The sun had already shone from the west, and yet no one had still emerged from the White Coal Cove. Anastasia was among the people who were confused by the wait. Shouldn't Roth be out hours earlier, how come they still hadn't seen even a shadow of him? Was Roth trying to revive Sinclair from within the depths of the mountain?
However, Wallace was not doubting the process. He knew the mentality of his sons, or else he wouldn't have given them the liberty to do what they liked. Right now, he was just hoping that Roth wouldn't be too scared to come forth and solve a problem that the whole island had to face.
Tack-tack-tack. Footsteps echoed from inside the cave, but it was slow and rhythmic as if a stalking creature instead. The dragon elders waiting outside were all stunned when they began to see a woman walking towards the mouth of the cave leading inside the cove.