Chapter 31: Round and Round

Since yesterday, Alicia stayed inside the central tent, just repeatedly gazing at the infinite scenarios that come up her head with Eugene, her son.

There are times she'd see them, just laughing and talking on a living room sofa.

Sometimes, they're watching television while eating popcorn.

Sometimes, they're on a roller coaster ride with their hands up, screaming in excitement.

Sometimes, they're taking photos or cooking food or swinging in a park.

Haru and the others left her like that silently, thinking it's best not to bother her inside where she's comfortable and at ease.

Meanwhile, Camille, Haru and Ali tried exploring more, unable to enjoy the rides and attractions around them because it just didn't feel right with Alicia around.

Although, from time to time, they would try the grand Ferris Wheel with the three of them inside a single cabin.

They've enjoyed the sight of sunset the most.

Mr. Wang is still missing.

Soon, the night parade came again. Haru inspected it from a distance and found something valuable at its tail.

After the huge cartoon characters in the middle, there's an empty carriage being pulled along at the rear.

Haru climbed onto it and grabbed a shoe box-like container and the jewel beside it.

It was one of the teardrop-shaped rubies.

As he immediately got off the moving carriage, Camille caught him from behind. "Are you alright?" She instantly asked. "Your arm doesn't hurt?"

"I'm good," He responded with a smile. "More importantly, here's our gateway pass."

Camille's gaze went to the shoe box-sized container. "What's that?"

"Oh, I just grabbed it since it's beside the ruby, but it's probably nothing. Anyway, let's go and put this ruby in the portal stone already."


They returned to Haru's circus tent and met with Ali who's quietly munching some chocolates.

Haru put the shoe box-like container beneath his bed and casually pulled the circular stone.

"Hey, can I do it instead?" Camille giggled. "I've actually always wanted to try it!"

"Sure. I was the one who put the five jewels in the Castellia Fort anyway. The light is beautiful, isn't it?" Camille excitedly and gently put the ruby in the topmost carving and watched the lining glowed.

"I'll deliver food to Alicia," Haru stood up from his bedside. "Take care of Ali for a while."

Camille just gave a thumbs up and Haru went to fetch dinner from the booths.

When he arrived at the central tent, Alicia was still the same as he last saw her.