Chapter 16: Candy Factory

When they arrived at the confectionary room, Camille's description of it felt so underwhelming.

The room was larger than the other 'special rooms' and was bursting with vibrant colors.

The chocolate fountain at the center was definitely a main attraction.

The wrapped candies are scattered at the corners, fluffy cotton candies swirl at the sides, and candy canes hung at the walls.

It was as if it's meant to celebrate one's happiest days altogether.

Ali let go of Haru's hand and ran towards the oversized marshmallows and swirling pink and blue cotton candies.

Ali was clearly delighted by everything in the room.

Even Mr. Wang and Alicia who tasted the candies were instantly beguiled as if they returned to their childhoods.

Camille joined in and dipped bananas and sweets onto the chocolate fountain.

While absorbed in the light, fluffy, and dream-like room, Haru looked around and saw between the apple candies a shining gem.

It was the last teardrop-shaped ruby.

He stared at his reflection from it and kept wondering why they're suddenly transported to this place.

It's peaceful and strange at the same time.

He was lost in his thoughts until he felt a light tap from his shoulder.

He looked beside him and saw Ali handing out a chocolate bar.

Haru smiled, thanked the little boy, and patted his head.

Around an hour later, they returned to the bedroom and stared at the last ruby, trying to think of what they should do.

"We might be able to return to our original world if we are able to complete the pentagon stone," Camille hypothesized. "That's a probability too, right? I mean, like a puzzle that was left to us. And now that we have put together all the rubies, this could be the end of our mission. Something like that…"

"That could happen," Haru nodded. "Let's try it out."

Alicia and Ali agreed as well.

Mr. Wang stayed silent and just looked away.


Meanwhile, in their original world, a few hours before…

...people remained ignorant of the looming threat under their nose.

And somewhere near its epicenter, at an eerie and menacing shop, there sits a witch looking over at her tarot cards.

"Oh, what's this?" She pondered. "How interesting. Did he finally find some friends? That devil…?"

She cackled creepily, propelling her crystal ball with energy and light.

"He should've told me something if he was gonna do this. Did he just leave me out? Hmm, let's see…"

Images floated mysteriously and at her delight, the world where the five of them are, flashed before her.

There was a colossal and beautiful castle, rooms filled with pleasure and materials, and a group of people.

"Was this his work?" She asked in her mind. "This looks fun and interesting! And kind of absurd."

At the interface of her crystal, Haru's face remained on it.

"This boy," She chuckled. "He found a really, really bizarre world!"