
"I'll be your member.."

"When the CROWS BECOMES WHITE!!"Brian yelled and throw the veggie salad right in front of my face. I froze there for a second. I can't believe she did this to me!! Right in front of everyone!!

Then I saw her walk away with her fucking friends. Tea and Sien burst out laughing then all of the people inside this room laughed so bad.

"Omg, Lyn. You look like a pig!" laughed Sien.

"Shut up! Both of you!"I yelled at my fucking friends. Then I looked at everyone.

"ALL OF YOU SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH!"I yelled to everyone then all of them shut their mouth and continue eating.


I sat down on the chair and took some tissue to wipe my face. Ugh! It's not even working. Then I stand up and step out from this fucking room and head to the comfort room. I locked the door so that no one except me was inside this room. Then I heard a knock.

"Hey open this, girl!" yelled someone from the outside.