Journal Entry 7
Day XX
Sometimes, my mind drifts off to places where it shouldn't be.
I keep thinking and wondering if this is really what I should be doing.
Even humans had pondered these and they called it 'existentialism'.
Why do I have to live on?
In the end, I'm not always thinking that this is for the sake of humans.
They never asked for this, right?
The only salvation that they have been seeking for decades and centuries… are the salvation from their gods.
But I'm not a god.
I'm neither powerful nor all-knowing.
I'm not even that kind.
In fact, I cause sins and mistakes, so there's no way I can measure up to them.
I'm just an insignificant devil that is being feared and avoided.
People only seek for me in the wrong ways if they have a bone-deep hatred or desire.
I'm often summoned for revenge, vendettas, and death.
These thoughts feel like it's crushing all my heart to do all this in the first place.
But in Tale Park World, I don't have to think of anything.
I just have to watch the parade, ride the attractions, play games, and eat cotton candies.
I'll enjoy the Tale Park World to the fullest.
And then, I'll enjoy it.
Then, I'll enjoy it again.
Then, I'll enjoy every day.
And then…
And then… what?
Will I just go round and round, spinning out of control?
And then what?