"Yes it's me," she said. Then she sat down at the seat then Teodora sat too after her.

"That's our seat!" yelled Brian. I grabbed her hand to calm her and also to stop her while Shakira is in my back.

"Geez! We are the ones who sat here first, so it means it's ours"

"You just steal it from us," said Brian. Then all of the three laughed together.

"Is there a name of BRIAN written on this table?" asked Irashelyn while crossing her arms. Brian who's going to swear suddenly stopped when we saw the Disciplinary Committee members entered this room, so Brian tried to make herself calm. Irashelyn gives us a teasing smile and examines the table searching for the name of Brian.

"Well, there's nothing," she said and looked at us.

"Like what they said, the early bird catches the worm" added Irashelyn then laughed. The waiter came to them and gave their order, veggie salad, and yogurt.

Then after that when Brian saw those orders she began to lick her bottom lip.