The weird Sensation

We are now inside the car. There is a silence between me and Zire, I'm still thinking why did he throw his phone lately. The driver kept looking at us from the front mirror, I just ignore it and looked outside the window. Brian slept and lean her head on my shoulder. The driver said she puked lately. I hope her Mom won't be mad seeing her like this.

Minutes later, we arrived in front of Brian's house. It's simple, it looks like our home. But I can sense there's something wrong, I hope everything's fine with her mom. The driver and Zire help Brian to get up and I rang the doorbell.

But no one opens the door, I guess no one's home. I tried to open the door but it's locked. I came near to Brian who's half asleep.

"Hey, Brian. Do you have your keys?"I ask. She lifts up her head and shook her head. I opened his bag and searching for some keys, but found nothing.

"What the freak? This woman has no keys on her own house?" yelled Zire. I just nodded. Now, what should we do? Wait, I have an idea, but let me think first about what will be the result of my idea..


"I have an idea, let's take Brian to our home" I offered and they agreed.

We came to my house and saw mom watching television. I knock and she saw me also Brian who can't barely walk.

"Oh gosh! What happened to Brian!" mom asks and rushed to her. She taps Brian's shoulder to wake her up.

"Hey, there little chick!" said Brian. Mom shocked because of what Brian acted in front of Mom. She angrily looked at Zire and the driver.

"I know you, your Zire right?" she asks. Zire nod.

"What the hell did you do to her?"

"N-no—" he stopped when Mom looked at me angrily.

"I told you! You're still young to drink alcohol!" yelled Mom. I tried to explain but she keeps talking.

"From now on! I won't let you hang out with this guy!"

¥End of Conclusion¥

Delete it, he's my friend who actually saved my life and I don't want to ruin our friendship. Forget what I think. I guess in Zire's house? No, Sapphire. It's a bad idea to let my friend stay in a guy's house. Still, he is a guy what if...?


Brian slept in the bed of Zire. Then Zire came in. Me, I am in the kitchen making some soup for Brian.

Then Zire slowly crawled in Brian. Brian woke up and saw Zire who is on top of her.

"You awake now, Monkey," While playing his left hand to Brian's stomach, Zire said in a seductive tone.

"Whet er yeh doing? Eme gesh!"

She tried to scream but later on, she agreed and they did those things in bed.

¥End of Conclusion¥

Sapphire, what are you doing? Zire is not like that. He's a good guy, he also saved my life. But still, he's a guy, and I won't let my best friend stay in a guy's house. Because Brian is so fragile towards men, and Zire includes the guy she likes.

"Hey, White Lady! What are you thinking?" Zire asks and looks at him.

"uhm.." there are no words coming out from my mouth. What shall I say?

"What was that? Are you okay?" he asks. I just nodded.

"Okay then, so what shall we do now?" he asks. There's no concept coming to mind again, but it's just in time. Brian's mum arrived. I approached her and welcomed her, telling her that Brian was inebriated.

"Oh, again. Thanks, Sapphire, let me handle this. Sorry for the trouble" she apologized.

"No, no it's okay Aunt Isabella," I said, and then she opened the door then they put Brian in her room. All of us go outside and wave to Aunt as a goodbye.

"By the way, Zire, thanks for the treatment later in the Italian Restaurant, " I said while looking at him.

"No prob. Let me drive you safe to your home" he offered I nod and came in.

After a while, we were already in front of my house. I also thank him and went inside. I sat down on my bed and told Mom that I was weary and needed to sleep. I change back into my regular clothing. T-shirt and shorts in a big size. I put my sling bag back in its place and return to my bed.

The window is opened. That gives my room a little brightness. I.. can't forget what happened lately.


His voice keeps running in my mind, he saved my life. I thought I'm gonna die that time when the truck is coming towards me, but then he saved me. He runs just to save me. And now, I can't believe this... What is this feeling? I felt my heart is pounding, every time I remember that he is on top of me, near me, and smiled at me. His ears turn red. And it's... quite cute.

But still, my heart keeps pounding right now. Zire? What did you do to me?

{Meanwhile at Zire's POV}

Now, look who's here," said my sister while crossing her arms standing in front of our front door when I stepped out of the car.

"Yeah, here's your napkin, "I said and give her the napkin, she instantly took it and run to her room. She's still embarrassed about her napkin.

"Señorito do you ne—"

"Nah, I'm fine," I said and went into my room. I lay down in my bed. Fuck! What the hell is wrong with me? Yes, someone says I'm a bad boy, I made hundreds of women cried because of me, and I'm a fucking woman-hater. But the only thing I cant believe is, why do I keep hanging out with them? Especially with Sapphire?.

I came back to my senses when someone opened my door. And you already know who it is.

"Tss! Zyna, when will you learn to knock first before entering my room!?"

"That will never happen.." she instantly replied. She sat down next to me, and I just closed my eyes forcing myself to sleep.

"By the way, who is Sapphire?"

"She's nothing!"I answered.

"Then why are you so defensive?" She mocked, and I glared at her fiercely.

"I told you she's nothing! She's just my friend!"I replied and move my body to the side to ignore her.

"Really? Then can you explain this to me?" she said and played the recorder on her phone.

"Man, like what the hell?"

"Why my heart is pounding so fast!"

" Like, shit! What is wrong with Sapphire? I know she looks like her, but still, I feel uneasy, like I can't look in her damn beautiful eyes, whenever I look at her eyes it looks like she's capturing me and prison me in her heart, ugh! What am I saying?. Yes, she's beautiful, kind and I know it wasn't right but I think I'm— "

"In love?"

What the fuck!? Why did she record it?

I stand up and try to snatch her phone but she immediately runs away from me.

"Zyna! Delete it at once!"

"No, unless you're telling me who is she!" she said. I know I can get that phone but she's gonna cry, bite my finger, curse me, and everything bad she knows that can do to me. And of course, I'll be known as a bad brother again.

"Who is she, are you in love with her? Who is she, are you in love with her? WHO IS SHE, ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH HER?" She keeps asking. And, to be honest, her voice is starting to bother me!