Mom of the Two Beasts

I woke up, as the brightness of the sun strike into my eyes.

I slept half of a day.

I stood up and stretch my arms. I heard a knock on my door and it opened.

"Darling are you awake?"

"Yes, mom" I answered.

"Then after you clean yourself, head to the kitchen okay?"

"Okay then, Mom"

I head inside my bathroom and take a bath, brush my teeth, and wore a pastel sleeve blue dress with a white floral belt on my waist and white sandals, and head towards the kitchen. I saw dad wearing his shoes. Totally forgot, today is Sunday so we are heading to the Church.

I greeted my dad and went inside the kitchen. I saw Mom placing the pancakes and bacon on a plate.

"Tell your father it's time to eat," she said and I nod. I went back to my dad who is getting a hard time tying the laces of his shoes.

"Oh, dad. Let me do it"I offered. He agreed and when it's done we went inside the kitchen to eat our breakfast.

"We shouldn't be late," said Mom. And we ate fast, not that so fast, we don't want some solid food stuck inside our throat.

When we finished eating I head back to my room to get my phone. I forgot to put it in my bag. When I pick up my phone I saw one notification.

There is one friend request. I wonder who it is? I open my Facebook and check who it is, and I saw the account of..

Zire Apollo

{At Zire's POV}

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" yelled Zyna. I just ignore her and go back to sleep. She then hops on top of me and shakes my shoulders.


"Fine! Fine! I am awake!"I replied. And sat down. Zyna smiled and get down on me.

"Go downstairs, and don't sleep half-naked again" added Zyna.

Tss that kid!

I pick up my phone to see Siren and X's latest photos on Facebook also on Instagram. I saw Siren's photo at the bar with his other friends, then X has nothing. I open my Facebook when I saw my notification.

A friend accepted your request!

I wonder who I added last night, and I never add someone I don't know. Well, I don't remember I used my phone before I slept. I click it to see who it was. And I was stunned when I see the name...

Sapphire Willowfield


{Meanwhile at Zyna's POV}

"What was that?" ask Aunt Six, while the other maids holding her things and bring them to her room. Yes, she came home early from her province. It is actually a surprise for my brother because he is so close to Aunt Six and me too.

"Well, it's my brother I guess.."

"Then why is he—?"Aunt Six stopped talking when my brother yelling my name while running downstairs.

"ZYNA! DID YOU DO THIS!?" he asks like a kid who lost his favorite lollipop when he gets near me while showing his phone. I nod with a teasing smile. His anger filled his head, and I can see his ears turning red. Geez! His blushing


"Why? You ask me why?!" yelled my brother. Aunt Six stood beside us but he still didn't notice our Auntie. Then Auntie taps my brother's shoulder.

"Don't bother me, I'm talking to her" said Zire while showing his palm to Aunt Six and didn't even look at her.

"You little Zyna! Fu—!" when Zire is going to say some words that are forbidden here in our Mansion IF Aunt Six is here. Auntie immediately pulls the ear of my brother. And now he notices her. Just now.

"Ow! Ow! Who the f—?! Aunt Six!?" he asks shocked. I just smiled at him.

"Señorito Zire, you still haven't changed a bit. Your still a kid I take care of when you were young," said Aunt Six while pulling the ear of my brother downward while scolding him and Zire suffering pain from her, I stood there laughing, I missed seeing my brother getting scold by Aunt Six cause she's the only one who can tame him.

Since mom gave birth to my brother, Aunt Six is also there. They became friends they both take care of my brother and also me when I was born. Aunt Six is Mom's personal maid when she was a teenager. Then she became our second mother when mom died.

She is now 59 years old, She is always there for us and became our second mother when she was 53, and she was 30 years old when she became mom's personal maid when Mom was still maiden, and since then we became comfortable with her. She took care of us until now, but she visited her relatives last month that's why she's not here for the whole month.

"Señorito Zire! You should stop saying those words!" said Aunt Six and still pulling his ears.

"Ow! Y-yes Aunt Six, I'm sorry" he apologized. Then Auntie let go of his ears. My brother rubbed his ears to lessen the pain, it's really red now haha!

"You just arrived now, Auntie?"

"What do you think?" asks Aunt Six sarcastically. Brother Zire just rubs her back hair. Aunt Six pick the biscuits from the plate and give them to my brother also the milk.

"What was that?"

"A biscuit and a milk, Señorito" she replied.

"I know Auntie, but what for?" ask again my Brother, I just continue eating the biscuits that Auntie made and the milk she also made. She suddenly slaps the back head of my brother, which causes me to laugh so bad.

It's been a long time since I saw my brother being slap by Auntie.

"It's your breakfast, Señorito," said Auntie he then picked the biscuits and eat them then drink the milk. I know he doesn't want some milk he preferred beer.

Brother Zire sat on the couch eating the biscuits while watching the TV. Aunt Six sat down next to him and I sat opposite them.

"Who is Sapphire?" ask Auntie. That made Brother Zire spit his milk out of his mouth.

"Oh! Is that milk is so hot for you?" asked Auntie.

"Let me answer your question, Auntie. This girl's name Sapphire Willowfield is h—"I stopped when Brother came near me and hold my mouth.

"Nothing, just a friend"

"Then why are you acting so nervous?" curiously asks Aunt Six.

"She's just my friend!"

" No, she's not, "I said when I manage to get off his hand in my mouth.

"This girl is so special, she also tamed my brother you know!"I teased. Brother glared at me, but it's useless cause Auntie already heard the record.

"By the way, Señorito. Let's go to a church today" offered Auntie.

"Okay!"I happily said then rushed to my room, I saw Brother agreed with a bored face. But I saw Aunt Six talk to him like it's a serious matter.

Hmm, okay then. I'm not interested...