have sex, UGH! WHAT AM I SAYING!? I felt my ears turn red. The ball she's holding is on beside her, maybe she accidentally drops it when I pushed her and rolled here.

"You okay?" she asks. I rise up and assist her in getting up while avoiding eye contact.

"Tss, are you deaf?! Didn't you hear what I said!?" I ask and muster all of my power just to gaze at her. She didn't look at me or respond; instead, she picked up the ball and handed it to the blonde young girl. This girl smiled at her, and many people here are staring at us, maybe thinking that this scenario is straight out of a movie, freaking hole I never want to waste my life, but why did I save her? Ugh! That is something that everyone will do, Zire... I looked at the truck driver, who was shouting from inside his vehicle.

I came near to it and knock on his door so damn hard, I really wish that I can break his door by my knock. He opens his door and went out to face me. He's drunk, like Brian, he's totally wasted.

"Hey, Kiddo! Tell your friend if she doesn't wanna die, don't play in the middle of the road!" he yelled. I notice that there are two bottles of beer inside his truck. And you know what? He is the one who gets mad at us, like what the hell? He is scolding me! Bullshit!

"So do—!" He came to a halt when I punched him in the fucking face. The man collapsed and fell asleep.

Tss, easy to knock him down..

"Thanks for your concern.."I said sarcastically to the man who's now asleep on the ground.

I called the police to arrest this man, who is drunk while driving this fucking, 16 wheeler truck. Nice right?

"Yes, in front of Laurie's Laundry Shop. Okay, thank you.."I said and hang up my phone. I look at my back and see Sapphire directly look at me.

"What is it, White Lady?"

"Thank you for saving me.." she said and still expressionless but I can feel that she's really grateful for what I've done.

"Tss, be aware next time.." I said then avoid her eyes again.

To make myself busy, I took my phone once again and pretending I'm calling someone. Then I saw the number of Zyna, I immediately dial it. But all I hear is a ring, ring blah blah, maybe she's busy so I hang up.

"Zire?"It made me jump a little and I look behind my back to see Sapphire.

"What is it again, White Lady?" I ask. There is a short pause before she continues.

"Are you... okay? Or maybe hurt?" she asked. That made me look at her, is she worried about me? Ugh, Zire, she's cold-blooded remember?

"I'm fine, don't worry.." I said and walk away from her, I called someone and I don't know who it is, I just click the first number to appear in my phone log to help me pretend that I'm busy.

"Man, like what the hell?"I mumbled to myself.

"Why my heart is pounding so fast!"

"Like, shit! What's the matter with Sapphire? I know she looks like her, but I can't look into her dang gorgeous eyes; it's as if she's catching me and imprisoning me in her heart, ugh! What exactly am I saying? Yes, she's beautiful, kind and I know it wasn't right but I think I'm—"

"{In love?}" When I heard someone talking on my phone, I came to a halt. I quickly remove my phone and look to see who I phoned.

Fuck! it's Zyna.

I immediately throw my phone away from me.

"Wh-why did you throw your phone Zire?" asked Sapphire. I didn't answer her, and I feel like my ears turn red.