Rosen's Dead

As if the ashes of the fallen, Full Moon Rosen's body disintegrated into nothingness. Roth's mouth dropped in shock… and he couldn't believe what he had seen. No, he couldn't accept what just happened. He then slowly held onto the sides of his head…

Until a thunderous cry rang out.

Everyone who had a connection to Full Moon Rosen felt it. His source of magic suddenly died out as if he was crushed into non-existence. Not only Wallace and Anastasia who gave birth to him… but also the servants of the Full Moon family all received a sudden hole in their dragon hearts. Rosen's magic vanished, and it wasn't even like this when it was time for voluntary reincarnation.

The worse to get hit by the feeling was Ainsley. Tears suddenly flooded his eyes as he felt like his whole body weakened. The dragon heart that had kept him alive was slowly disintegrating, and he didn't know how to properly hold onto it. There was simply nothing that he could do to keep it.